Chapter 2: Even devils fear something

His heart leaping out of his chest he grabbed for his weapon but the neck brace meant for the prisoner was locked on his neck as that devil whispered into his ear, “Go ahead..... try it. Let’s see if the speed of you drawing your weapon is faster.”

The soldier’s body visibly stiffened making Zi Han show a satisfied smile before he said, “Now that we have an understanding why don’t you tell me where your dear marshal is? I give you...,” looking at his watch, “ten seconds... nope five seconds. I have other things to take care of after this. A big date.”

By big date, he didn’t mean going out with a lover but a demanding haughty goddess who also happened to be his mother. If he is late by even a second she would throw a fit.

No one should ever screw with a woman like her who holds grudges till death. Even now she still held a grudge against his father who passed away over two decades already so yes, he couldn’t afford to be late.

“Five, four, three, two...,” he began to count but the soldier interjected with his gaze fixed on the one-way mirror begging for help.

“I, I, I don’t know where the AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” screamed the soldier in agony. The painful screams permeated through the one-way glass but the two military officers in the other room didn’t move.

They were both dressed in a black combat suit like the soldier being tortured by his prisoner but the difference was the number of zig-zag lines on the arms of the suits.


They both had two lines but the man being pressed on the mirror didn’t have any. They also had tattoos on their necks indicating which company they belonged to.

One of them sat leisurely with his legs crossed on the table while watching videos of kittens on Ion starnet.

The other man was leaning against the wall as he watched the showdown in the interrogation room. Annoyed by the anguished screams he asked, “What did he do to offend you that you sent him into that demon’s hands?”

The man watching the kittens on his light brain didn’t pause the video as he replied, “He said he wants to teach the treacherous bastard a lesson on the Marshal’s behalf. Being the nice person I am I supported his dream and let him take vengeance.”

After saying this he suddenly paused the video and took his feet off the desk before saying, “That reminds me you owe me ten thousand star coins. I told you he would lose his shit in less than five minutes.”

The standing man made a grunting noise in dissatisfaction as he tapped something on his light brain. Soon a buzzing sound was heard on the light brain of the man sitting. He accepted the transaction with a gleeful smile as he spun his chair around and lifted his legs placing them on the table again.

“It’s a pleasure doing business with you,” he said when the door was violently pushed open. Seeing who it was his legs shuddered as he put them down. Terrified he struggled to get up staggering in the process as he stood at attention.

The two men saluted the newcomer with their faces as white as a sheet of paper like they had seen a ghost. The man they were terrified of to such an exaggerated extent was none other than the retired Marshal Yi who also happened to be their boss’s father.

The former marshal wanted to speak to Zi Han so they apprehended him after handing him a piece of paper written for him by the former marshal. After that, a task that should have ended in bloodshed was completed with no broken bones or death.

Zi Han had simply allowed them to handcuff him and take him into the military headquarters just like that. They were meant to hold him until the former Marshal arrived but some overzealous punk wanted to show off his peacock feathers and face off with the devil.

Bang! Bang bang bang!!

The sound of the man’s skull being bashed against the mirror startled the two men. The mirror was now smeared with blood as Zi Han kept bashing the man’s skull like a maniac. The old marshal pressed a button on a partially invisible screen and spoke. “Zi Han that’s enough!” he reprimanded and sure enough Zi Han let go of the man.

Even devils have something they fear and this man feared the former marshal the most. With his hands raised in surrender, he pretended to be innocent as he obediently sat down in his seat.

The man who had been slammed against the mirror struggled to get up as he glared at the man who was acting all innocent like a well-behaved preschooler. His lips twisted into an ugly smile as he staggered up intending to attack Zi Han.

But before he could lay a finger on him he was suddenly pulled by the back of his collar and tossed away. “Get him out of here,” said the former Marshal throwing him to the two admirals.

The soldier who had never been treated this horribly was so livid but he also knew to pick his battles. He obediently followed the admirals out of the room and the sliding door immediately closed after leaving the two people alone.

Seeing this man who held fifty per cent resemblance to Yi Chen, Zi Han couldn’t help but stave off his gaze as he nervously rubbed his bloodstained hands together.

For a long time, the retired marshal didn’t utter a word as he silently observed Zi Han. Cold sweat formed on Zi Han’s forehead as a chill ran down his spine. Unable to bear this unnerving gaze, he cleared his throat to break the silence as he sat up straight.

“Ahem.... I,” he said but the retired Marshal interjected asking,

“Do you still consider him as your friend?”

An involuntary chortle escaped his throat. Terrified out of his mind he hurriedly covered his mouth afraid that this little mistake would lead him to his death. No one could blame him for thinking this way. One shouldn’t look at this father Christmas appearance on this man and think he was soft, cuddly and nice. Yi Zhen was and always will be the most scariest being in the federation second only to Yi Chen.

The man lay waste of an entire invasion army by himself tearing them from limb to limb that others believed he wasn’t human. Now he had just chortled at this great buddha putting his life on the line.

Surprisingly Yi Zhen let it slide decisively ignoring his mishap and continuing to ask, “You might be on opposing sides but you must at least consider him your friend, right?”

Zi Han didn’t dare chuckle again as he was smart enough to not repeat the same mistake twice but his feelings remained the same. The retired marshal’s face must be hurting right now especially after he beat Zi Han half to death after the prime minister incident.

What was it that he said again?

Oh, he said if Yi Chen dares to have anything to do with Zi Han he would kill them both and put their heads on a spike. Ironically, he was asking him if he still considered Yi Chen a friend. As a person who liked where his head was the answer was obvious. He and Yi Chen were no longer friends.

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