The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 15: The wizard’s taste is a bit strange

   " really bet?" George Weasley swallowed, "That's 25 gallons, in case... in case..."

   He never dared to say the words that he guessed wrong, for fear that he would say it.

   "I believe in my luck and intuition." Albert said quietly, "You don't try it, if you guess it, you can make a fortune."

   "We don't have any money." The twins shook their heads after looking at each other. The Weasleys are relatively poor, and even if the twins have some savings, they won't be wasted on guessing.

   "Don't look at me, I want to save some money for other things." Li Qiaodan shook his head repeatedly. He only thought that Albert's approach was crazy, and if he really had the money, he would never use it like this. "

  During the conversation among the four, the train had left London and was speeding along the meadows and fields.

   Albert was flipping through the newspaper and listening to the trio chatting about Quidditch. In this regard, he couldn't speak at all. Even if he knew the rules, he had to pretend not to be clear.

   After all, Albert comes from the Muggle world, and it is logically impossible to know these things about Quidditch.

   "By the way, have you heard about Gabriel Truman?" George suddenly mentioned the matter a while ago.

   "Natley was almost fired by the Ministry of Magic." Fred whispered, "Later, he went to apologize to Gabriel Truman in person, and the matter was over."

   "I also heard. But my mother said Rita Skeeter's article is not credible." Li Jordan said, "That woman likes to exaggerate facts."

   "Most newspapers are like this, but the content always needs two points of truth." Albert closed the newspaper and said. As one of the culprits of all this, he naturally knew what had happened.

"I've been to Truman's cubicle before and heard him talk to others about it, saying that he met a Hogwarts freshman practicing magic during the summer vacation, and then I received a letter inexplicably saying that it was Gerwarts fired." Fred said suddenly. "At that time, Dumbledore and a Ministry of Magic staff came to the door. The Ministry of Magic had a very bad attitude and didn't even give an apology, so he just..."

   Albert raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. He can only say that Westerners are more ostentatious. He reminded Truman to keep it secret. Obviously he had forgotten it. However, he didn't tell his story.

   Albert's soul is an Oriental after all, the humility and implicitness in his bones have not disappeared, and he doesn't like publicity.

   "By the way, do you know how the school is divided?" Albert changed the subject.

   "I don't know, the family won't tell me." Li Qiaodan shook his head and said.

   "Percy said it would go through a kind of test." George said a little annoyed. "They are always reluctant to tell us that it is an interesting thing."

"How is the life of a wizard? Is it interesting?" Albert thought for a while and said, "At first, when I received the letter, they were very surprised. My mother didn't even welcome Professor McGonagall. She was worried. I cannot find a job after graduation."

   "That's not true, my two brothers have graduated." The twins said in unison.

   "Bill worked for Gringotts in Africa."

   "Charlie studies dragons in Romania."

   "Where is your father?" Albert asked knowingly.

   "He works at the Ministry of Magic." The twins looked at each other and said in the same way.

   "I think I will stay in the Muggle world after graduation."

   "Why?" The three asked in a puzzled way, in their opinion this is difficult to direct.

   "I came to Hogwarts mainly to learn magic and how to use magic. Professor McGonagall said that if you don't learn magic, you may lose control of magic in the future."

   "But in the world of Muggles, we can't use magic at will, and we can't let Muggles know the existence of magic, otherwise we will cause trouble for ourselves."

   "By the way, what do you want to do from now on?"

   "I don't want to work in the Ministry of Magic."

   "Me too." The twins looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

   "It's good to be a Quidditch player. Charlie is the Quidditch captain. I think I fly well, but it's a pity that I can only join Quidditch in the second grade." George said regretfully.

   "I didn't think about it." Li Qiaodan said.

   "Where are you?" The three of them all looked at Albert.

   "Me? Find a job that is simple, easy and easy to make money."

   "Is there such a job?" The three couldn't help but look at each other again. If there is such a job, they want it too!

   "There should be, I'm looking for it." Albert said with a smile. He was curious when the twins gave birth to the idea of ​​a joke shop.

   "If you find it, remember to tell me." Li Qiaodan patted Albert on the shoulder seriously and couldn't help but laugh.

   "You don't mind if I take a picture of you." Albert took out the camera and said.


   "Yeah, my family wants to learn about the magic world." Albert asked the three of them to sit together and raised the camera to take a few pictures of them.

   "Why doesn't the photo move?" Li Qiaodan raised his hand and poked the photo, probably wanting them to move. UU Reading

   "Muggle pictures don't move." Albert explained, took the picture and looked at it, and he was quite satisfied, "It seems that my technique has improved a bit."

   "What's the meaning of photos that don't move." The three quickly lost interest in photos.

   As it approached noon, there was noise from the aisle of the train.

   For a moment, a witch pushed open the compartment door and asked, "Honey, do you want to buy some food?"

   "I want a Bibi Duo flavored beans." Lee Jordan said, he has his own food. The twins also brought sandwiches, but they didn't have much money, so they bought nothing.

   "Bring me some of all the food." Albert said to the gracious witch.

   Just seeing Albert's gamble, the three of them felt numb to his lavish spending.

   For this, Albert paid a gallon and bought a bunch of things on the table.

   "I dare say, your family must be very rich." Li Qiaodan muttered.

   "It's not very rich." Albert opened Bibi Duo beans and ate one, which tasted like bean sprouts. "They are all lawyers."

   "What is that?" The three of them didn't understand Muggles.

   "Those who are litigating for others, you also think they are legal loopholes in the law." Albert thought for a while and said.

   "Legal hole in the law." After the three listened, they were a little bit confused. What is meant by legal hole in the law? Is it legal to drill into the law?

   What kind of show operation is this?

   "Help me introduce what kind of food these are." Albert made a gesture of please. He didn't want to eat something inexplicable, the wizard's taste was a little strange. Moreover, this is regarded as an opportunity. For things like friendship, it is said that clothing still needs to be managed and maintained.

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