The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 75: Can You Cure Him?

Chapter 75: Can You Cure Him?

Upon seeing Wen Tingguang completely ignoring him, the white-haired elder furrowed his eyebrows and coldly snorted. "Wen Tingguang, I am asking you a question. The sect leader has contracted a strange illness, and his body is gradually weakening. What have you brought here? Without even a medal of physician, can he be considered a true physician?"

The white-haired elder was none other than the Elder Liu mentioned by the maid who had guided them earlier, Liu Hongzhang.

Liu Hongzhang and Wen Tingguang held similar positions within the Cangqiong Sect, and their strengths were comparable. The two were archenemies, opposing each other in every aspect.

Liu Hongzhang's gaze was sharp and domineering. He spoke forcefully, "This is the place where the sect leader rests. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. As for this wild youngster, you better send him back where he came from. Offer him some money, and be done with it!"

Ling Feng furrowed his brow slightly.

This white-haired geezer seemed to completely perceive me as a beggar!

Wen Tingguang halted his steps, lifting his head to glare at Liu Hongzhang. He frowned and said, "Do I need your approval for the people I bring? Moreover, the one you brought is just a young lad. How can you be sure his medical skills surpass those of the person I brought?"

"Hahaha!" Liu Hongzhang burst into laughter and turned to the young man beside him, saying, "Nephew Siyi, someone is questioning your medical skills!"

In the hall, the heirs from various prestigious medical families burst into laughter one by one.

"Do they not recognize the youngest Divine Imperial Physician in the empire?"

“Truly laughable. Does that wild youngster even deserve to be compared to Sun Siyi, the heir of the Sun family?"

"He's not even worthy to carry Sun Siyi's shoes!"

Relentless mockery echoed one after another, causing Wen Tingguang's face to burn with embarrassment as he lost all dignity.

On the other hand, Liu Hongzhang wore a smug expression and taunted, "Nephew, take out your token to avoid being compared to some unknown vagabond!"

Giggle... However, a young woman in emerald robes standing beside Sun Siyi took out a token from her bosom and said lightly, "Senior Brother, your token is right here with me!"

This young woman was Sun Siyi's junior sister, named Liu Yiyi. She had been adopted by the Sun family from a young age and had admired her exceptionally talented senior brother greatly.

The handsome young man and the beautiful young woman stood together, appearing like a golden couple, arousing envy from onlookers.

Sun Siyi reached out to take the token, not even sparing a glance at Ling Feng. He displayed the token, revealing the words 'Divine Imperial Physician' inscribed on it.

'Divine Imperial Physician' was not only a symbol of status but also the highest honor in the Daoist medical realm.

Even the descendants of those prestigious Daoist medical families had to undergo numerous tests to obtain the token of the Divine Imperial Physician. Generally, those who could achieve such an honor were seasoned Daoist physicians aged forty or above.

And Sun Siyi, at the young age of nineteen, has already attained the supreme honor of 'Divine Imperial Physician', showcasing his exceptional talent in medical skills.

"I am Sun Siyi, the thirty-third generation heir of the Daoist medical family, the Sun family. And you, why not introduce yourself and reveal your family background?"

Throughout the conversation, Sun Siyi never looked directly at Ling Feng. His disdainful expression was evident and unmasked.

"I don't have a token, nor do I have any prestigious family background." Ling Feng's expression remained indifferent. He also didn't bother to look directly at Sun Siyi, simply stating, "What I possess is the medical skill to heal people."

"Hahaha, indeed just a bastard!"

"Damn it, even an outcast has come to beg for food and drink!"

Laughter erupted in the hall, and the girl beside Sun Siyi laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist. "Not even a physician, and you dare to come here? Are you asking for humiliation?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, recognizing that this girl, although pleasant-looking, was merely trying to attach herself to a rising power.

"Without a token, does that mean I can't heal and save lives?" Ling Feng laughed arrogantly. "Are you telling me that without that little piece of token, you won't be able to examine pulses and administer acupuncture? I'll say it again, I am a physician, and I am here to treat the sick."

"Such arrogance!" Sun Siyi sneered, and for the first time, his gaze fell on Ling Feng.

"Without the medal of Daoist and the token of the Divine Imperial Physician, with your limited skills, you can treat ordinary folks, but the body of the sect leader is worth a fortune. He is not something a lowly person like you can attend to. Get lost!"

"Oh?" Ling Feng retorted, "So according to your logic, if you were to affix a token to a pig, it would become a physician and even attain the prestigious title of Divine Imperial Physician?"

"How dare you!"

Liu Yiyi frowned. This wild brat actually dared to mock my senior brother by comparing him to a pig!

She drew a soft sword from her waist, poised to thrust it towards Ling Feng. A scorching aura enveloped the blade, indicating that this young woman's cultivation had also reached the Pulse Formation Realm!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and his right hand rested on his dimensional spirit ring.

"Outrageous!" Wen Tingguang flicked his finger, and a wisp of wind sent the girl's soft sword flying. "In the place where the sect leader is resting, how dare you draw a weapon?"

"Yi Yi, you are too reckless!" Sun Siyi turned and scolded Liu Yiyi, then turned to Wen Tingguang and gave a respectful salute. "Elder Wen, my junior sister is young and ignorant. Please forgive her."

"Hmph!" Wen Tingguang flicked his sleeve and looked towards Liu Hongzhang, saying coldly, "Liu Hongzhang, step aside!"

"Step aside?" However, Liu Hongzhang stood firm on the steps and questioned, "Wen Tingguang, you're becoming more and more foolish. How can I allow this wild brat of unknown background to enter and treat the sect leader? What if something goes wrong? Can you bear that responsibility?"

Wen Tingguang was about to retort but found himself speechless.

Indeed, he knew that Ling Feng was a disciple of the Wenxian Sect, but what was Wenxian Sect? Just a third-rate sect!

In response, Ling Feng took a step forward with an indifferent expression and asked, "So, may I inquire, esteemed Divine Imperial Physician, can you cure him?"

One sentence left Liu Hongzhang speechless.

It also made Sun Siyi blush.

He could not!

Even with the prestigious title of the Empire's youngest Divine Imperial Physician and being the most outstanding scion of the Sun family, a thousand-year-old prestigious lineage, his medical skills were still insufficient to cure the mysterious ailment of the sect leader of the Cangqiong Sect.

"The sect leader's illness is incurable! There is simply no remedy," Sun Siyi said through gritted teeth after a moment of silence.

"Such audacity!" Wen Tingguang glared at Sun Siyi. "Just because you are from the Sun family doesn't mean you can spout nonsense here!"

Liu Hongzhang retaliated with a fierce slap, landing squarely on Sun Siyi's face. "Stop talking nonsense!"

Liu Hongzhang's face turned pale. Despite Sun Siyi's impressive medical skills, his youthfulness became apparent when provoked by Ling Feng, leading to such unwarranted remarks.

Even if the sect leader's condition was truly incurable, Sun Siyi should not have uttered such words!

This was tantamount to cursing the sect leader with an inevitable death.

In the world of Daoists, he's not the only one. How dare he utter such words?

Sun Siyi realized his mistake, but dared not vent his anger after receiving a slap from Liu Hongzhang. He just coldly stared at Ling Feng, evidently holding Ling Feng responsible for the consequences of his words.

"I misspoke earlier. The sect leader's condition is not incurable; it's just beyond my ability to treat." he clenched his fist, locked eyes with Ling Feng, and gritted his teeth. "I dare to assert that even he cannot cure the sect leader's ailment!"

"Whether I can cure it or not, your words don't decide that." Ling Feng smiled faintly. "Let me go in and give it a try. We'll know the result then!"

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