"Maybe, we should hurry up, I suspect we're going to be late."

"The agreed time is twelve o'clock at noon."

Trekking to Hogsmeade in wild wind, rain and snow is never a pleasant experience. They had to bend over and walk slowly against the cold, wind and snow. Even though they had wrapped themselves in thick scarves, their exposed skin was still painfully cold.

Even Harry himself admitted that being in the warm common room in this horrible weather must be more comfortable than it is now. Unfortunately, they have no choice now, and it is obviously not a good choice to turn around and return to school.

"It would be great if I could apparate directly to Hogsmeade village." Ron pulled the scarf around his neck, looked at the Hogwarts students who were headed against the wind, and complained in a low voice, "I feel like I'm His cheeks were so frozen that he lost consciousness."

"Don't complain, we can start learning Apparation this semester." Hermione seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned to the person next to her and said, "Harry, I don't remember you being old enough."

"My birthday is at the end of July." Harry said a little gloomily, "Maybe I won't be able to take the Apparition exam until next semester."

"I think you should give Apparation to the Society first, just in case." Hermione suggested seriously, "And Ron, you are the same, it's best to pass it once."

"Hermione, do you know something?" Harry asked suddenly, "Did Albert tell you anything?"

"No," said Hermione, shaking her head. "But do you remember? He prophesied."

"Prophecy? What prophecy?" Ron asked loudly.

"A period of real turmoil...is coming." Hermione glanced at Ron, and reminded in a low voice, "According to Albert's prediction, this is not yet a period of turmoil, so what do you think is real turmoil? "

"The situation is worse than it is now." Harry really couldn't imagine what it was like.

"He also reminded other Muggle wizards that before the turbulent times came, they had better learn something useful. That's why the "Guide to Self-Defense" was born." Hermione told the two partners that she had deduced "I think he wants to tell us that Muggle wizards will be in big trouble after the real turbulent period. I suspect that You-Know-Who will completely control the Ministry of Magic and persecute Muggle wizards."

"But, as long as Dumbledore is still around, it is almost impossible for Voldemort to control the Ministry of Magic." Harry felt that this possibility was not high. He had confidence in Dumbledore, but even Fudge's weak bones did not succumb to Voldemort. , let alone Scrimgeour.

"Yes, I thought so too." Hermione's voice was so low that only a few people around could barely hear her clearly: "Do you remember the injury on Dumbledore's hand? It was probably caused by some very terrible Cursed by him, I doubt Dumbledore would..."

For a while, the three of them were silent.

This is undoubtedly a very serious topic.

Perhaps, without Albert's prophecy, they would not have thought about it, but everything now points to one thing, Dumbledore is likely to gradually lose the power to control the mysterious person, or leave forever them.

Without Dumbledore's deterrence, it would not be surprising for the mysterious man to do anything. Perhaps at that time, the real turbulent period will come.

Harry had actually had a similar idea, but he was quickly suppressed by him. At least, he didn't think the situation would be that bad, after all, Dumbledore was omnipotent in Harry's heart.

"I remember Fred and George seemed to be led by Albert to practice Apparation." Ron seemed to sense the oppressive atmosphere around him, and picked up a topic at random, "They all passed the Apparation test easily, and now they are Being led by Albert to make a fortune, Dad said they were becoming the richest in the family."

Ron was very envious of the twins' good fortune, even though Fred and George were hiding now, they were still doing owl order and continuing to make a lot of money.

Feeling that the surrounding atmosphere was still very stiff, Ron changed the subject again: "Those two **** also told me that if they couldn't find a job in the future, they would go to the store to help. What are you going to do in the future?"

"Joining the Ministry of Magic, I want to help the house-elves change their current predicament." Hermione said without thinking, "Wizards shouldn't treat house-elves like that."

"I think it will be very difficult to do. The probability of Percy becoming the Minister of Magic is higher than this." Ron ignored Hermione's dissatisfied gaze and continued to ask, "Harry, what about you? Is it an Auror?"

Speaking of which, it's a really nice distraction from the excruciating trek to Hogsmeade.

"Well, I do want to be an Auror if possible, but it seems to be more difficult than I expected, and..."

After learning the prophecy between himself and the mysterious man from Dumbledore at the end of last semester, Harry put down a lot of things and didn't care about his future employment.

The first thing he should consider now is how to defeat the mysterious man, or be defeated by the mysterious man. If he fails, there is no point in thinking about the future.

"It always feels like you all have something on your mind." Ron couldn't help complaining, and he changed the subject and talked about another thing: "By the way, I heard that Fred and George took Zuko's joke shop Become their branch? Maybe, we will see later, they seem to have a large-scale discount today."

Looking at the two people who were silent, Ron couldn't help but sighed, and comforted: "Actually, you don't need to worry too much. Even if something happened, wouldn't there be Dumbledore? Isn't there Albert? I don't believe they didn't prepare for anything, that's not something we should worry about."

After they arrived in Hogsmeade Village, they were shocked by the changes in Zuko's joke shop. This shop, which is popular with Hogwarts students, has not only been renovated, but also placed a A funny statue.

That is an upgraded version of the pink toad statue.

Umbridge sitting on the toad not only has rough skin, but also has pimples. It looks like she has taken a compound medicine with toad skin scraps. There is also a pink toad fixed on her head. The most amazing thing for everyone Yes, the three toads were still lined up and croaking.

"I knew that they were the ones who made that statue back then." Hermione looked at the toad statue in front of her, and said in a low voice to Harry and Ron next to her.

Umbridge's statue undoubtedly helped Zuko's joke shop attract a lot of Hogwarts students. Everyone is pointing at the toad statue, and there are people taking pictures with the statue, and the one who took the picture of them is impressively Lee Jordan.

"What the **** are you doing!"

The three walked over and asked Lee Jordan who was posing for other students.

"For a group photo, you can get two Sisi for one, or buy ten Galleons for free in the store." Lee Jordan smiled and pointed to the statue in front of him and asked, "How about it, do you want one?"

"So expensive?"

Ron couldn't help complaining: "You are stealing money!"

"It's enough for a few people to take a photo together, and then we will share the cost together. In fact, it will not cost much at all. It is not easy to find someone to take pictures for you now, and the film itself is more expensive than you think. If it is not for promotional activities, Don't expect it to be so cheap." Lee Jordan said to the three, "If you want to take pictures, go there and line up!"

"I think that we should give up!"

Ron pulled Harry's shoulders, motioned him to watch the crowds in the joke shop, and said, "Let's go to the Three Broomsticks for a drink first, to warm up, and come back when there are fewer people here."

Seeing the crowded crowd through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Harry nodded in agreement with Ron's suggestion, or did the business first, and asked, "Are Fred and George here, too?"

"They are helping in the store. Well, you should go in and have a look too. We have recently made a batch of good things, and you will definitely like them." After finishing speaking, Lee Jordan got busy with his own affairs.

The three looked at each other and went directly to the Three Broomsticks bar. Where did I meet Cedric and Qiu Zhang, who were chatting and laughing in whispers.

Harry looked away from the two of them, and when he was about to find another table, Hermione stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Harry followed Hermione's fingers and saw Cedric waving at them. He hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other, and both could see the worry in their eyes. They knew that Harry was secretly in love with Qiu Zhang.

"I'm going to get butter beer."

Ron walked towards the bar as he said that. Hermione glanced at the charming and charming Mrs. Rosmerta, and then at Ron's slightly hurried back. go.

"I heard you were in trouble a while ago?"

When Harry faced Cedric now, he no longer felt the same jealousy as before, and when he watched Qiu Zhang, he didn't have the same kind of heartbeat as before.

"I met a group of dark wizards and suffered a bit." Cedric said lightly.

"You should pay attention to safety, and this matter and Fu..."


Hermione quickly interrupted Harry's words with a sharp cough, and helped her continue the conversation, "Is it related to You-Know-Who?"

"Related, according to Albert's prophecy, turbulent times are coming, and he thinks we'd better stick together and spend the most difficult years together." Cedric explained in a low voice.

"But this is related to..."

"We re-established the Defense Association. When I was helping to recruit people, I encountered trouble. Maybe you have heard that the group of Death Eaters were using the Imperius Curse on wizards everywhere. I just happened to meet them. It seems that they want to find out the whereabouts of Albert, so they caught me and tried to force some information from me." Cedric briefly explained the main reason for his troubles.

"So, you quit your job at the Ministry?"

Ron appeared at the wooden table with three glasses of butterbeer in his arms, distributed the warmed butterbeer to Harry and Hermione, and sat down beside Harry.

"Albert saved me, so I am not suitable to stay in the Ministry of Magic now, otherwise I will cause more trouble." Cedric shrugged helplessly and explained, "In short, the situation is even worse than you think , even worse than the last wizarding war."

"What kind of organization is the Defense Association?" Hermione was a little curious about this, "Is it the same as the DA party in school?"

"It is indeed similar to the previous DA. It will teach everyone the knowledge of defense against the black arts, so that they will not be helpless when they encounter danger."

"But, isn't the Ministry of Magic also popularizing the knowledge of defense against the dark arts?" Hermione felt that the "Defense Association" organized by Albert was not just for teaching everyone the knowledge of defense against the dark arts. There must be other more important things. reason.

"That's different. The Defense Against the Dark Arts knowledge learned by Hogwarts students is actually very general. The Defense Association will teach you more advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts knowledge." Cedric explained: "Moreover, the members of the organization will Keep in touch with each other and help each other. When you encounter trouble, at least you will not be helpless. If you are targeted by Death Eaters, we will help you hide them. You can also think that this is a mutual aid organization against the mysterious person. "

"After all, the Ministry of Magic is also being absorbed by heavy tasks. If we want to protect our lives in the coming turbulent period, we need to unite everyone."

"So, this is the main reason why you are willing to go to Hogwarts to teach everyone Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Hermione asked, staring at Cedric, "You want Hogwarts students to join you."

"Yes, Hogwarts graduates are our goals, if they are willing to join us." Cedric directly admitted the matter, "However, the current students' defense against the dark arts are relatively average, Albert I feel that their level should be raised so that they have enough strength to cope with the next changes and protect the lives of themselves and their families."

"I think what Albert said is very reasonable. Now the entire magic world is in panic, and Scrimgeour doesn't know how long he can support it." Cedric reminded without hesitation, "Albert thinks Scrimgeour It has become a thorn in the side of the mysterious man, a thorn in his flesh, maybe one day the mysterious man finds an opportunity, Scrimgeour will die in the line of duty."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all stared wide-eyed.

"Don't look at me like that, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com These are Albert's original words. Scrimgeour killed so many people, there must be many people who want to kill him." Cedric looked around and lowered his voice. Said: "I suspect that Scrimgeour actually knew that he might be killed in the end, so he was so cruel to those dark wizards."

"You mean Albert told Scrimgeour about it, but why did he..."

"Why not hide?" Cedric shook his head. "Do you think he can drop everything and hide?"

All three were silent.

At this moment, a scream came from outside, attracting the attention of the customers in the bar.


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