230 I promise I will be gentle....

“Mrs. Marshal aren’t you a little too eager,” asked Zi Feiji recalling how this woman had already asked for his grandson to have a blind date with her son.

Lin Ruoxi wasn’t at all offended. She smiled happily while saying, “Master Zi you misunderstand me. I have always wanted to have a meal with both of you and today so happens to be just the right occasion. Please indulge me.”

Zi Xingxi pursed her lips thinking through her next words carefully. She suddenly recalled how she used to sneak off with Zi Han’s father because her father wouldn’t approve. The more her father resisted the idea of them spending more time together the deeper she sank into the love trap. This is why she vowed not to interfere but boy was she itching to pull them apart.

“Fine, but if he doesn’t return my son in one piece I am going to break his third leg,” she said only for her gaze to meet prime minister Ikeda glaring at her.

Lin Ruoxi, “....”

Through this dinner, she soon recognized the reason why her husband and Zi Feiji didn’t get along. They were like water and oil. The two simply wouldn’t mix no matter what. If it weren’t for Zi Xingxi she honestly thought they were going to overturn the cart and end all relations before the meal was even served.

“Now you know this was a bad idea, right?” asked Zi Xingxi glancing at the flustered Lin Ruoxi.

Lin Ruoxi sighed heavily before admitting her fault. “I admit I was wrong. I should have just invited you only,” she said staring at her husband whom she had already pinched underneath the table several times but he was already deep in this rabbit hole refusing to repent.

“You want my help? It comes at a price,” said Zi Xingxi and Lin Ruoxi nodded her head in agreement. At this point, she would even sell her soul to save this situation.


“You get me access to Paru planet for a week and we have a deal,” she said her expression serious.

This planet named Paru was a small planet known as a natural paradise exclusively owned by the Lin family. This meant no one other than the Lin family was allowed on it. Zi Xingxi always wanted to go there so she took advantage of the opportunity. If she only knew that Lin Ruoxi would tag along she might have chosen something else instead.

Lin Ruoxi didn’t refuse she agreed rapidly and Zi Xingxi ordered a bunch of liquor bottles. Twenty minutes later the pair that was about to tear each other’s faces off were now complementing each other and reminiscing about the past.

While the family was getting along Zi Han was being led to a hotel room by Yi Chen. No, not to have..... um um..... not for extra curriculum activities but something else.

Zi Han imagined that they were going to do this and that in the hotel suite. He thought they would be fragrant roses and lit candles creating a romantic atmosphere.

But who would have thought when he got there weren’t alone? There was Lin Ran and four other people Zi Han had never interacted with much.

Zi Han, “....”

Yi Chen who didn’t catch the hint at all leaned closer and said, “This is the rest of the elite squad. I decided we should do the initiation today.”

“What initiation?” asked Zi Han only for Li Ran to point at the rented tattoo bed.

Zi Han, “....”

“We are getting our squad tattoos today,” said one of the guys pouring out some tequila in a glass.

“Fuck no,” yelled Zi Han before turning to run. He knew this was mandatory and depending on the squad it could either be a tiny pattern or a big floral pattern. He knew it was coming but damnit he had just graduated.

Zi Han dashed down the corridor to the elevator but heard Li Ran laughing while yelling, “We have a runner.”

Yi Chen glared at him before running after his wife who was repeatedly pressing the elevator button.

Just as Yi Chen caught up the elevator doors opened and Zi Han slipped in. He was fast but unfortunately, he wasn’t fast enough. Yi Chen grasped his waist and pulled him up hauling him over his shoulder before walking back.

“Yi Chen if you don’t want to be single you better put me down,” yelled Zi Han with his fingers clutching the elevator door refusing to barge.

Yi Chen didn’t take this threat seriously. That’s because this conversation had already been discussed before and Zi Han was very excited but when it came to it he actually ran.

“If you get it done today I will tattoo your name on any part of my body except my face,” he said and sure enough Zi Han stopped struggling.

“Really?” asked Zi Han raising his head slightly to look at him but all he could see was the back of Yi Chen’s head.

“Mn.... and I will personally do it for you. I promise I will be gentle,” he said only for Zi Han to slip away from his shoulder. Yi Chen had no choice but to put him down.

Zi Han pressed Yi Chen’s chest with his fingers pushing him back. Because the elevator doors had closed his back hit the hard surface.

With a light bam, Yi Chen’s back hit the doors his heart leaping out of his chest watching Zi Han with an intense burning gaze.

His throat suddenly felt dry his mind high on anticipation. Zi Han glanced back checking the coast and when he saw that the corridor was empty he raised his chin smiling like an enchanter before whispering in his ear.

“Wouldn’t you rather be doing something else?” he said his voice like that of a siren luring men at sea.

Yi Chen’s adam’s apple rolled as he moved away a little afraid he would pounce on him at any second. His muscles stiffened as he plastered his fingers on the elevator wall.

Zi Han bit his lower lip his hands caressing Yi Chen’s chest in a slow and not so innocent way. His lips hovered around Yi Chen’s igniting fiery sparks despite not having any contact. Zi Han glanced at his moist lips for a second before looking into his eyes and whispering again, “I will make it worth your while.”

Li Ran, “Step away from the temptress.... or is it tempter? Whatever the word, he is trying to get out of it and you know he can’t enlist without that identification.”

Zi Han, !!!

Could he just box Li Ran up and ship him to the Republic? He had interrupted them twice now. Not once but twice. Surely he must have a vendetta against him, right?

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