Chapter 467 Wang Cuiying is dead

"Xiaobei can't go back to Dakeng Village! Grandma, don't you want Xiaobei to become a singer? This is his favorite career, we can't delay him!"

This brother is closest to her, and she wants to help him have a better future.

"Our family has a fishpond and food. If you help him build a big tile-roofed house and marry a wife, you have money for both of us. What's wrong with being in Dakeng Village?" Grandma Liang said unhappily, "Why? Must sing? Can singing be eaten as food?"

"Singing can really be eaten. Grandma, it's not a matter of money. If Xiaobei stays in Dakeng Village, he will only be able to farm and raise fish for the rest of his life, but he likes singing the most."

"He can sing at home. There are theater troupes in our county, and there are theater troupes in the town. Why do you want to go to a big city? Did you plan it a long time ago? Your grandfather is in Modu, and you took Xiaobei away too? "

Grandma Liang suddenly became angry, "I have worked so hard to raise you, why should the surname Chai pick up fruits for nothing?"

"Grandma, grandpa, grandma, and uncle are our relatives. Aren't you happy that more relatives love us?"

"Love you? What did you do earlier? They only come now when you have the ability?" Grandma Liang was so angry. She forced Liang Xiaonan to ask for money a few days ago because she was dissatisfied.

She found out that Liang Xiaonan could take out 100,000 yuan, and Zhou Yan didn't come to press for the debt.

What does it mean? Zhou Yan is very rich, very rich!

Why should her rich grandchildren and grandson-in-law want to share with Chai!

Liang Xiaonan looked at Grandma Liang and didn't want to talk anymore. Wouldn't it be good to find her relatives? Is your loved one alive?

Why did Grandpa come here now? Don’t you have any idea?

Liang Xiaonan looked at Grandma Liang, and to be honest, if she hadn't thought that Grandma Liang would accompany her out when the family was separated, she really wanted to walk away now.

How many times have you done it?

Although Grandma Liang has also been punished and tortured, according to Master Xuanyun, this is karma, self-inflicted, okay?

When she was crazy, Liang Xiaonan even gave her the most precious ginseng fruit in the world!

She felt that she had done her best.

Right now, several things are unresolved.

First, Grandma Liang hated Liang Xiaonan because of what happened to Liang Dazhuang. She felt sorry for her son, and Liang Xiaonan hated her son. There is no solution to this matter!

Secondly, Grandma Liang wanted to ask Xiaobei to stay in Dakeng Village so that she could take care of her and enjoy the family happiness. Liang Xiaonan wanted her younger brother to do what he loved and go further. There is no solution to this matter!

Third, Grandma Liang thinks that Liang Xiaonan and Liang Xiaobei are her grandchildren alone, and should not recognize Chai Yiding, Sun Hui, Chai Qingshan, etc. Liang Xiaonan feels that Chai Yiding's children have been stolen, and they are blood relatives , must be recognized. There is no solution to this matter! (Grandma Liang, have you really raised your granddaughter and grandson? Your own granddaughter has already died at the hands of your own son, hey)

Fourth, Grandma Liang is focused on staying in Dakeng Village for the elderly, and Liang Xiaonan has to do things and get married, so Zhou Yan can't barge in the door of Liang's old house, right? ...There is no solution to this matter!

So, if there is no solution, there is no solution!

If you can't serve, you won't serve!

Grandma Liang is just 60 years old. She can run and jump. If she wants to stay in Dakeng Village, just stay there.

Grandma Liang saw that she was leaving again, so she said with a sullen face, "Didn't you say that you want to support me in the elderly? Why are you leaving again?"

"Tell me, what can I do at home?"

"If I'm not feeling well, you can take me to the hospital."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Can you specify the time for this illness?" Grandma Liang said angrily, "Don't you just want to go to your grandpa's house on a motorcycle trip!"

You can't talk properly, can you?

"Ang, I'm going to my grandpa's house, can't I go?" Liang Xiaonan said coldly, "Put yourself in the shoes of my grandparents, how pitiful they are all their lives."

"They are pitiful? Why are they pitiful? They don't need to raise their children, they just pick up ready-made ones for nothing! Now they have sons and grandchildren, what about me? My son is dead, before me! The grandson was also instigated by you!"

Grandma Liang said angrily, "Thinking about the Li family in Dongtang Village, I think it's bad luck for them. They have been raised for thirty years, and nothing happened!"

Liang Xiaonan really wanted to swear!

Is this a human language? Ah, is this what people should say?

If you stole someone else’s child, is it legal for you to buy the child? Is it a credit for raising a child?

Cooperate with your son to kill others and deserve it?

The co-author's child was stolen, so he deserves it, he deserves it? Finding the child is a sinner through the ages?

It's really unreasonable, isn't it?


The sky is big and the earth is big, where is it not happy? Do you have to gossip about an old lady with a twisted mind?

Zhou Yan said that he has helped Liang Xiaonan arrange the connection between the silkworm factory and the silk reeling factory, and the connection between the north and south food processing plants in Yuxian County and the duck eggs in Nanfeng Town and Xiaoyun Town.

Liang Xiaonan seconded Huang Wenxuan to You Guoqing. Huang Wenxuan was very happy. The three of them are all in the mulberry garden. They have careers and the whole family is reunited!

Everything was arranged, Zhou Yan and Liang Xiaonan went to Nanfeng Town to open a letter of introduction, and the two set off.

Yang Hanlin and Zeng Hanzhi were very reluctant, but fortunately, they set off together, so they felt a little relieved.

She made a joke to Zhou Yan: "Xiao Yan, you and Xiaonan don't spend too much money outside. With your marriage certificate, you can open a room in the guest house."

It clearly says to save money, but you know what it actually means.

Zhou Yanxin said, don't worry, we don't even need to spend money on a guest house.

After Liang Xiaonan finished the meeting, Xiao Hongyu came over to see her off. Liang Xiaonan gave her a pair of silver bracelets and earrings from the jewelry he bought from Modu last time.

Xiao Hongyu wore it on her wrist, she liked it very much, and said, "Xiaonan, it's so pretty, isn't it expensive?"

"It's fine if you like it. When you get married and have a banquet, I'll give you a gold set." Liang Xiaonan said, "Did the eight-year-old Mao's family say when you will get married?"

"His family is in a bit of a hurry. He wants to hold a banquet a year ago. I want to be with you next year."

"Leave me alone, you get married first, and I will drive you to get married."

"Okay, oh, by the way, Xiaonan, let me tell you something, Wang Cuiying is dead."

"What? How did she die?" Liang Xiaonan was taken aback. How did Wang Cuiying die so well?

"My dad said he didn't know how long he had been dead, and it stinks. It was Liang Chuanzi who ran to tell my dad that everyone in the village thought she had gone to find Zhang Xiaohong."

Zhang Wang was arrested, and Wang Cuiying sent a telegram to Zhang Xinyi, telling her to save her brother. No one else knew about this, but Liang Chuanzi knew it best, and he almost became an inquisitor in the village.

"My father has asked someone to block her yard. You don't know, her whole body is rotten. Her hands and neck look like anthrax. The symptoms are the same as those of my mother and Grandma Liang. I Dad is afraid of contagion."

Liang Xiaonan suddenly understood.

The powdered milk bag and malted milk jar had the anthrax powder Zhang Xinyi smeared on it. After Zhou Yan found out, she returned it to her. Is this because she reaped the consequences?

The reason why she died at home was because her two children were not there, and also because she was dumb and couldn’t call out when she became ill.

This disease is an infectious disease, and it should be dealt with quickly in hot weather.

Xiao Tiezhu had no choice but to send a telegram to Zhang Xinyi saying that her mother had died.

The village cadres went to the police to find Zhang Wang and asked Zhang Xinyi's address, and also sent a telegram, but the post office returned the telegram, saying "there is no such person".

Thanks to the good friend who gave the reward yesterday: The wolf in the bed, I received the reward twice, thank you brother, it was a waste of money!

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(end of this chapter)

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