246 This bullet is for that crime

“I liked him... for a very long time but he never accepted me. Even when I offered him protection he still wouldn’t look at me the way you look at Yi Chen,” said the prime minister glancing back at Zi Han whose expression looked ghastly like he had seen a ghost.

“Han Han you only have a minute... hurry up,” said Lynn Feng as the drones outside started showing signs of life.

Prime minister Ikeda stood in front of Zi Han and stretched his hand but before his fingers could touch his face it paused mid-air.

“He wouldn’t accept me but you are just like me... Forget Yi Chen. When the Marshal finds out about you two he will most definitely pull you apart and Yi Chen will abandon you. But I can protect you... I can satisfy you more than he can. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay by my side.”

Zi Han who had been gazing at that portrait intently suddenly lowered his head meeting the prime minister’s eyes. Just when the prime minister thought that the prey had taken the bait Zi Han raised his handgun and said,

“You tried to kill Yi Chen and you almost succeeded. This bullet is for that crime.”


The sound of a gunshot rang in the air as the prime minister’s body slammed into one of the glass displays shuttering it to pieces. The prime minister pressed his hand against the wound as he sat up his complexion ghastly white.

“How can you fuckin trust a member of the Yi family? Argh shit,” said the prime minister while taking his trembling hand away from the bleeding wound. He stared at his blood at the tips of his fingers before saying,


“You are making the same mistake your father made. He trusted the wrong people and look what happened to him. He died like a dog in the street. Let me, let me protec... AAAHHH!!”

That painful scream was what followed after Zi Han fired two more shots.

“You have ten seconds to get out of there,” said Lynn Feng feeling a little anxious.

Zi Han put down the handgun tremblingly and pulled the bleeding man out of the secret room. Zi Han didn’t want anyone to know what sort of sick and twisted obsession prime minister Ikeda had over his father.

He grabbed a few pieces that seemed important before the wall closed off like it never existed. Prime minister Ikeda who was lying on the floor weakly grabbed Zi Han’s leg and whispered something with a creepy smile on his blood-stained lips.

Zi Han ruthlessly kicked him freeing himself before exiting the office the same way he came in. Just as he vanished into the night Sheba regained control and the scene turned chaotic as bodyguards rushed in trying to save the prime minister.

Zi Han didn’t stop flying his mech in stealth mode through the city. He passed the boundaries of the boisterous city and flew straight out into the deserted barren lands his emotions chaotic.

While mid-flight he disengaged his mental power from the mech and the mech vanished leaving Zi Han falling from the sky his actions deliberate.

He closed his eyes free falling back to the surface but before he could hit the ground he was caught by a familiar mech.

As they reached the ground the mech slowly set him down and his mother came out of Chronos her expression grave. She embraced Zi Han tightly her mind in a muddled mess as she repeated the same question over and over again.

“Why... why would you... wuwuwu why?” she cried out stroking Zi Han’s hair.

Zi Han buried his head in her embrace with his mother’s scent calming his chaotic emotions. He didn’t want to cry but his mother’s brittle voice jabbed at his heart opening the floodgates. Zi Han broke down in tears venting it all out in the barren lands of Capital Star.

Meanwhile, Yi Chen who was sleeping peacefully stretched out his hand to pull Zi Han into his arm but all he felt was the cold sheets.

Thinking Zi Han had gone to the bathroom, Yi Chen called his name in a muffled voice but there was no response.

“Han Han,” he called out again this time opening his eyes a tiny slit but when he saw no one his heart lurched as he sat up straight. He grabbed his pants and put them on before rushing downstairs but just like in the bedroom he was all alone.

With a slight sense of crisis, he rushed upstairs and grabbed his light brain before calling him.

After waiting for less than a second a standard customer service voice said, “Sorry this contact is currently deactivated. Please try again later.”

Yi Chen, “...”

He bit his lip pacing in the bedroom his face visibly distraught as he called again.

“...Sorry this...”

“Shit,” he swore at the brink of losing his mind. Where would Zi Han go and why would he be offline? Did he hurt him while doing that so he ran off?

Multiple scenarios ran through his mind as he paced up and down calling Zi Han over and over again but the response was the same.

Just when he was about to dial for the nth time, his light brain lit up with a call request. He felt an inexplicable sense of excitement thinking it was Zi Han but when he saw it was Li Ran his mood fell to the lowest point much lower than before.

“What is it?” asked Yi Chen his voice the least bit polite. He had let his emotions get the best of him which manifested itself in his voice.

Li Ran didn’t probe into it. He just thought Yi Chen fought with Zi Han so he said, “You read the documents I sent to you but you didn’t say anything. Is the evidence enough to send him to jail?”

Yi Chen’s brow furrowed hearing this. What message was Li Ran talking about?

Yi Chen pulled up their chat interface and what he saw had him shaken. If he didn’t open these messages then who else did?

He was about to read them when Li Ran shouted, “Fuck! Quickly open the StarNet news. The fuckin prime minister he...”

Yi Chen opened the StarNet news and a floating screen appeared reporting on breaking news.

“..... he was shot three times in his office and we hear that he is in a critical condition. The spokesperson of the prime minister’s office will give us an update in the next hour.....”

Yi Chen, “...”

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