232 ..... you killed him

“Who the fuck are you? Guards! Guards! Do you know who the fuck I am?!” yelled Prime minister Ikeda fuming in anger.

Zi Xingxi grasped his jaw forcing his mouth open before feeding him the suppressor attached to the semi automatic.

“You know exactly who I am,” she whispered while grasping his hair forcing him to tilt his head upwards.

In this poor lighting, she looked like a vengeful ghost on the hunt for the person who killed her.

Knowing that he was the one she was looking for prime minister Ikeda shivered involuntarily but he still tried to put on a brave front. Because of the cold steel in his mouth, he couldn’t speak so he could only glare at her fiercely.

“Did you like what you saw, huh? Did you like it? The price for threatening my son is extremely high and I have come for my payment?” she whispered in his ear while tightening her grip on the prime minister’s hair.

The man grimaced as he closed his eyes tightly in pain. It was as though his hair was being pulled out from its roots. It was like his scalp was going to be ripped off his skull. Zi Xingxi roughly let him go and with a powerful swing, she struck his face with the barrel of her semi automatic.

Three bam sounds accompanied by heavy breathing and muffled cries followed as Zi Xingxi struck him repeatedly.

After she was done she straighten her back and pulled back her hair with sweat lacing her forehead. She exhaled softly as she stared at the man writhing on the bed with contempt.


“This is your last and final warning. You so much as look at my son again and I won’t be so merciful. I will end you,” she said before turning to leave.

It was then the prime minister realized that she didn’t know that he was the one who sent someone to kill Zi Han. He suddenly chuckled as a sense of relief washed over him. How could she find out when he covered his tracks very well?

Zi Xingxi heard that soft chuckle but didn’t care for it. She just wanted to get away from this room that smelt of lust and debauchery. While she was walking out she passed by the young man curled on the ground only for her steps to pause.

Zi Xingxi pointed at the naked young man and Secretary K ordered, “Look up,” but the young man was so frightened that he trembled while curling up further. Secretary K lost his patience thus he stepped forward and grasped his chin forcing him to look up.

Zi Xingxi sneered when she saw that face. She clenched her fist as her jaw tightened and loosened in aggravation. She abruptly turned around and spoke through gritted teeth, “You dare fucking sully his memory like this?! Who the fuck do you think you are?”

The violent storm raging within her wasn’t without reason. That boy looked eight parts similar to her husband. The fucking bastard had found a substitute to sleep with and satisfy his depraved desires.

Prime minister Ikeda laughed evilly as he sat up on the bed his upper body exposed. Coupled with his bloodied temple, swollen cheek, and bloodied nose he looked especially terrifying.

“What’s wrong with that? Are you jealous I could find someone who looks just like him and you couldn’t?.... If he had only chosen me.... if only he had chosen me, he wouldn’t have died miserably. Instead, he fucking chose a black widow.... a fucking husband killer like you. You, it was you... you killed him,” said the prime minister breaking into an emotional mess.

Hearing this Zi Xingxi drew the gun in her hand taking a few steps forward while pointing it at him. She bit her lip hard while her long nails dug into her palm her knuckles turning white.

“Hahahaha go ahead..... kill me and watch the entire Bloodgarde burn. Without your protection, they will know who he really is and burn him to ash like they did his father. Do it..... fuckin do it,” he continued with his rant looking like a man ready to die.

Secretary K placed his hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed it. Zi Xingxi’s sanity slowly returned. She breathed heavily while taking a step back. The words ‘.... you killed him’ kept echoing in her mind. Yes, she failed to protect him. The one thing she was meant to do she failed miserably. He died under her protection.

Emotionally distraught she turned to leave but just as she stepped out she heard the prime minister say, “You have already failed him and will also fail his son. Just give him to me and I will take great care of him.”

Three muffled shots rang in the air followed by chaotic sounds of a man cursing. It was a miracle that there wasn’t any bloodshed that night.


“You say it’s not painful but look at the faces he is making?” complained Zi Han with one foot at the door. After he failed to distract Yi Chen with his alluring charm he was forced to come back to the suite and like a wee little lamb waiting to be slaughtered, he stood there watching as Li Ran got his done by a military certified tattoo artist.

Calling them tattoos was only because of the lack of a better word. They were unique patterns that could only be read by a laser at a particular frequency, a frequency unique only to the army.

These patterns could have been a simple barcode or QR code but it would make it easily recognizable to the enemy thus the unique designs making it appear like a regular tattoo.

Why were these identification markers important? It contained personal information, military rank, medical history and it could be used to track that person if they go AWOL. All in all one couldn’t enlist without it.

Yi Chen had chosen a simple three star tattoo but still, Zi Han was very reluctant to get one. He decided to get his last but it turns out it was a horrible idea. The more he saw the more he wanted to run.

To keep himself calm he began to drink. Three shots in and he was pumping himself up calling himself a manly man. Unfortunately, even a manly man can also feel pain.

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