The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1202: He's better suited to be a savior

At dusk, in the Hogwarts kitchen, house-elves were busy coming and going around the long table, preparing a sumptuous dinner for the Hogwarts students.

Suddenly, there was a harsh "pop" incongruous noise in a corner of the kitchen, which startled the house-elves who were already busy.

Several house-elves were so frightened that they almost flew out of their hands.

The plate of stewed potatoes that almost fell to the ground actually stagnated in mid-air, as if someone had pressed the pause button, and then returned to the plate in the house-elf's hands like a replay.

"Sorry, I scared you."

A gentle voice sounded in the kitchen, and the house-elf, who had been so busy, stopped what he was doing, and turned to look in the direction of the voice.

"Mr Anderson!"

I don't know which house elf recognized the owner of the voice and called out Albert's name first, and the other house elves also showed happy smiles on their faces.

When they put down what they were doing and gathered around, they noticed Hermione and Dobby beside Albert, and their faces were filled with disgust and disgust, and they avoided them one after another, as if they were There is some terrible infectious disease on him.

Still, two house-elves brought Albert tea and pies.

"Thank you for your hospitality, I won't disturb your work." Albert picked up the pies brought by a house-elf, thanked them with a smile, and left with Hermione and Dobby The kitchen, to avoid continuing to cause unnecessary trouble to the busy house-elves.

"They seem to like you, how did you do it, I mean how did you get them to like you."

Hermione looked at the closed kitchen door, looked enviously at Albert who was holding the pie, and curiously asked about Albert's popularity.

The treatment she and Albert enjoyed really made Hermione feel inexplicably sad, and sometimes she would feel that she really did something wrong?

"As long as you can respect them, they will naturally like you, give ... a pie, don't think about it." Albert gave Hermione and Dobby the pie he just got from the plate.

"thank you, sir."

After hesitating for a moment, Dobby still reached out to take the pie from Albert, took a bite, and thanked Albert.

"It's as simple as that, you just need to treat them like normal people, but many people can't do this." Albert handed the rest of the pie to Hermione, exhorting: "Don't do what they hate, even if sometimes what you think is right may not be right for others, after all, many things are actually relative."

Hermione took the pie stupidly, looking at Albert who waved at her, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back, I think you're hungry too, go eat, your friends should be waiting for your good news." Albert reached out to Dobby and let the house elf Take away from Hogwarts.


Hermione looked at the place where the house-elf disappeared with Albert, and fell into a short silence again. She looked down at the pie in her hand, took a bite, and didn't know what she was thinking.

After eating the pie, Hermione walked straight down the hallway back into the hall.

As soon as they entered the hall, Hermione didn't take much trouble to find Harry and Ron who were having dinner, and the two were talking in low voices.

When Hermione walked over, she found that her ears were buzzing. Harry and Ron had apparently cast earplugs. Hermione unlocked the spell and heard the two talking about Lavender. Feeling lost.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that."

Hermione sat down in the vacant seat next to Harry, glanced at Ron with a scumbag look, and said lightly, "How long have you been dating before you plan to dump him?"

"Hermione, when did you come back?" Harry asked in surprise.

"I didn't say I was going to dump her, I just thought she was too clingy," said Ron hesitantly, "like an octopus."

"Just now, Albert sent me back, and the matters at home have been dealt with." Hermione said in a low voice: "A lot of things happened in the meantime, thanks to the help of Albert and Kingsley, The matter is finally settled.”

"You don't mind talking to us!"

Harry was curious about what happened during Hermione's time off home.

"It's not the right place, we'll have to talk somewhere else." Hermione wasn't going to say it here, it wasn't safe to listen to spells with earplugs, and she didn't want Harry to abuse them.

"Let's go to the Room of Requirement, no one's going to bother us anywhere," Ron suggested.

After a brief dinner, the three hurried to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor, where it was obviously safer to talk about private matters, at least without worrying about being overheard.

However, what puzzled Harry was that there were people in the Room of Requirement, and they couldn't get in.

"Someone is using it, let's find another place!"

Harry frowned at the closed Room of Requirement and led Hermione and Ron to the empty classroom nearby.

After confirming that no one was around and listening to the spell with closed earplugs, Hermione briefly told the two of what happened after she returned home.

From the three time-point clues that Cassandra left before her death, to the mysterious man using a spell to locate her family and set up a trap, intending to kill Albert, to the first time Albert found something wrong, Successfully rescued Hermione's family, and successfully got rid of the mysterious man's pursuit, and finally, with the help of the Phoenix Order, sent the family out of the UK on the airport.

"That guy is really powerful. If it was an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would really step into the trap of the mysterious man." After listening to Hermione's story, Harry couldn't help but sigh.

It is not difficult to see the danger of the whole thing from Hermione's words. If Albert is not decisive enough, not only Hermione's family is in danger, but even Hermione may be in danger.

"Isn't the point of this incident that Hermione's family almost lost their lives to the innocent by Albert?" Ron muttered softly.

He actually felt that Hermione's family was unlucky and almost lost their lives inexplicably.

"Albert didn't do it on purpose, and it has something to do with me asking him for help." Hermione never blamed Albert for this, even if the family really lost their lives because of it.

She knew very well that she followed Harry to fight against You-Know-Who, and that sooner or later she might encounter similar troubles, and it was enough to solve the problem, and she never had too many extravagant hopes.


Ron hesitated, but finally shut up obediently.

"I heard from Kingsley that next summer will send your uncle's family away and hide them from the Death Eaters," Hermione said to Harry.

"My family can't all hide, they still need work." Ron frowned as well, because he also thought about the situation at his home.

The Death Eaters undoubtedly hated the Weasleys. Fred and George followed Albert against You-Know-Who, and he also followed Harry against You-Know. No, it should be said that their family was apart from the traitors Percy and Ginny. They are all fighting against the mysterious man.

Absolutely blacklisted.

Oh gosh, Ron can't imagine what terrifying things would happen once the You-Know-Who set their sights on their house.

Or they'd torture his family, try to question Harry's whereabouts, or hold them hostage and have the Order of the Phoenix rush to the rescue, making Ron's face even more ugly.

"Don't worry Ron, Kingsley says the Ministry has other plans for your family."

"But what if the Ministry of Magic falls? Albert didn't predict the fall of the Ministry of Magic," said Ron sullenly.

"Probably find a house protected by the Faithful Loyalty Charm to hide in!" Hermione comforted softly, "Sirius doesn't mind if they use the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, at least it's safe there for the time being."

"Why is the mysterious man so eager to get rid of Albert?" Harry asked the doubts in his heart, this matter is abnormal no matter how you look at it, the mysterious man actually set a trap to kill Albert himself.

"I'm not sure, but I think Albert probably made him feel threatened." Hermione thought about it and analyzed: "Albert's divination is very accurate, and basically the results of the divination have come true, and he I am still so powerful. If the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix really join forces to fight against the mysterious man, the situation will probably be very unfavorable for them. In fact, the recent cases are the best proof that the Death Eaters have suffered heavy losses."

"Actually, sometimes, I think Albert is better suited to be the savior than I am." Harry laughed at himself, "He must be better than me, and you know, that guy can do almost anything."

"Harry!" Hermione looked at her friend worriedly.

"Albert succeeded in getting the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix to join forces to fight the forces of Mysterious Man. This is something that even Dumbledore could not do, but Albert did it easily." Harry smiled bitterly.

He felt that it was completely reasonable for the You-Know-Who wanted to kill Albert, maybe Albert was ranked higher than him on the You-Know-Who's blacklist.

"Don't think of Harry like that, Albert also thinks you are the real savior." Hermione comforted softly, "He also said that you should do a lot of things, which are more suitable for him to do with Dumbledore."

"A lot of things?"

Harry looked at Hermione with some confusion, but he quickly understood the meaning of the other party's words. The search for the Horcrux needed to be kept secret, and Albert and Dumbledore were undoubtedly paid special attention by Voldemort. It was completely over, and he was undoubtedly more suitable for this task, at least compared with the first two, Voldemort was obviously more willing to watch their every move.

"Is this too weak a benefit?"

Harry's voice was filled with undisguised bitterness, it would be great if he could become better, if he could also have the level of Albert... Unfortunately, his so-called savior is only a trivial future. Adult wizard.

Therefore, Scrimgeour never regarded him as a so-called savior, but a sign that could affect the reputation of the Ministry of Magic.

After the brief conversation, the three returned directly to the common room. Ron was entangled by Lavender as soon as he entered the lounge. The two were performing a wrestling kiss on the sofa. Ron obviously enjoyed this experience. Made their friends quite embarrassed.

Just then, Ginny trotted this way, and after glancing at the hypocritical Ron, Ginny handed Harry a piece of parchment.

"Harry, Professor Dumbledore asked me to leave this to you."

"Thank you, Ginny... Dumbledore is teaching me again!" Harry said to Hermione in a low voice, scanning the contents quickly as he unfolded the parchment.

"By the way, Harry, when is the next DA party, everyone can't wait." Ginny asked.

"This... I have something to do recently. I also promised to help at the Wizarding Card Club. There is also Quidditch training. I don't have time at all. The next party will probably have to wait until after the Christmas holidays." Not really. Leigh doesn't want to throw a DA party, but he's really been too busy lately.

"Otherwise, I'll let Se..."

Just as Harry was about to say that Cedric would come to hold it for everyone, Hermione stomped on his toes and swallowed the words back into his stomach.

"Hermione, what are you stepping on me for?"

After Ginny left, Harry couldn't help complaining as he reached out and rubbed the toes that Hermione had stepped on.

"Albert hopes that you can gather popularity through the DA meeting and gain more support and support from students." Hermione reminded seriously: "If you throw the DA meeting to Cedric, what is it? , the meaning of DA gatherings is mostly lost.”

"I thought this party was mainly to teach everyone about Defense Against the Dark Arts." Ron asked in surprise when he broke free from Lavender.

Although he also knew about it, Hermione's words did not surprise him.

"Although it does sound a bit like that, but Albert does plan this way. He thinks you need some loyal supporters." Hermione looked at Harry and Ron, and said seriously, "Teaching everyone about Defense Against the Dark Arts is just a matter of Incidentally."

"I need?" Harry muttered.

Honestly, Harry didn't really like it, but Albert clearly thought it was possible that he could go through what happened last term again.

"Albert hopes to use the DA party to gather everyone by your side and support you against the mysterious man." Hermione thought that Albert's actions made sense, "It's not good to fight alone, Harry, you need allies, no, It should be said that we, and even the Order of the Phoenix, need allies."

"But... I really don't have time recently. If UU reading pushes down the wizard card club."

Harry didn't actually play wizard cards very much, and he didn't like this game very much, because playing this game requires not only carefulness, but also brains.

"No Harry, we promised." Hermione refused directly.

Luna doesn't know how to run a wizard's card club. If she doesn't help, the wizard's card club may be gone, and she promised Albert early on that she would help.

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