Chapter 86: Retention!

Not long after, Qiao Qiao arrived with a few maidservants, carrying plain porridge and some dishes. Ling Feng caught a whiff of the faint aroma and couldn't resist his appetite.

Speaking of which, the food at the Cangqiong Sect could indeed be considered delicious delicacies.

While at Little Bamboo Peak with Duanmu Qingshan, it goes without saying that Duanmu Qingshan’s culinary skills were abysmal, akin to preparing poison. As for Ling Feng's proficiency, on the other hand, it was merely tolerable, just enough to swallow.

Qiao Qiao brought over a bowl of plain porridge, settling herself down by the bedside without hesitation. She spooned up a portion and offered it to Ling Feng's lips, "Eat up."

"Uh..." Ling Feng hesitated briefly, on the verge of speaking, but then heard the girl interject, "What's the matter? Do you also want my Miss to come and feed you?"

Feeling resigned, Ling Feng decided not to say much and simply opened his mouth to swallow the porridge.

It was undeniable that the chef at the Cangqiong Sect was truly talented, capable of turning a simple bowl of porridge into an irresistibly delectable dish.

"Ah, you're finally awake, kid!"

Unknowing when, Wen Tingguang walked in from outside, and the maidservants standing by the door hurriedly bowed, saying in unison, "Elder Wen."

Wen Tingguang waved his hand dismissively and strode into the room. Seeing Ling Feng drinking porridge, he chuckled. "Feeling better now, kid?"

"Elder Wen." Ling Feng saluted respectfully with a hand gesture, preparing to get out of bed.

"It's alright, let's skip the formalities between us. We seem to get along well enough, even though we don't have the master-disciple relationship. We're just casual friends. I'm a few years older than you, so just call me Brother Wen."

"Yo, Elder Wen, I really can't believe you're only a few years older than Ling Feng. You're quite good at pretending to be young!" Qiao Qiao couldn't help but tease.

"You!" Yue Yunlan shook his head. This girl was known for her sharp tongue. Fortunately, Elder Wen had a good temper. If it were Liu Hongzhang instead, Qiao Qiao would probably be in trouble.

This girl was also clever, knowing exactly who could be teased and who couldn't.

"What do you mean by acting youthful? I was once in my prime too," Wen Tingguang said, interrupting Qiao Qiao's feeding of Ling Feng and eagerly asking, "How's your recovery progressing? When can you perform the Life Creation Needle again? That way, the Sect Leader can achieve complete recovery soon."

"Well, this matter can't be rushed. I can only administer the needle for the Sect Leader once every six months, so Elder Wen, you just need to prepare those eight Regenerative Golden Needles within half a year," Ling Feng said solemnly

"Half a year is too long!" Wen Tingguang exclaimed urgently. "Why not administer the needle every day? That way, the recovery would be immediate."

Ling Feng found himself at a loss, unsure whether to laugh or cry. "Elder Wen, firstly, the Vitality Diagram should not be used frequently for mending. Secondly, if we were to pursue such a course, how many instances do you think I could endure?"

Though administering the Life Creation Needle daily might expedite Yue Zhonglian's recovery, Ling Feng harbored concerns about his own wellness.

Recalling Ling Feng's five-day period of unconsciousness after applying the needle to Yue Zhonglian, Wen Tingguang promptly smacked his forehead. "I've been rather thoughtless, hehe..."

"If your goal is truly to expedite the Sect Leader's recovery," Ling Feng clarified, "the crucial factor lies in those eight Regenerative Golden Needles. Only upon gathering all nine can I deploy the authentic Life Creation Needle Array, significantly enhancing its healing effectiveness."

Ling Feng paused briefly before continuing, "Certainly, this approach would significantly alleviate my burden as well."

"I've already instructed the craftsmen at the Mystic Hall to address this matter. They should have it completed within half a year," Wen Tingguang assured him.

After some consideration, Wen Tingguang proposed, "Why not reside at our Cangqiong Sect until the Sect Leader has fully recovered? I am confident that the Sect Leader would generously provide the cultivation resources of our sect. Your cultivation conditions here at the Cangqiong Sect would be tenfold, even a hundredfold better than those at the Wenxian Sect!"

Wen Tingguang's decision to persuade Ling Feng to stay stemmed from two main reasons. Firstly, he worried about Ling Feng's departure from the Cangqiong Sect, fearing that in case of any mishap, there would be no one to attend to the Sect Leader's illness.

Secondly, Wen Tingguang indeed did not want to waste such a talent. The resources that the Wenxian Sect, a small and insignificant sect like it, could provide Ling Feng were merely a drop in the ocean compared to what the Cangqiong Sect could offer.

"Unfortunately, that's not possible," Ling Feng shook his head. "My master is still at the Wenxian Sect."

"Well..." Wen Tingguang furrowed his brow. After all, he had meant it as a gesture of goodwill.

But Qiao Qiao couldn't hold back, "Mr Ling, you're being too stubborn. Your master is a grown adult, not a three-year-old child. Besides, someday you'll have to leave your master's side to train outside. Consider this as part of your training, not as if you're defecting to another sect!"

"Qiao Qiao, mind your manners!" Yue Yunlan intervened, grabbing Qiao Qiao and offering Ling Feng an apologetic smile. "Mr Ling, is it because of your master's injuries?"

During their last visit to the Wenxian Sect, Duanmu Qingshan had mentioned that he, too, was a patient under Ling Feng's care.

"The master's condition has stabilized," Ling Feng stated calmly, "However, the upcoming period is crucial for my master, and I must remain by his side."

The pledge to fight alongside Duanmu Qingshan was not merely a promise from a disciple to his master; it was also a commitment between men.

While he could utilize the Cangqiong Sect's power to subdue Lin Canglang, it wasn't what Duanmu Qingshan truly needed. The profound vendetta of his wife and daughter demanded his personal retribution!

"I see." Wen Tingguang nodded. "You indeed value loyalty and righteousness."

"Alright then, since that's the case, I won't insist anymore. Whenever you decide to leave, just inform me, and I'll see you off!" Wen Tingguang said, patting Ling Feng's shoulder with a faint smile.

"I appreciate it, Senior."

Ling Feng was aware of the vast disparity in speed between himself and Wen Tingguang. While Wen Tingguang could reach his destination in three days at full speed, Ling Feng might take as long as thirty days to return to the sect.

"Speaking of which, the Sect Leader mentioned that in light of this lifesaving favor, there must be a fitting reward," Wen Tingguang explained, "I can escort you to our Cangqiong Sect's treasury now. Feel free to choose some treasures; as long as they're not excessively valuable, I can authorize them as gifts to you."

"In that case, I am grateful for the Sect Leader's generosity."

Ling Feng accepted the offer without hesitation.

The treasures in the Cangqiong Sect's treasury were undoubtedly rare and extraordinary. If Ling Feng claimed to have no interest whatsoever, it would be insincere.

While Ling Feng had indeed slain numerous disciples and rogues in the vast wilderness, accumulating some wealth in the process, he was far from being considered rich.

The Cangqiong Sect was renowned for its considerable wealth. As Ling Feng provided care for the Sect Leader, it was entirely appropriate for him to receive the compensation he rightfully deserved.

Yue Yunlan pressed her lips together, her teeth clenching slightly. "Uncle Wen, I'll accompany Mr. Ling to make his selection."

"Uh..." Wen Tingguang couldn't help but bitterly chuckle inwardly. Originally, if Ling Feng had been left to select on his own, given his limited insight, he might not have chosen any exceptional treasures. However, with Yue Yunlan's involvement, knowing her knack for sniffing out valuable items, it seemed the Cangqiong Sect might be in for some financial strain!

"Alright, alright. If I didn't let you go, would you obediently stay?" Wen Tingguang knew Yue Yunlan's temperament too well, shaking his head with a smile. Then, he asked, "Ling Feng, are you able to move about now?"

"My body is completely fine," Ling Feng replied.

With a leap, Ling Feng jumped off the bed. After five days of deep slumber, not only had he fully recovered, but his cultivation seemed to have subtly improved, reaching the mid-stage of the tenth level of Qi Formation.

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