The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 161: Boundless Vision!

Chapter 161: Boundless Vision!

"Sir, I urge you to reconsider your actions carefully!"

Jia Song's eyes twitched abruptly. Although it was indeed Jia Lang who was behaving arrogantly and domineeringly in front, Jia Song was tasked with protecting him, and therefore couldn't allow Ling Feng to harm even a single hair on Jia Lang's head.

"If you refuse to step aside, then I'll have no choice but to kill you both!"

A gleam of cold light flickered in Ling Feng's eyes. Today, he was determined to end Jia Lang's life!

"In that case, Sir, please forgive my impudence!"

Jia Song's brows furrowed into an inverted eight-character shape as he swiftly unsheathed the long sword in his hand which released a faint golden sword aura.

Indeed, this individual was worthy of being recognized as an expert of Hanwu County. Despite both being in the Transformation Realm, this person's skill far exceeded the thugs from "the Four Evils of the Bloody Night."

Nevertheless, even with such skill, Jia Lang was unlikely to evade death today!

Aware that he may not be Jia Song's equal in terms of raw ability, Ling Feng still possesses the formidable "Scorching Sky Blaze," capable of instantly killing his adversaries.

With this powerful technique at his disposal, Ling Feng simply needs to execute it to eliminate Jia Song and then deliver a finishing blow to claim Jia Lang's life.

"Why persist in such a fruitless confrontation, sir, over a mere horse?"

Jia Song silently lamented. He understood Ling Feng's unique status and the danger of provoking him, yet he couldn't allow Ling Feng to kill Jia Lang and was compelled to act.

"Jia Song, enough talk! If you're going to strike, then strike! Fuckk, there's no time for idle chatter! Let's just finish him off once and for all!"

Jia Lang's eyes flashed with intense resentment as he uttered menacingly.

"Let's see who's going to die!" Ling Feng's gaze turned cold as he slowly raised the Eradicator of Realms in his hand, tracing a mysterious arc.

"What is this...?"

In an instant, Jia Song seemed to sense that the figure staring at him was not human, but rather a fierce beast from ancient times!

Shaking his head, Jia Song immediately dismissed such thoughts.

He’s just a mere early-stage Pulse Formation Realm cultivator. No matter how extraordinary he is, could he really overturn the heavens?

However, in the next moment, he seemed to hear cries around him as his servants, one by one, panicked and exclaimed, "Elder Song!"

Then, one by one, they dashed towards him.

Jia Song's eyes flashed with a hint of confusion. What were these lackey servants up to?

Just as he was about to shout out and draw his sword against Ling Feng, he suddenly felt a slight chill creeping down his neck. His head grew heavier, and then everything began to spin uncontrollably!

"Am... am I dead?"

This was the last thought that flashed through Jia Song's mind. His head had already parted ways with his body, rolling on the ground for more than ten meters until it came to a stop beside the corpse of the Black-Scaled Dragon Horse.

Too fast! Way too fast!

Ling Feng's sword strike was simply too fast. Even after Jia Song's head was separated from his body, he hadn't realized he was dead!

Before his vision completely blacked out, he witnessed the final scene of his life: the young man, wielding the black sword, pierced through Jia Lang's chest with a single strike before soaring into the sky.

"Second Young Master! Second Young Master!"

The servants of the Jia Family looked on in disbelief at Ling Feng's departing figure and Jia Lang lying in a pool of blood, trembling uncontrollably.

Some even collapsed to the ground, their legs giving way beneath them.

In a single instant, Ling Feng had struck down both Jia Song and Jia Lang with one sword!

And Jia Song was a formidable expert in the Transformation Realm!


As he fled beyond the city walls and plunged into a dense forest, Ling Feng found refuge by leaning against a towering tree, his breaths coming in heavy gasps.

Jia Song had proven to be a formidable adversary. Despite Ling Feng's ability to dispatch him with a single stroke of the "Scorching Sky Blaze," the opponent's sword qi had still managed to inflict some degree of shock injury upon him.

Even in Ling Feng's previous encounter with Blood Red Garment, he hadn't sustained such harm. The power of the elite families in Hanwu County were evidently on another level.

Having taken the life of the Jia Family's young master, Ling Feng knew he had incurred a deep-seated enmity that would not be easily forgiven.

However, Ling Feng felt little regret. To him, the life of Jia Lang was insignificant compared to that of his Black-Scaled Dragon Horse. Once killed, so be it!

Furthermore, the Jia Family was merely a local powerhouse within Hanwu County. Ling Feng was confident that once he escaped the county's confines, the Jia Family would be powerless to pursue him.

Gazing up at the blood-red hues of the setting sun, Ling Feng calculated that if he pressed on through the night, the Jia Family's pursuers would struggle to catch up with him!

As long as he could elude tonight's danger, freedom would be beneath the open sky. However, escaping the perils of this night wouldn't be simple.

It was highly likely that tonight would unfold as a night of bloodshed!

The darkness of night deepened gradually.

The stillness of the night was unsettling.


Suddenly, a crow took flight from the treetops, emitting a piercing cry. Soon after, birds scattered from their nests, displaying immense panic.

Ling Feng furrowed his brow, sensing an ominous presence.

Drawing the Eradicator of Realms, Ling Feng detected a subtle but dangerous aura.

Perhaps, this moment would bring him closer to death than ever before!

With a flicker of flame, Zifeng peeked out from Ling Feng's embrace and spoke solemnly, "Master, you've stirred up big trouble this time. Over a dozen individuals are approaching us, including one at the peak of the Pulse Formation Realm and three at the Transformation Realm. Among them, one is exceptionally formidable. I fear that even my transformation into an Earth-Fire Flame Demon won't be enough to handle them."

"Understood," Ling Feng tightening his grip on his long sword.

While the peak Pulse Formation Realm martial artist might not pose a significant threat by themself, their ability to encircle was concerning. Moreover, the Pulse Formation Realm experts could swiftly respond to any sounds of combat. Among them were adversaries so formidable that even Zifeng would struggle, so they were likely experts of the fourth level of Transformation Realm or higher.

It seemed there was no way out!

"Since there's no retreat, we strike first!" A cold murderous intent flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

"What's your plan?" Zifeng blinked curiously.

"They are searching for me, aren’t they? I'll go meet them!" Ling Feng sneered. "And while I'm at it, I'll send them to meet the King of Hell!"

It was a wildly audacious idea, but it was also their only option now.

To have a chance of escaping alive, Ling Feng knew he must break through the enemy's encirclement.

Otherwise, with the net tightening around him, death would be the only outcome.

Ling Feng was keenly aware of this reality. He retrieved five elemental stones from his storage spirit ring, keeping them close to his chest. These precious stones were rare even in the Wenxian Sect's inventory, and he had only taken a little over two hundred when he left, prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

The elemental stones could swiftly replenish his body's true qi, a necessity at the moment.

"I understand," Zifeng, sharp as ever, quickly grasped Ling Feng's plan and nodded. "Master, do you intend to employ the Boundless Vision?"

"You’re right," Ling Feng's lips curved into a smile. Although his cultivation had not advanced much during his brief tenure as the Wenxian Sect's sect leader, he had successfully condensed the second divine inscription of the Heavenly Dao.

This second divine inscription was known as "Boundless Vision."

Within a certain range, every detail of space, from every plant to every movement, would appear within his field of vision as clear as day.

Having this ability meant that even the most powerful concealment techniques couldn’t escape his sight.

Under the cloak of night, Ling Feng would become a nocturnal predator, harvesting the lives of the Jia Family's high-ranking experts.

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