World Four. Little lover's Brother(09)

Her happiness will be handed to him?

Liang Xiao's mind was immersed in these words for a long time, and he was so confused that he just remained grinning.

Xue Xue felt that his thought process was slow, and simply went to the bathroom herself to wash up.

"What are you doing?" Liang Xiao wanted to follow, but was met with a fierce glare from the woman. ‘You just stay here, do not run or move, understand?"

Liang Xiao nodded his head, just like a well-behaved student.

Only then did Xue Xue go into the bathroom with satisfaction. She not only showered, but also soaked in the bath for a while, until her whole body relaxed, and then slowly got up and dressed.

Liang Xiao gave her a bag.

Inside was a brand new pair of intimate apparel, including a bra and underwear of just the right size, as well as a designer red suit.

Xue Xue recognized Liang Xiao's vision. The suit was a basic style, but the bright red color matched Xue Xue's fair skin very well, especially the lace ribbon bow that replaced the tie on her chest was embedded with a beautiful black gemstone. The overall combination, will indeed make people's eyes light up.

This was confirmed by Liang Xiao's body.


Before when he heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, he had finally calmed down his excitement and regained his normal thinking ability.

He called the store manager he was familiar with to bring clothes for Xue Qiao, and while going through all the clothes, Liang Xiao fell in love with this set at a glance.

He felt that this was tailor-made for Xue Qiao, so even if the price was not pleasing, Liang Xiao still asked for it directly.

Now, he felt really glad that he had chosen the right thing.

Xue Xue blow dried her hair and tied it into a low ponytail. The soft hair was taped to the side of her slender neck, softening the lines of her face and her delicate facial features. She looked really beautiful like a doll.

"Do I look good?"

She asked as she approached Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao nodded his head vigorously.

"Very beautiful."

The man's voice was so hoarse that Xue Xue couldn't help but take another look. As expected, his trousers had set up a small tent again.

"I'm saying this first, I'm not going to do it."

"Well." Under Xue Xue's clear gaze, Liang Xiao blushed . He felt that all the embarrassment in his life was probably spent on the woman in front of him. "I know, it's just a physiological reaction."

"Mm-hmm, do you want to take a bath?"

"Ah, yes."

"Good." Xue Xue glanced at the watch on her hand. "I'm calling a car now."

Call a car?

"You're leaving?"

Maybe even Liang Xiao didn't realize how aggrieved he sounded.

Xue Xue looked at the man, and in her trance, she had the illusion that the other party was a big dog wagging its tail and begging for sympathy because it was worried about being abandoned by its owner. She hurriedly shook her head to throw the image off.

After getting rid of the inexplicable thoughts, she said. "I have a meeting this afternoon."

This was an explanation.

However, Liang Xiao was obviously not satisfied. "Not to see Liang He?"

"Liang He?" Xue Xue laughed. "What do I need to see him for?"

"He's still your boyfriend." Liang Xiao did not hide the jealousy in his words. "You've been yelling about it yesterday, but now you've forgotten it?"

Yesterday? It was Xue Qiao's heartbreaking words after being drunk.

"You said it too that it was yesterday. Indeed, before yesterday, Liang He and I were still in a relationship." Xue Xue said with her eyes lowered, her long eyelashes quivered, covering the emotions in her eyes. "But after he did that kind of thing behind my back…"

Xue Xue stood quietly and looked lonely. Her voice sounded more like she was holding back her sadness. Liang Xiao heard this and felt sour in his heart.

How could Liang He get the wholehearted love of such a woman?

He didn't deserve it at all.

Liang Xiao clenched his fists, hoping to hear the remaining of Xue Xue's resolute words.

However, after a long silence, the woman only said. "I don't want to think about these things for the time being, Liang Xiao, do you understand?"

What nonsense!

Liang Xiao almost burst out, but at the last moment, he held back the impulse.

He knew that Xue Qiao had already invested her feelings in Liang He. Xue Qiao was the kind of woman who was not easily moved, but if she was moved, she would easily fall deeply in love. So he could not be hasty nor could he have unreasonable expectations.

Even if he felt disappointed, he thought about what Liang He has done so far, why was Xue Qiao still hesitant? But no matter what, the woman did not resist his contact, and even willing to give himself a chance, which was always good.

In the end, Liang Xiao could only comfort himself with such a slack excuse.

Xue Xue didn't know the twists and turns in the man's heart.

In fact, she was just thinking about how to clean up the scumbag Liang He, and it was best to put an end to it forever. After all, according to the route of her previous life, if there was no cleanup, Liang He would definitely not disappear from Xue Qiao and Liang Xiao lives easily.

If the weeds are not eradicated, when the spring breeze blows, it will grow again, but Xue Xue did not want to dirty her hands for Liang He.


Xue Xue's quietness has a completely different meaning in Liang Xiao's eyes.

"It's okay, I can wait." After taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and said. "You don't need to feel pressured, just treat me as a friend first."

The man's voice was sexy and charming.

However, when the voice reached her ears, it took Xue Xue a lot of effort to understand what he meant.

Knowing that Liang Xiao had misunderstood, Xue Xue opened her mouth to explain, but she did not expect the man to suddenly grabbed her shoulders, and his dark pupils were bright as if they were on fire.

Xue Xue was stunned.

"I want to say that I have taken your words seriously." Liang Xiao said every word very slowly and clearly. "After you and Liang He separate, please give me a chance."

"A… chance to be responsible for the happiness in your life."

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