"Okay, this party is over, do you have any questions?"

In the training room of the Defense Association, Albert, who had just put away his wand and finished the tutorial, looked around at everyone who was still slightly excited, and nodded with satisfaction.

Very excited and passionate, everyone has the motivation to make progress.

Having said that, the Defense Association has grown unknowingly, and the number of members is more than he expected, with more than forty members.

"When are we going to fight back?" someone asked with a raised hand.

Albert followed the voice and found that it was Hufflepuff's Hannah Abbott who asked the question.

This girl recently helped manage the students at the shelter, and she did a good job. After thinking twice, Cedric felt that she should receive more formal Defense Against the Dark Arts training, so he recommended her to Albert to follow everyone Practice Defense Against the Dark Arts. Anyway, Hannah is already an adult, there is no trace of trouble, and she has passed the Apparition test.

"Many people think that someone should come forward and lead everyone to fight against the mysterious person." Su

Many members followed suit, and the meaning was obvious.

Victory after victory has made most members of the Defense Association bursting with confidence, and they can't wait to flex their muscles.

"Then what?"

Albert asked blankly, "Being targeted by Death Eaters, have you been brutally betrayed?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the scene suddenly fell into a dead silence, and then the pot was completely fried.

There were whispers all around, and everyone looked at Albert in surprise, obviously not understanding why he said that.

"I have to tell everyone a very cruel thing."

Albert raised his hand and made a quiet gesture. After the surrounding voices gradually quieted down, he continued: "Don't look at everyone expecting someone to stand up and lead everyone to resist the mysterious person, but those words are just false I never deny that people yearn for peace, but most people do not have the courage to stand up and fight for this peace for themselves, and they hope that there is a savior who can save them from the sea of ​​suffering.”

"I can understand that you want to lead everyone to fight against the mysterious person, but what most people need is a savior, a savior who can bring them peace, but they may not be eager to fight for that peace in person, because that Too dangerous."

"Don't forget, this is a cruel wizard's war, not a school play. War always needs the dead, and everyone has only one life. I don't want you to be fooled a little bit by others, just here Inexplicably lost their lives in a brutal war."

Looking at the astonished members, Albert reminded kindly: "Everyone, don't forget how the wizards of the entire British wizarding world treated Harry Potter, the savior, a few years ago. Don't think about it." Once it's hot, people will be fooled by it."

"I never deny that there are still many people in the British magic community who continue to support us, but please don't forget that what more people can provide is limited to verbal support." Albert asked everyone present: "You Do you know what verbal support is?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one answered for a while.

"Let me give you an example." Albert suddenly pointed to Lee Jordan, and said to Fred beside him, "This guy actually wants to abduct your girlfriend and beat him up!"

Everyone looked stunned.

"Yes, I support Fred beating Lee Jordan." Albert spread his hands, "Like this is ridiculous."

"Can't you change the example?" Lee Jordan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Albert.

Immediately there was a burst of joyful laughter around.

"Actually, I didn't expect to get more support from other people from the very beginning, because I am very aware of the situation in the British magical world." Albert raised his hand to suppress his laughter, "Human nature cannot stand the test Well, if the Death Eaters want someone to betray us, all they have to do is take his family and threaten his life with their lives. For the safety of their families, most people will choose to betray and stab us in the back.

However, the most ridiculous thing is that even if he did that, he would not be able to get his family back, because the words of the black wizard could not be trusted at all, they would still hold his family as a rope, and continue to treat each other like a dog at will. "

Many people couldn't help but frown upon hearing the words, as if judging the credibility of Albert's words. smilax

"I think you all know the famous savior Harry Potter." Albert gave another acquaintance as an example: "Harry's father, James Potter, was a friend who trusted his friend Pettigrew too much. Peter, declined Dumbledore's proposal to be the secret keeper, but he didn't expect Pettigrew Peter to be a Death Eater undercover agent of the Order of the Phoenix because of threats from mysterious people, and you all know Well, the Potters made Peter Pettigrew their secret keeper, and they were betrayed and lost their lives for it."

Peter Pettigrew, who is a friend of the Potters, didn't care about his friendship with the Potters at all. He can betray his friends without any worries. Do you think other people will not betray in that situation? "

"No, believe me, they are not as reliable as you think."

"If that can't be trusted, who should we trust?" someone asked.

"Everyone in the Defense Association is trustworthy." Albert explained, "If you haven't forgotten, you should be aware of the list that I just came here to sign. I cast a strong contract magic on it. As long as someone If you betray us, everyone will notice it immediately."

"Can't it be cracked?"

"Of course, but I won't give them a chance."

Many people began to think about why Albert told everyone this. Obviously something happened, or something bad was about to happen, so everyone should be mentally prepared.

Because they all knew that Albert was never a nagging person.

"Okay, maybe this is not enough to convince you, but I never thought of convincing you. I believe that you who have grown up have your own judgments. Now I want to talk about another shelter, another one for other people. A makeshift shelter for persecuted wizards."

Albert actually hates nagging about these things, but he found that the members of the Defense Association were already a little impetuous because of successive victories. He needed to calm them down before some people, or a certain group of people, did something stupid and realized The current situation.

"Did something really happen?"

Cedric exchanged glances with the others, and continued to listen quietly to Albert.

"Harry went there not long ago, trying to persuade them to cheer up," Albert's mouth curled into a mocking smile: "As many of you said, people want someone to come forward, Leading everyone to fight against the mysterious man, Harry Potter has indeed done so, he is the most vivid banner, but there are very few responders, it should be said that there is no one at all." 菨

"This is impossible!"

Many people's eyes widened in surprise, and they suddenly understood why Albert had to spend so much time talking to them just now.

As persecuted Muggle wizards, most people do not have the courage to stand up against the mysterious person. Do you still expect those who are still safe and sound to stand up bravely at the risk of their families being ruined?

Maybe, but it's definitely a minority.

"This is a war, a cruel war, so I hope you all recognize the reality. At present, among the wizards in the entire British magical world, only we standing here, the Order of the Phoenix, and even a very small number of wizards have that kind of courage. Stand up and resist." Albert said, raising his voice.

"I never lied to you, it's meaningless to do that. If you don't believe me, look at what happened to Scrimgeour. In order to protect the Aurors, he took the initiative to duel with the mysterious man, hoping to keep the Aurors and make them become rebels." The important power of the You-Know-Who, but look at what those Aurors have done. They betrayed Scrimgeour's expectations and became the lackeys and minions of the You-Know-Who.

Needless to say, the Aurors recently followed Umbridge to Hogwarts to bully the professors there, forcing Professor McGonagall to drink Veritaserum, and trying to get the home addresses of expelled students from her mouth. ”

Everyone was dumbfounded by Albert's words, but they did hear similar news from the wizard watch station broadcast not long ago.

At that time, none of them thought much about it, but they just didn't expect it to be like that.

"Even the Aurors have turned to the mysterious man?" Many people stared in disbelief, "Didn't it mean that many Death Eaters died at their hands?"

"Yes, but that was an order from Scrimgeour, and he was already dead. Before he died, he took away all the hatred and saved most of the people." Albert said coldly, "So, don't hug too much. What an unrealistic fantasy."

"What we have to do now is to unite all people who can be united and prepare for the coming decisive battle." Albert looked at the confused people and said loudly, "Although in my prophecy, the victorious The balance has already tilted towards us, but we still cannot relax until we defeat the Mysterious Man, because our enemies are equally powerful."

"Should we just practice spells and combat skills from now on?" Dean asked suspiciously.

"Yes, that's what you need to do most at the moment." Albert nodded and said, "As for the 'supporters' outside, we can help if we can. If you take risks, then I think there is no need. We are never stingy in helping others, but that requires our own safety as the first priority." 菨

Suddenly there was warm applause.

Many people even came over to give Albert a big hug.

No one would think that was bullshit.

The members who can stand here are already adults and have their own judgment. They know why Albert, who has never liked to talk nonsense, took the time to tell them so many things.

They all know that Albert is teaching them important self-preservation skills, as he said: We are never stingy in lending a helping hand to others, but in advance we will not endanger our own lives.

"It's really hard to say so much for you." Fred said with a smile and lightly tapped Albert's shoulder.

"I just hope they can calm down and don't lose their lives in vain by doing something stupid." Albert warned, "Today's Defense Association has been targeted by Death Eaters. If you don't Be careful, sooner or later someone will be unlucky because of this, and if that happens, it will seriously affect everyone's morale."

In the near future, morale is very important when people are fighting against the mysterious man and his minions.

"Then should we stop our recent practice?" George raised his eyebrows and asked. They have been looking for dementors in groups to practice the Patronus Charm in recent days.

"How is the effect?" Albert did not answer, but asked instead.



"As you said, not everyone can summon their patron saint when facing a dementor." George nodded.

"Approximately how many people have succeeded." Albert asked directly. smilax

"About one third." Fred said with a little embarrassment on his face.

In fact, even they have a hard time summoning their Patronus when facing a Dementor.

"As long as we give us a little more time, we will definitely be able to summon the Patronus when facing the dementor."

"Time? There is no time for you to toss."

"How come, we just...

"What have you guys done recently, don't you have any points in your mind?" Albert interrupted angrily, "People in the Order of the Phoenix don't do things as frequently as you, and if the Death Eaters don't follow you, they can still go Who to follow?"

"That Slytherin kid offered to cooperate, and we can't refuse!" Fred tried to defend, "You also know that his whole family was killed by the dark wizard, and that kid wants to seek revenge from the dark wizard. ”

"That's not the reason you're using underage wizards to hang the search team."

The few people present were a little embarrassed, but it was undeniable that their battle experience could grow rapidly, thanks to the black wizards of the search team.

"You probably didn't let him kill you!"

"No." George shook his head and said, "We just let him beat the other party hard to vent. The hatred in his heart has decreased a lot recently, and he is working hard to practice spells now. I think he should be a good one for us in the future." helper."

"Let's calm down for a while, the matter of training with dementors should be suspended, and stop foolishly stepping into other people's traps."

"You are not fools, how could you fall into an ambush so easily?" Lee Jordan felt that Albert's worries were completely unnecessary. Picking out the dementors that are alone will not give the dark wizards time to react. Even if there are dark wizards, they can't be their opponents. From the wands in the cabinet, we can know that they have achieved remarkable results. Maybe the price of wands on the market will increase because of this!

"What if they can't find you and choose to attack Muggles indiscriminately? Will you help or not?" Albert reminded: "Remember, they are dark wizards, and they can do anything by hook or by crook, so Don't push them into a hurry, lest they go crazy and use other methods to force you out, and we have an action next."

"What action?"

"Hogwarts is about to start school, and it is estimated that there will be Death Eaters and Dementors going back to search the train. At that time, we will go there to teach them a lesson, and by the way, give confidence to those members of the Defense Association, and then guide them to re-form Dumbledore's Army."

"So, you're going to take us into trouble yourself?" The Weasley brothers couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing expressions of disbelief.

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