This year, the British winter seems to have come very early, with strong winds and heavy rain outside, and there are snowflakes in the rain, which makes people shiver.

Even the thick curtains could not completely block the cold outside, and the fireplace was burning with roaring flames. Isobel was sitting on the sofa, covered in a thin woolen blanket, beside them was a radio with Ministry of Magic scoops playing, and in front of them a half-played wizard chess game. The chess players don't seem to care about winning or losing the chess game.

"I really don't get it, those guys are running out to block the Ministry of Magic in this weather."

Listening to the news on the radio, Isobel couldn't help yawning. From the news, it was not difficult to hear the difficulties in the British magic world. The reinforcements from the International Federation of Wizards were delayed, and the current situation in the magic world was becoming more and more corrupt.

"It's hard for you to figure out what's going on in the minds of those dark wizards." Albert stopped his movements, looked up at Isobel, who was covering his yawn, and asked, "Are you sleepy again?"

"Yeah, a little sleepy."

"Then take a nap first, and I'll wake you up later."

Albert took the wand from the table next to it and waved it lightly towards the chessboard. The wizard chess on the table was automatically put away and flew back to the drawer where the supplies were originally stored.

Albert sat next to Isobel and pulled the thin blanket on her body.

"Has something happened recently?" Isobel listened to the sound of the rain outside and rested his head lightly on Albert's shoulder.

"Why ask that?"

"You haven't been out for several days recently."

Isobel drank some hot milk that the house elf had just warmed, and prepared to lie down for a while. She was always sleepy recently, especially when it was raining, and she always liked to take a nap in the company of her lover.

"Are you so sure?"

Albert took half of Isobel's milk, "Do you want to add some honey?"

"Don't drink anymore."

Isobel shook his head, "Well, based on what I know about you, something must have happened, otherwise you wouldn't have stayed at home so peacefully in recent days."

"The mysterious person probably wants to lock my location, and it is not safe outside at present."

Looking at Isobel's expression, Albert reluctantly admitted that he did not intend to hide Isobel, at least not when the other party asked about it.

"So, I should thank the mysterious man for keeping you by my side." Isobel yawned again and slowly closed his eyes: "Do you think I will gain weight in the future? I heard that many people have children after giving birth. The weight has skyrocketed."

"Mrs. McDougall is not fat. As long as there is no problem with diet and regular exercise, there will be no problems you worry about under normal circumstances." Albert comforted softly.

As long as it's a girl, it seems to care about this kind of thing.

"I really hope this kind of life ends soon. Although life in the castle is very comfortable, it is actually very boring." Isobel whispered softly: "I really don't understand why the princess in the fairy tale world likes such a life."

"Probably because of their era, life was very difficult, and it's not surprising that they would like this kind of life." Albert said without hesitation.

"Is that so?" Isobel felt that in the current magic world, there are probably many people who are envious of their current life!

"Have you decided what to do?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet." Isobel asked softly, "What do you want me to do?"

"Do what you like."

"I feel like I'm being spoiled by you, like your sister."

"She has been much better recently, and people will grow up eventually." Albert reached out to turn off the radio, listened to the sound of the rain outside, and slowly flipped through the notebook in his hand.

"Fall asleep? My sister seems to be getting more and more sleepy recently."

After Katrina walked into the hall, she looked at Albert, who was reading a book, and at Isobel, who was asleep on the sofa.

"The weather today is suitable for sleep."

Albert closed the note, walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked at the pouring rain outside, "If you want to sleep, you can also take a nap."

"I talked to them about the current situation in the UK. In the eyes of other countries, the current situation in the UK is not very bad. They even think that our so-called war is a bit exaggerated." Katrina hesitated for a moment and stated her purpose, " I want to go to America."

"They invited you to America?" Albert asked back as he lowered the curtains.

"Yes, after all, if you want to open a beauty shop, you always need to accumulate some experience." Katrina said seriously: "Just in time to learn some experience, and don't you say that the current chaos will end soon?"

"You really believe me."

Albert motioned Katrina to sit down and talk about it.

"After all, you are the most powerful prophet of all time."

"I won't admit it." Albert smiled and shook his head: "Actually, wherever you want to go, it's your freedom. As long as Mrs. McDougall agrees, I have no reason to object."

"Mom didn't agree!" Katrina said suddenly.

"So, you want to convince me to help you convince Mrs. McDougall?" Albert's expression was a little weird.

Katrina said nothing, but apparently thought so.

"I'm afraid I have to apologize for this matter, didn't you realize that I didn't dare to run around recently?" Albert reminded kindly: "The mysterious man asked the Death Eaters to capture Cassandra Wa. Blaski, trying to find my specific location through divination, if I were you, I wouldn't be running around."

He raised his hand, motioning for Katrina to listen to him.

"The situation in the United States is actually not much better than that in the United Kingdom. It is more depressing than you think."

"Honestly, I hate that country."

"The situation of Catherine and Valeria is also different from what you think. The reason why they can live so freely and freely is because they are rich, at least Catherine must be richer than me. of."

Abbott pointed this out bluntly: "And you don't have the money, even after the publication of the Family Therapy Handbook, it is very difficult to get an objective Galleon in a short period of time."

"So, I suggest that you can discuss with Isobel. When you publish a book like "Beauty Guide", when you want to open a beauty shop, you can save the trouble of advertising and your business will be much better." Burt didn't mind giving Katrina some advice: "Also, to accumulate some wealth along the way, I think the girls will love your book. Well, consider putting your picture on the cover and let them see it. Until your pretty face will believe the content of your book more."

"It seems that I have to continue to stay in this cage." Katrina sighed and got up to leave.

"It's not necessarily a prison, there are many people outside who can't envy such a comfortable life!" Albert added some more firewood to the fireplace, "Consider my suggestion carefully!"

"I will."

Not long after Katrina left, Mrs. McDougall appeared in the hall.

"Thank you for helping me convince her."

Mrs. McDougall knew very well how dangerous the outside world was. She would never allow Katrina to run around outside at this time. Even if she went to the United States, it might not be safe.

"It's my fault that caused trouble for Katrina, and I will take care of her personal safety." Albert waved his wand, conjured two cups of black tea out of thin air, and gestured to Mrs. McDougall. .

"Of course, it may not be pleasant, but life is only short-lived now, and the war will end sooner or later, within the last three years at the latest." Albert took a sip of black tea and said, "In this kind of war Survival is more important than anything else, and survival is the future."

"I've been worried." Mrs. McDougall said softly, looking at her sleeping daughter, "It seems that my worries have always been superfluous."

"I suggest you find something to do for her. Isn't Katrina interested in opening a beauty shop? Maybe you can start from this and help her lay a solid foundation for treatment." Albert suggested, "Wait for the war. After the training is over for another two months, I can almost open my own shop.”

"If you want to do things well, you must prepare in advance, and opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared." Albert gave an example casually, "Fred and George's store is actually the same, their store Being able to catch fire has to do with being prepared during school, so they took the opportunity, not my limited help to them."

"Are you saying I'm right? Katrina." After speaking, Albert looked towards the door of the hall.

"Come in and sit, and listen carefully to Albert's advice." Isobel slowly sat up from the sofa and patted the seat next to her.

"Sorry for waking you up." Katrina came in from outside.

"It's okay," Isobel said.

"I know the life arranged by others is not a comfortable thing." Albert said to Katrina, "but your life belongs to you in the end, if you want to be successful, you have to give, you also need There's a lot to learn, and now is the perfect time for you, while you're fresh out of school, and you still have a lot of ability to learn, if you really want to open a shop."

"Well, I can't tell you three anyway. UU reading" Katrina reluctantly compromised, she knew that Albert's words might be right.

"You can analyze it for Katrina, I remember you analyzed it with me before." Isobel had a similar idea, and Albert must understand and be optimistic about the prospects of the beauty shop, otherwise he would not support She opened a beauty shop.

"Listen well, Fred and George's shop planning was also made by me." Albert didn't refuse, he would definitely make money anyway, it was just a little more talk.

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