The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1189: 1 meal analysis is as fierce as a tiger

Immediately after Apparating back to the safehouse, the group sat on the sofa by the fireplace to keep warm, using their communication bookmarks to try to get in touch with Albert, while analyzing what happened in Hogsmeade with the others.

"Who do you think did this?"

"Draco Malfoy."

The simple answer made the people who were talking in a low voice stunned.

"Albert also thinks that Draco Malfoy did that?" Cedric flipped through the "Guide to Self-Defense", looking straight at George, trying to get an answer from the other side.

"Albert hasn't replied yet, but Malfoy must have done the right thing." George put the newsletter bookmark used to contact Albert on the table, took out the medicine bottle from his pocket, and poured himself a purple one. pill.

"What is this?" Cedric asked curiously.

"Intelligence agent, it can make your brain more flexible after use." George pushed the medicine bottle to Fred, who also poured one for himself.

"This thing is specially made by Albert, and the effect is very good."

"Sometimes, we need to use it to quickly sort out our messy thoughts and figure out what's going on." Lee Jordan also threw one into his mouth.


Cedric picked up a stimulant and pinched it between his thumb and forefinger, still hesitant to eat it.

Of course he knew about stimulants, but this thing… it didn't look like an stimulant in any way, it looked like some dubious pill.

"That opal necklace should be worth a lot of money. Ordinary dark wizards wouldn't spend Galleons buying that stuff at all, because they're not rich enough to have any reason to do that, let alone send it to Hogwarts." George. He tapped his finger on his forehead, "I think only the rich Death Eaters would be willing to spend that money, and it's hard to think of anyone else who would do that, and it must be their sworn enemy, who's still at Hogg. Watts, except Harry..."

"With the exception of Harry, Dumbledore is the only one left." Fred analyzed, "Harry was in the bar at the time, and Katie, who was under the Imperius Curse, could have given Harry the package, but she didn't. Do, it means Harry is not the target."

"Apart from Harry, the person the Death Eaters hate the most is Dumbledore."

"I think Albert can also try to fight for it." Lee Jordan teased.

"Could it be Bellatrix?" Shanna speculated.

"Perhaps it was the mad woman who took control of Mrs. Rosemerta."

"Bellatrix is ​​related to Malfoy," George reminded.

"You think it's Malfoy, there must be some reason?" Shanna asked directly.

"The Malfoys need this feat, and they have a reason to do it," Fred went on. "Also, they probably didn't make an assertion in their assassination of Dumbledore."

"You mean You-Know-Who gave orders to Malfoy?"

Everyone was surprised by this conclusion.

"Malfoy is only sixteen," Cedric reminded. "The wizard is seventeen. Even if he wants to replace his father Lucius as a Death Eater, I feel..."

"I suspect that You-Know-Who wants Draco Malfoy to die." George raised his hand to stop Cedric's words and made an even more startling guess, "If Malfoy's mission is to assassinate Dumbledore, I don't think He has any chance of success."


"Why does the mysterious man do this?"

Shanna couldn't understand why You-Know-Who wanted Draco Malfoy to die.

"This is likely to be revenge on the Malfoy family." George analyzed, "Don't forget that Lucius Malfoy indirectly killed many Death Eaters."

"It's not enough reason, but it's definitely related."

If the Malfoys want to regain the trust of You-Know-Who, this is undoubtedly the best way for their family.

"Are you sure it's not the worst way?" Cedric couldn't help but complain.

"If Draco Malfoy's purpose is to kill Dumbledore?" Shanna drew the scarf around her neck twice, and couldn't help but complain, "Don't you think that assassination plan is very stupid?"

"Yeah, but how can you expect Malfoy to do better? He's only sixteen."

"I suspect you are mocking him."

"Even we have to admit that the plan is very stupid."

"Even if it's a stupid plan, one carelessness can kill someone," Fred cautioned, "and if they get the opal necklace into the school and hide it right away, Filch won't check it out at all.

"You're right, Katie did almost get killed." Lee Jordan was drinking a glass of warm mulled wine. He had been outside taking pictures just now, and he needed to restore his normal body temperature first.

"I don't think it really makes sense for us to discuss this here," Cedric interrupted. "Even if Malfoy really wanted to kill Dumbledore, so what, he couldn't possibly succeed."

"That's really not the point, but do you still remember Albert's prophecy?" George suddenly said.

"What prophecy?"

While Albert never said anything would happen to Dumbledore, it's not hard to get a glimpse into the future from his predictions.

"You think Malfoy succeeded." Shanna frowned, obviously not believing that Dumbledore would be killed by Malfoy.

"I think it's Snape." Fred and George exchanged glances and said, "It should be said that Albert thought it was Snape, so he was very wary of Snape, and his predictions have never been wrong. ."

"We don't have any evidence, this is just everyone's speculation." Cedric thinks this is ridiculous, unless Albert himself admits it, he will never believe it.

"You don't know Albert." Lee Jordan shook his head. "That guy never leaks any information easily until he feels it is appropriate to say it."

"But it's not difficult for us to get some hints from his prophecy, especially the birth of the Defense Association, don't you think it's very unusual, you must know that Albert himself is afraid of trouble, but he established the Defense Association and plans to teach everyone. Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

"It's all nasty riddlers. I think it's superfluous for you to worry about them. It's more important to do your own thing well." Shanna wrapped the knitted scarf around her neck and felt the comfort. Quite satisfied.

"If you are really bored, please help prepare the materials that should be prepared at Hogwarts next time, or you can come with me. I heard that there are quite a lot of people willing to join the DA party."

No one answered, and the air was suddenly terribly silent.

"How's the connection on Sirius's side?" Fred stiffly changed the subject.

"I guess I'm busy and haven't been in touch yet. If you're in a hurry, just run. Maybe you can get a dinner tonight."

"Forget it, it's not too much of a hurry anyway." George really planned to tell Sirius about this, and talk about something by the way.

As for dinner, forget it. Lupin's cooking skills can only be considered average, and what Sirius makes can only be said to be edible.

"Do you think Jokowi will be targeted by the Death Eaters after this time?" Lee Jordan asked suddenly.

"Well, that's why you want to contact Sirius, aren't you going to use that Djoko guy as bait?" Cedric realized what these guys wanted to do.

"The Ministry of Magic's attention, and the Auror's stalking, can at least provide Joko with some invisible protection."

"That's right."

"Who did you learn this from, Albert?" Cedric couldn't help complaining, "I don't think he is hypocritical from you!"

"That's because you don't know him. UU Reading" George shook his head, "and it's not hypocrisy."

Cedric felt that Jokowi was unlucky. Not only did he need to work for others for nothing, but he also became a bait for others.

Well, he remembered himself, but at least he still had someone to rescue him. As for Joko, he could only look at those unreliable Aurors.

"I don't know who they learned from, is it really Albert?" In Cedric's impression, Albert didn't look like a person with bad water.

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