100 Purple nurple...

Li Ran hastily opened his locker and began to change but Yi Chen didn’t wait for him. He put away his boots and said, “I will wait for you outside,” before walking out.

Zi Han who was sitting shirtless on the bench loosening the laces of his boots raised his head and watched Yi Chen leave. He sneered with an evil smile while thinking the man was lucky that he only walked away with a purple nurple.

He suddenly glanced at the light brain on his wrist and was struck with sudden inspiration. Two seconds later a soft ding sound came from Yi Chen’s light brain as he stood outside waiting for Li Ran.

The tall figure was lazily leaning against the wall as he raised his hand to check the notification. A subtle quirk appeared at the corner of his lips before it vanished quickly. By the time Li Ran came out, he had already returned to his indifferent self.

“Yoh, that fox demon is almost as terrifying as you. My bones shuddered when he glared at me,” complained Li Ran as they walked out of the training building.

Yi Chen’s nipple suddenly stung when he heard this. ‘He pinches like one too,’ he said to himself wishing he could put a can of ice-cold soda on his nipple to cool down the burning sensation.

“Then don’t mess with him,” said Yi Chen as they walked towards the parking lot.” Li Ran didn’t agree but he didn’t voice his opinion either. Since Yi Chen said he would deal with it Li Ran could only back off. But he was ready to be his backup at a moment’s notice.

Zi Han came out of the locker room with his head lowered checking his light brain. Before he went to take a shower he had sent Yi Chen a message but when he came back there was no response. In fact, it showed that the message had been read but the person didn’t bother responding.

The last chat still showed:


HandsomeHan: Round two begins tomorrow.

HandsomeHan: If you snitch on me I will make you miserable.

The tone was domineering with an air of arrogance but Yi Chen didn’t bother responding. This felt like Zi Han was punching cotton which further irritated him. Shorty and the twins who could clearly read the situation stayed clear of Zi Han unfortunately one couldn’t say the same thing for Zi Feiji and Zi Xingxi.

After a day at the beach, they were too relaxed to notice the intense gloom coming from Zi Han. They were so relaxed that they didn’t even pick him up. It was Old Lu who came and he tried to speak on behalf of the Master and the young miss but Zi Han didn’t buy it.

When he got home he casually greeted them and went into the kitchen to find something cold to cool the heat from his body. After such severe emotional fluctuations and fighting Yi Chen, he felt hot all over despite taking a hot shower.

Closing the fridge he twisted the cap off the bottle of peach-flavored iced tea and gulped half of it in one go. With a soft thud, he put the bottle down on the counter and suddenly remembered that folder bag.

Since the man didn’t bother replying to his message then he wouldn’t bother with the contents of the folder bag. He took it out and placed it on the kitchen counter hesitating for a second.

He pressed the folder bag down with his fingers while deciding whether to open it or not. With a tsk, he slid the folder bag off the kitchen counter and it fell straight into the bin but because it couldn’t fit half of it protruded from the automatic lid that was trying to shut.

Zi Han ignored it and continued sipping on the rest of his iced tea. Zi Feiji who had an obvious tan on his face walked into the kitchen his steps as lazy as that of a cat. “Who pissed you off today?” he finally asked that is after Old Lu told him that Zi Han was in a very bad mood. Thinking Zi Han was mad about the beach thing he decided to talk to him. But before Zi Han could answer him he saw the folder bag that had been dumped into the trash.

He picked it up while asking, “What’s this?... You know this kind of bag is rare because people barely use paper yet you just threw it away.”

Zi Han glanced at the folder bag with a disinterested look. “It’s just something someone gave me. It’s not important,” he replied before closing the lid of the bottle intending to go upstairs and change.

But just as he turned on his heel to leave Zi Feiji exclaimed stopping him in his tracks. “Wow!!.... When, when did you get someone to copy the script for you?.... It’s so... it’s so beautiful,” said Zi Feiji flipping through the papers in awe.

Zi Han’s brow furrowed as he turned to walk back. His grandpa wasn’t lying. This was a fully copied script no different from the original. His chest suddenly felt heavy like something was pressing down on it. If he could rename himself then the word ‘Jerk’ would be the most suitable.

Boy, did he regret giving Yi Chen that purple nurple.

Zi Feiji on the other hand suddenly had a bad presentiment. Why? That’s because he knew his daughter got that royal prick to copy the script for her. Whether it was under coercion or that he had volunteered his services remained a mystery.

He knew his kid didn’t copy that but he pretended not to know because he was a fan of beautiful calligraphy. That is to say, the person who copied that script for her knocked her up a few years later and eloped on a secret planet.

Now his grandson had got someone to copy it for him. Like déjà vu it had happened again but who did it for him? When he raised his head to ask Zi Han he was nowhere to be found. He would be stupid if he stuck around to answer that question.

Unfortunately for him, his grandfather would still find out. How? That’s because when he turned the folder bag over there was the character Yi engraved right in the corner. If it wasn’t the Marshal then it could only be one other person...

“Xi Xi! Get in here!..... Our families’ cabbage is definitely going to get eaten!”

Zi Xingxi, “.....”

“Not in my garden,” she replied with a light chuckle as she walked into the kitchen. Two seconds later and she wasn’t laughing anymore.

Author’s note: They better spray some pesticide on that cabbage or fence it up otherwise..... Hehehe

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