The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 78: Gilded on the Outside, Tattered Within!

Chapter 78: Gilded on the Outside, Tattered Within!

"Given that the sect leader has consented to my approach, on the first day, I shall proceed to seal your soul. Once the soul-sealing is complete, you will be akin to the living dead."

Withdrawing a row of golden needles from his pocket, Ling Feng spoke in measured tones, "Once the soul, vigor, and spirit are all sealed, the sect leader will slip into a state of pseudo-death. I will have only half an hour for the treatment. If this time is exceeded, the pseudo-death will become real. Therefore, I insist that during my intervention, no one may approach this vicinity, nor disturb us in any way."

"Can the Sect Leader assure compliance with this request?"

Ling Feng fixed his gaze on Yue Zhonglian, regarding him not as the esteemed sect leader, but simply as a patient at death's door.

"Of course." Yue Zhonglian nodded, his gaze shifting to the assembled group as he spoke in a measured tone, "For the next three days, let Mr Ling remain here. As for the others, please take your leave for the time being."

"No! Sect Leader, I..." The sect leader's wife, her eyes teary, clutched onto Yue Zhonglian's sleeve, refusing to release her grip.

It was evident that they shared a deep bond.

"Hong Lian, you should leave as well." Yue Zhonglian smiled gently. "It's just for three days."

"Madam, please believe in me," Ling Feng's gaze rested upon the sect leader's wife as he spoke with a solemn tone, "Miss Yue is a friend of mine. She once sought my aid in treating a relative, and I believe the relative is the Sect Leader. Please be assured, I will do everything I can to ensure that Miss Yue doesn't lose her father!"

Taking a deep breath, the sect leader's wife cast a deep glance at Yue Zhonglian before finally nodding, tears shimmering. With her maidservants in tow, she slowly departed.

Wen Tingguang clenched his fists, wanting to speak but unsure where to begin.

Truly, this was a gamble, but without taking this risk, there would be no chance of turning the tide.

"Young man, ah no, Ling Feng, y-you must not make the slightest mistake!"

"I will try my best." Ling Feng nodded. This treatment was also a gamble for him.

If Yue Zhonglian were to die under his care, Ling Feng didn't believe that the people of Cangqiong Sect would easily forgive him.

Nevertheless, having promised to administer treatment, Ling Feng wouldn't stand by passively for his own safety.

This was the dignity of a physician, a principle instilled in him by his grandfather, Ling Kun, since childhood.

"Aargh!" Wen Tingguang flicked his sleeve and strode out of the room.

The maids who had been inside the room had already retreated a hundred meters away to stand guard, while the sect leader's wife, accompanied by her maids, departed tearfully.

As Wen Tingguang descended the stairs, everyone below fixed their gaze on the corridor entrance in anticipation.

As the sect leader's wife hurriedly departed moments ago, no one dared to halt her and inquire further.

However, the sect leader's wife had always been by the sect leader's side, never straying a step. Therefore, her sudden departure raised questions among those present.

Furthermore, Ling Feng and Wen Tingguang had been upstairs for an extended period without returning, leaving the descendants of the Daoist Medical Family in the hall puzzled, unable to unravel the situation.

"It's been quite some time. Why haven't they come out yet?" Liu Yiyi furrowed her brow, casting occasional glances towards the staircase.

Sun Siyi snorted coldly. "I suspect he lacks the capability to treat the sect leader, so he's intentionally dragging out the pulse examination to stall for time. It's nothing more than a petty scheme!"

As a fellow Daoist physician, Sun Siyi could also tell that the vitality diagram of the Cangqiong sect leader was already ninety percent damaged.

In such situations, it's as if medicine and stones are equally ineffectual, with no means of turning the tide.

"You're right. If even senior brother couldn't discern the illness, what hope does that kid have? People like him, pretending to have abilities they lack, are truly ridiculous!" Liu Yiyi's expression dripped with scorn.

At that moment, they observed Wen Tingguang approaching the staircase, but Ling Feng had yet to make an appearance.

"They're coming out!"

All eyes locked onto Wen Tingguang as Elder Liu swiftly blocked the staircase, his brow furrowing as he failed to spot Ling Feng. "Where is that kid?"

"He's currently treating the Sect Leader. For the next three days, no one is to disturb them. Otherwise, there will be severe consequences!"

Wen Tingguang snorted lightly. For these three days, he had no intention of leaving either. He would stay put to prevent any troublemakers from causing chaos.

"What? Treatment?" Sun Siyi laughed heartily. "Treating the Sect Leader? You really think that wild kid is capable?"

"Why? Do you have an objection?" Wen Tingguang raised an eyebrow, focusing on Sun Siyi.

"This is absolutely impossible. The sect leader's condition simply cannot be cured!" Sun Siyi shook his head vigorously. As the youngest Daoist physician in the Tianbai Empire, he couldn't comprehend how his own patient, for whom he had no solution, could possibly be treated by such a wild youngster!

"Keep your mouth shut!"

Before Wen Tingguang could reprimand him, Elder Liu swiftly delivered a harsh slap across Sun Siyi's face, inwardly cursing: "What a fool! Isn't he essentially cursing the sect leader with his words?"

With such unfiltered speech, he dared not let Sun Siyi continue with his reckless remarks.

"Liu Hongzhang!" Sun Siyi's eyes flared with anger. "Old man, don't forget, I am a descendant of the Sun family, not your grandson! While I respect you as a peer to my grandfather, how dare you treat me like your own grandson and strike me?"

As a prodigy of the Sun family, Sun Siyi had always been showered with endless love from his family. While he could endure the first slap, he couldn't bear the second.

"You insolent brat, were it not for your grandfather's sake, I would have disposed of you myself long ago for your constant nonsense!"

Liu Hongzhang's expression darkened. This young member of the Sun family was truly unruly. Such temperament would never lead to greatness!

"Fine! Fine! Fine!"Sun Siyi tightly clenched his fists, sweeping his robes dramatically as he ground his teeth. "To think you would even consider that the medical skills of that wild brat could match up to mine, Sun Siyi? It's utterly ridiculous. Hmph, junior sister, let's leave!"

Sun Siyi couldn't bear to remain in such a place any longer. He resented Liu Hongzhang for disregarding his dignity and slapping him twice, but his fury burned even more intensely toward Ling Feng, seething deep within him.

The appearance of Ling Feng was what led to his humiliation.

He silently vowed to repay today's disgrace twofold!

Liu Hongzhang shook his head and sighed inwardly, recognizing that this young man, raised in comfort since childhood, lacked depth and resilience; he was nothing more than a decorative pillow.

Initially, he believed this individual had promise, but now it appeared he was merely a gilded shell with nothing of value inside.


Not long after Sun Siyi left, Liu Hongzhang also flung his sleeves and shot Wen Tingguang a fierce glare before swiftly leaving the pavilion.

The descendants of the Daoist Medical Family in the hall stood motionless, their minds filled with disbelief.

"Can that wild quack really cure the Sect Leader?"

"It's highly unlikely! He clearly lacks the credentials of a physician, not to mention any medical badges. Even apprentices at small medical clinics have some form of recognition!"

"Could he be deceiving the Sect Leader?"

"Are you dumb? Deceiving the Sect Leader? You think that's possible? It could cost him his life! Would he really risk everything just to spite Sun Siyi? Nobody's that foolish!"

The whispers of these self-proclaimed godlike physicians grated on Wen Tingguang's nerves. He frowned coldly. "Since someone is already attending to the Sect Leader, gentlemen, please leave!"

Having issued the eviction order, Wen Tingguang observed as the so-called godlike physicians bid their farewells and departed from the waterside pavilion.

Once those descendants of Daoist Medical Family had left, Wen Tingguang sighed softly, casting a glance towards a window on the second floor. "Three days..." he murmured.

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