The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 150: The Four Evils of the Bloody Night!

Chapter 150: The Four Evils of the Bloody Night!

With Elder Yao taking a stand, the other elders and stewards of the Wenxian Sect began to hesitate one by one.

Elder Yao's status and seniority within the sect were quite high, so if he sided with Duanmu Qingshan, this internal conflict wouldn't be considered as betraying the sect, but rather as deposing the sect leader.

As the senior uncle of the sect leader, he definitely had the authority to remove him if the sect leader acted unjustly.

Furthermore, with almost all the disciples overwhelmingly supporting Ling Feng, the elders also had to consider which side to align with.

Regardless of whether it was for the sect or for themselves, in this situation, continuing to follow Lin Canglang and aid in wrongdoing was definitely not a wise choice.

Soon afterward, nearly everyone, except for a few trusted allies of Lin Canglang, as well as the peak leaders and elders who had initially participated in the siege against Duanmu Qingshan, sided with Ling Feng and the other disciples.

"The sect leader is devoid of virtue and should be removed!"

Elder Yao's call echoed from the heights, prompting all disciples of the Wenxian Sect to immediately join in chanting, "Depose! Depose...!"

Their resounding voices shook the mountains, seemingly reaching the heavens!

"Those who follow the right path shall receive abundant help, while those who stray shall find themselves alone!" With a sweep of his long sword, Ling Feng pointed it at Lin Canglang's forehead and declared coldly, "Lin Canglang, your time to die has come!"

"Ling Feng! Ling Feng!" At this moment, Lin Canglang, who had always been cunning and strategic, finally lost all rationality. His eyes, bloodshot like a beast, locked fiercely onto Ling Feng. "You wretched brat, our sect will ensure you have no burial ground!"

The predicament he found himself in today was all thanks to Ling Feng. Keeping a tiger as a pet ultimately led to great calamity!

"Your opponent is me!"

Duanmu Qingshan stepped forward, positioning himself in front of Ling Feng, and declared coldly, "Lin Canglang, today, I shall avenge my wife and daughter!"

A shiver coursed through Duanmu Qingshan's body, and an overwhelming aura of dominance surged forth from him.

Lin Canglang tightened his fists, casting a resentful glare at Duanmu Qingshan and his disciple, his teeth clenched. "Duanmu, you old geezer, do you truly think victory is within your reach like this? Very well, you've left me no other choice!"


Only Elder Yao's eyelids twitched, a hint of recollection flashing across his face. He exclaimed, "Lin Canglang, you dare...!"

But before Elder Yao could finish, a sinister chuckle, akin to a voice from the depths of the underworld, echoed throughout Little Bamboo Peak, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"Brother Lin, it appears you could use some assistance! Hehehe..."

That chilling voice drew nearer, reminiscent of a harbinger of doom from the depths of hell.

Ling Feng furrowed his brow slightly, turning to Elder Yao with a deep inquiry, "Elder Yao, who exactly is this individual clad in blood-red attire?"

"The leader of the Four Evils of the Bloody Night!" Elder Yao narrowed his eyes, his expression turning grave. "For nearly a decade, the Four Evils of the Bloody Night have been notorious in the Xianzong Mountain. They’re a group of sinister cultivators specializing in acts of murder and robbery. While many know them by their aliases, few are aware that the leader of the Four Evils of the Bloody Night is known as Blood Red Garment!"

"The Four Evils of the Bloody Night?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Judging from the telepathic message just now, it was evident that Blood Red Garment's abilities were by no means inferior to Lin Canglang's.

Moreover, the fact that Blood Red Garment referred to Lin Canglang as 'Brother Lin' indicated that they had long been in collusion.

The esteemed leader of the Wenxian Sect, actually colluding with those sinister cultivators specializing in murder and robbery, and even addressing each other as brothers?

Furthermore, the appearance of the Four Evils of the Bloody Night in the Xianzong Mountain nearly a decade ago coincided with Lin Canglang's assumption of sect leadership. It seemed that the relationship between the sect leader and the Four Evils of the Bloody Night was quite intriguing.

"W-Who is this person? His voice is like that of a demon!"

"I feel like my head is about to explode!"

The disciples of the Wenxian Sect were immediately struck with terror, their souls feeling as if they were fleeing their bodies. As the disciples tightly gripped their weapons, they warily surveyed their surroundings.

Amidst the vast expanse of hills and valleys, ghostly shadows seemed to materialize, resembling malevolent spirits intent on capturing souls and claiming lives.

"I recall now! Isn’t he Blood Red Garment, the leader of the Four Evils of the Bloody Night?" exclaimed one elder in astonishment.

"The Four Evils of the Bloody Night? For disciples from various sects journeying through the Xianzong Mountain for training, encountering these villains is the last thing they desire. None who encounter them ever return alive!"

"The Task Hall still displays the mission to eradicate the Four Evils of the Bloody Night, yet for the past four or five years, no one has dared to undertake it. Could it be that the sect leader is truly colluding with the Four Evils of the Bloody Night?"

"The Four Evils of the Bloody Night are wanted criminals of the empire. How can the sect leader ally himself with them? Isn't he concerned about implicating our entire Wenxian Sect?"

Even Yang Wei, Li Liang, and others were unaware of the sect leader's depth of cunning. They couldn't fathom that he had clandestine dealings with the Four Evils of the Bloody Night.

As the discussions persisted, a thick scent of blood drifted on the breeze. Moments later, thirteen figures dressed in blood-red attire descended from the sky and landed atop the hill. In front of them were four leaders who each brandished a massive anti-cavalry sword. Their expressions were twisted with ferocity and malice, emanating an unmistakable aura of brutality.

All thirteen figures were martial artists who were experts at the peak of the Pulse Formation Realm!

Moreover, like Lin Canglang, the four leaders had reached the Transformation Realm.

At the forefront stood a man with a blood-red skull tattooed on his left cheek, his long hair disheveled and hanging down, and his eyes bloodshot, giving him the appearance of a madman.

This individual was none other than Blood Red Garment, who had just sent the telepathic message.

"There are four at the Transformation Realm!"

As Duanmu Qingshan's gaze swept across the figures who just appeared, he took a deep breath, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Given his current condition, dealing with Lin Canglang alone would require Duanmu Qingshan's full effort. Adding the Four Evils of the Bloody Night to the mix would mean that he would have absolutely no chance of winning.

Despite being in the territory of the Wenxian Sect, with thousands of disciples and elders combined, the Four Evils of the Bloody Night were completely undeterred. They were all ruthless killers who were used to the sight of bloodshed.

Wouldn’t this act of Lin Canglang bringing such murderers lead to the destruction of the entire Wenxian Sect?

Ling Feng tightened his grip on the Eradicator of Realms, feeling the immense pressure brought upon by the Four Evils of the Bloody Night.

Blood Red Garment chuckled as he flew to Lin Canglang's side, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a sinister smile. "Brother Lin, as the leader of a sect, why can't you even control your own underlings?"

"Hmph, Blood Red Garment, don't forget that it was our sect that saved your lives when you were desperate. Otherwise, there would be no Four Evils of the Bloody Night, but rather just four wandering souls! Today, it's time for you to repay that kindness!"


After hearing these words, the expressions of the Wenxian Sect's disciples and elders all changed drastically.

To think that the Four Evils of the Bloody Night, notorious for their atrocities in the Xianzong Mountain, were actually brought together by Lin Canglang!

Lin Canglang flicked his sleeve, his expression calming.

Upon witnessing the arrival of Blood Red Garment, he realized that control over the situation had returned to him.

Despite the formidable strength of Ling Feng and his allies, could they truly contend against four Transformation Realm experts?

Moreover, Blood Red Garment was no ordinary cultivator of the Transformation Realm. His poisonous techniques made even Lin Canglang tread cautiously, lest he face dire consequences.

The Four Evils of the Bloody Night were Lin Canglang's clandestine maneuver, a reflection of his ambitious nature. He never truly thought that being sect leader of the Wenxian Sect was pivotal; why else would he have sent his daughter to learn advanced martial arts from other sects since childhood?

Originally, he had planned to leverage the power of the Four Evils of the Bloody Night to gradually annex all the sects in the Xianzong Mountain in order to gain more resources and wealth.

Unfortunately, today's developments surpassed his expectations, compelling him to prematurely reveal his connection to the Four Evils of the Bloody Night.

Who could have anticipated that the notorious Four Evils of the Bloody Night actually had their stronghold within the Wenxian Sect itself?

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