Hogwarts won a lot of trophies. Albert also found the trophy of the Triwizard Tournament, the trophy of the International Wizarding Chess Tournament, the Golden Crucible of the Magic School Potions Championship, and the creative ideas of the Cairo International Alchemy Tournament. Medals...Of course, there is also Voldemort...that is, Tom Riddle's Special Contribution Award can also be found here.

   "If only I can get a trophy and put it here." Lee Jordan looked at the trophy on the counter with envy and admiration on his face.

   "I think Albert may have a chance. As for you... forget it!" The twins appeared behind Li from left to right, put one hand on his shoulder, and smiled comfortingly.

"No one can tell in the future." Albert casually comforted, "Maybe you can get a trophy or something here. The special contribution award is very simple, as long as you discuss it with Dumbledore, go Donate five thousand or ten thousand gallons to the school, he will definitely help you get one."

   When the three of them heard the words, they couldn't help but twitch, what is meant by donating five thousand or ten thousand gallons, why can you easily say such a thing!

   That's Kanon!

   The twins didn't have a Gallon in their pockets. They even wondered whether their family property was worth so much money.

   Lee Jordan broke free from the twins' hands and asked, "Don't you want to..."

   "Actually, I'm even more curious about how much bonus I can get. As for everything else, it's imaginary to me." Albert shook his head and interrupted the other party.

   He values ​​gold coins more than glory, and money is the most real thing.

   Especially at that time in his last life, there was a saying that it is easy to do things if you have money, and there is another saying that you are confident if you have money...

   "Don't look at me this way, I'm just more realistic." Albert coughed and quickly changed the subject, "Let's go, go to the fifth floor, I have a hunch that the library is probably on the fifth floor."

   "You are right, money is a good thing, and I hate poverty." The twins looked at each other and did not deny Albert's words.

   It should be said that no one likes poverty.

  Especially the Weasley brothers from a poor family, they can understand this better.

   The four pushed and shoved to the fifth floor, and they really let them find the library, but at this point in time, the library hadn't opened yet.

   "Go and see other places first." Albert proposed. This is a very wise choice, because the four of them actually found the entrance of the suspicious secret passage, just behind a tall suspicious mirror.

   "What are you doing here?"

  As they checked the entrance, Snape appeared silently behind the four.

   "We are looking for a shortcut, Professor." Albert didn't care too much about the other party's gloomy face. Of course he could guess who the guy in front of him was.

   "Shortcut." Snape stared at Albert's eyes, but Albert turned away from him. "We think there is a shortcut to other floors."

   It is well known that the easiest way to avoid being caught in the mind is to not let your eyes look directly at the other person.

   "Oh, open it!" The mirror suddenly slid down to one side, revealing a gap.

   Snape frowned when he saw this, as if he was about to say something, but Albert interrupted him.

   "By the way, professor, can you let me take a photo?" Albert raised the camera and asked sincerely.

   Not only Snape, but George's three expressions froze and became a little weird.

   Snape stared at Albert blankly, his face always smiling, ignoring Snape's death gaze.

   "Sir, can't you?" Albert asked again.

   "If you have time to hang out..."

"No, sir, we didn't hang out here." Albert said solemnly, "just seize the free time and figure out the layout of the castle classroom as soon as possible. For any freshman, this is very necessary. After all, Does Hogwarts not send us maps? The shortcut to the castle can also prevent new students from being accidentally late."

   This time, even Snape could not say what he had just said, and the three people next to him were even more stunned.

   Why, can you speak so confidently?

   However, it sounds reasonable.

   Hogwarts Castle is indeed like a labyrinth. If the school does not send out a map, we are not allowed to come out and familiarize ourselves with the distribution of the castle?

Snape's lips trembled slightly, and he stared at Albert coldly, "If you have a lot of time, why not watch "Magic Potion and Potion" several times? Next time in class, I will ask questions first. You, disappear from my eyes now and immediately."

   "Then, see the professor on Friday." Albert waved his hand with a smile, pushed the three people next to him, and disappeared at the end of the corridor after turning in.

   "Wow, you actually want to take a picture of Snape."

   "You actually dare to slap him head-on." The twins Qi Qi gave a thumbs up to Albert and couldn't help laughing, "Don't you know? He is famous..."

   "I didn't frustrate him, what I said was the fact." Albert didn't admit that he didn't have Snape, he just told the fact.

   "Yes, yes, it is true." George nodded repeatedly, and even the three of them had to admit that this was a fact.

   So, Snape can't do anything to him either. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   "By the way, what did you just say that Snape is famous?" Albert turned off the subject and asked, "What is famous?

   "...famously unreasonable." George couldn't help laughing. "However, his expression was really funny just now."

   "You said, where does that passage lead?" Lee Jordan was more curious about this question.

   "I don't know, let's check it out when I have time in the afternoon!" Albert found that a new task appeared on his panel:

   is a dead little expert.

   Snape is one of the most popular professors at Hogwarts in the history of other colleges. You have successfully molested each other once, why not continue this feat?

   Mission completion degree is 1/5.

   2000 experience points are awarded.

   is really an expert!

   "By the way, that...what are you going to do?" Fred suddenly said.

   "That?" Albert asked puzzledly, "Which one?"

   "It's just a question!" Lee Jordan reminded, "Didn't Snape ask you to be asked in the first class?"

   "It's okay, just ask questions, as long as you don't exceed the knowledge of "Magic Potion and Potion", there will be no big problems." Albert is still very confident in his memory, and all questions are drizzle.

"I almost forgot about it. I was a bit looking forward to next Friday's Potions class." The three looked at each other, remembering that the man in front of him was super strong in memory and had a super good brain. He should respond to Snape's question. Not a problem.

   "If you get everything right, will Snape give you extra points?" George said suddenly.

   "Definitely not," Albert said with certainty.

   "I think so, then, everyone will be able to see what kind of professor he is."

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