The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 67: The Demonic Void Hand, Eye of Plunder!

Chapter 67: The Demonic Void Hand, Eye of Plunder!


The Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl on Ling Feng's forehead emitted a crimson glow akin to a spinning eyeball, exuding a suffocatingly terrifying aura.

Lin Yinyin's expression shifted as she sensed an incredibly dangerous aura emanating from Ling Feng's body.

As all the heat gathered at the center of his brow, Ling Feng's mind cleared once more, growing even sharper, as if delving into a state of profound mystery.

"Stop your tricks, you won't intimidate me!" Lin Yinyin's flexible sword quivered violently in her grasp, akin to a serpent's hiss, as it swiftly thrust forward.

Her sword technique surpassed the might of the Starshatter Sword Technique, unleashing a storm of blade gusts that swept through the entire cavern, sending stones and sand flying in all directions.

Deploying the Boundless Sword Steps, Ling Feng sensed a remarkable enhancement in his speed and strength in that moment.

Within him brewed a frightening determination, as if driven to ruthlessly consume the woman before him.

With a swift movement, Ling Feng had already evaded Lin Yinyin's sword strike. His right arm, like a dragon emerging from the sea, broke through Lin Yinyin's defense with unbelievable speed, seizing her snow-white neck directly.


Gasping for air, Lin Yinyin stared at Ling Feng with disbelief, unable to comprehend how a martial artist in the Qi Formation Realm could wield such terrifying strength.

Ling Feng's eyes were bloodshot, especially the Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl on his forehead, trembling violently with a "buzzing" sound, causing his entire mind to feel like it was about to explode.

"Let... let go... of me..."

Unable to breathe for an extended period, Lin Yinyin's once-beautiful face had turned a deep shade of purple, showing signs of impending unconsciousness.


After a long while, Ling Feng inexplicably uttered two words. In the next moment, the Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl on his forehead, or perhaps the third false eye, astonishingly tore through the surrounding void. From within the emptiness, a ferocious and horrifying demonic claw extended towards the top of Lin Yinyin's head, ready to seize her.

The demonic claw, however, was not a tangible presence; it existed merely as an illusory mass of energy.

The demonic claw descended directly upon Lin Yinyin's head, seemingly penetrating her very soul. With a merciless tug, it forcefully extracted her soul, essence, and true qi in one swift motion.

As a result, Lin Yinyin's body visibly shriveled at an alarming pace. Eventually, all that remained was a desiccated husk ensconced in the once-gorgeous emerald chiffon gown.

Even her once-beautiful features had now been reduced to mere skeletal remains.

Having depleted Lin Yinyin of all her strength, the Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl emitted a crimson flash, as if opening an invisible maw to consume every last ounce of that power.

The void sealed shut, and the demonic claw vanished.

After absorbing the energy, the Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl gradually dispersed, transforming back into an invisible aura, sinking from Ling Feng's forehead into his Qihai acupoint within his dantian.

Thud thud!

Ling Feng's complexion turned pale as he staggered backwards, only managing to steady himself after retreating a few steps.

That scene was incredibly eerie; Ling Feng couldn't believe he had actually drained a living human being dry!

Observing the shriveled husk on the ground, Ling Feng didn't harbor much guilt, yet he couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling of possessing such a life-draining ability.


The Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl, now submerged in his Qihai acupoint, trembled faintly before slowly rotating within his dantian. Strands of incredibly pure life essence, along with the true qi extracted from Lin Yinyin's body, unexpectedly began nourishing his own body, integrating into every part of Ling Feng's limbs and bones.

"This..." Ling Feng's eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

The power seized by the Essence-Stealing Blood Pearl, upon transformation, astonishingly returned to strengthen him!

"Unbelievable, truly unbelievable!"

Ling Feng's hands trembled slightly. The first divine inscription abilities of the Heavenly Dao Eye and Human Dao Eye were already extraordinary, but this "Bloodthirsty Plunder" ability was simply uncanny!

"Whether an ability is good or bad doesn't matter. Those deserving of death are bound to perish anyway. Plundering their power is inconsequential."

In a short span, Ling Feng transitioned from astonishment to a calm state, and his gaze reverted to its usual serene nature.

Having already possessed the Asura's Eye, which could drive him into a berserk state, acquiring another ability like Bloodthirsty Plunder didn't seem like a big deal.

Nevertheless, he understood the dangers of becoming too dependent on such powers; an excessively violent nature would only lead to trouble.

"Considering this treasured item can become my third eye and possesses the ability to plunder essence, let's call it the Eye of Plunder for the time being."

Ling Feng found solace in the fact that, despite activating the Eye of Plunder, he retained his clarity of mind and was spared from the mindless rampage associated with the Asura's Eye.

Assessing his internal state, he discovered that the qi he had absorbed from Lin Yinyin now resided in his Qihai acupoint, accessible at will but incapable of transforming into his own qi to enhance his cultivation.

Nonetheless, this advantage was still remarkable.

With the ability to replenish his qi through combat, he realized that killing just one person allowed him to plunder their qi, ensuring he would never deplete his own reserves, regardless of the length of the battle.

The vitality he plundered from Lin Yinyin's body appeared to strengthen his own life force. Ling Feng had trained the Rock Body technique. Though it was a rather basic form of body-refining martial art, he understood that greater vitality naturally led to a sturdier physique.

Moreover, a faint, murky energy, resembling a drifting specter, was absorbed into his sea of mind, offering a profound sense of solace.

Unfamiliar with the Cultivation of the Soul Dao, Ling Feng remained oblivious to the fact that the Eye of Plunder had extracted Lin Yinyin's soul essence, which was then consumed by Ling Feng's own soul, inadvertently fortifying his soul. The profound joy of spiritual enrichment naturally brought unparalleled comfort.

After a prolonged moment, Ling Feng slowly exhaled, his gaze shifting to the shriveled corpse lying on the ground.

Lin Yinyin's once confident face had now turned thin and hollow, her eyes empty and filled with despair. Perhaps she never imagined she would meet her end at the hands of a mere Qi Formation Realm cultivator.

"You made a mistake by coming alone."

Had Lin Yinyin come with Yan Jinghong, the one lying on the ground at this moment would have been himself.

Yan Jinghong's sword, swift as lightning and thunder, would leave Ling Feng as nothing but a corpse, without even the opportunity to activate the Eye of Plunder.

Crouched down, Ling Feng began searching through Lin Yinyin's body.

Surely, as a member of the younger generation from the Yan family, she possessed many valuable items.

Ling Feng didn't hesitate to remove the soft armor from Lin Yinyin's body. On her right hand, he spotted a shining silver ring. This particular silver storage spirit ring held more than ten times larger the space than that of a bronze storage spirit ring. In small sects like the Wenxian Sect, even the peak leaders of each peak were unlikely to possess one.

This particular item held a market value equivalent to that of a low-grade treasured artifact!

Typically, individuals would opt to carry several bronze storage spirit rings or utilize dimensional pouches rather than invest in a silver storage spirit ring.

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