World Eight. Her deskmate (35)

In the end, Su Xiangnan still didn't kiss Xue Xue in full view, not because he didn't want to, but because the phone rang suddenly, interrupting the heated atmosphere between the two of them.

Xue Xue pulled out her phone from her bag almost in a hurry.

Seeing the caller ID on it, she glared at Su Xiangnan and quickly picked it up.

"Hello? Yes, I've come out. I was picking up someone. Right…okay, I'll go directly. Hmm, goodbye, mom."

After hanging up the phone, Xue Xue directly took Su Xiangnan's hand, lowered her head and sped away in the direction of lesser people.

Su Xiangnan just let her took the lead.

Because Xue Xue was in the front and didn't notice the eyes of the boy who was behind her, looking at her helplessly and pamperingly, so some girls nearby couldn't help covering their mouths and screaming softly when they saw it.

After walking for a while, she managed to get rid of the crowd, and when she realized that she was still holding the boy's hand, Xue Xue felt as if she was being burned, so she quickly let go.

Who would have thought that Su Xiangnan would use his strength to grab hers instead of following Xue Xue's wishes.

The fingers of the big hand and the small hand were intertwined.

The boy's movements were too smooth, and by the time Xue Xue realized it, Su Xiangnan had already grasped her firmly.

"…Su Xiangnan." Xue Xue looked at the boy speechlessly. "We're going to meet my parents later."

"Yeah." The boy's bangs hung down in front of his forehead, and he looked obedient and gentle. "I know."

"…So are you going to hold my hand to meet my parents?" Xue Xue raised their hands that were clapsed together and shook them. "Aren't you afraid of being beaten by my dad? My dad fought boxing for a while when he was young, and it's very painful when beaten up."

Hearing Xue Xue's "threat", Su Xiangnan looked puzzled.

"But we are boyfriend and girlfriend." After a pause, his expression suddenly became sad. "Do you want me to be a hiden lover?"

When the words "hidden lover" came out of his mouth, Xue Xue immediately became soft, and paired with Su Xiangnan's expression, it was very lethal.

"I… cough, cough cough…" Xue Xue, who was almost choking on her own saliva, coughed twice in embarrassment. "What are you thinking? If I want you to be my hidden lover, why would I take you to meet my parents?" "

That's right, isn't it normal for couples to hold hands?

It was normal.

However, the college entrance examination had just finished and if she was going to introduce her boyfriend to her parents, although Xue Jiahui and Huang Mei were open-minded parents, Xue Xue still felt that it was a bit inappropriate.

The main reason was that during the Chinese New Year, she was dragged by her relatives to rewatch the video of Xue Jiahui's boxing matches when he was young, and she was very shocked seeing those clips.

Then compare to Su Xiangnan's body… Xue Xue thought it was better to have a long-term plan on this matter.

Seeing Xue Xue staring at him with mixed feelings, Su Xiangnan asked suspiciously, "What are you thinking?"

"Ah? What?" Xue Xue came back to her senses and waved her hand. "It's nothing, huh, what can I think."

Su Xiangnan's suspicion was made even more suspicious by her trying to cover up.

But Xue Xue turned the corner in time to distract the boy's attention.

"I think, um, we should give them some time to prepare mentally. If I say you are my boyfriend today, doesn't that mean that we have been dating since the third year of high school? This will make my parents think that we didn't prepare for the exam seriously?"

"Yeah." Su Xiangnan nodded in agreement. "It's not very good."

"So, let's have a meal with my parents as ordinary classmates… er, ordinary friends, step by step, isn't it good?" Xue Xue said with a bit of awkwardness.

Su Xiangnan felt that he could not hold back anymore and wanted to tease her.

He didn't notice when he teased her before, but now she realized that teasing her was really fun and addictive.


"Let's go first." Su Xiangnan interrupted her and looked at his watch. "Otherwise it would be bad to keep your parents waiting for too long."

"Well… then shouldn't we let go of our hands first?"

"Wait a minute." Su Xiangnan put his empty left hand in his pocket and said calmly, "I'm a little nervous. If you let me hold it, I won't be so nervous. Otherwise I will talk nonsense because of nervousness when we meet. That makes sense, right?"

After saying that, Su Xiangnan grinned at Xue Xue.


Are you sure it was not a trick?

What was unexpected was Su Xiangnan's performance in front of Xue Jiahui and Huang Mei.

Xue Xue has been planning this meeting for a while. She told her parents that Su Xiangnan, as her deskmate and a top student in the class, helped her a lot with her studies, which was obviously a lie.

It was only later that Xue Xue discovered how convenient it was to have a boyfriend who was a top student.

It was simply a portable version of a teacher.

However, considering Su Xiangnan's previous situation, Xue Xue also secretly mentioned it to her parents.

Both Xue Jiahui and Huang Mei were adults with rich social experience, even if Xue Xue beat around the bush, they could guess 70% to 80% of it.

The two were friendly and easy-going when she told them about it, and some parents may be cold about Su Xiangnan's background, but Xue Jiahui and Huang Mei were more distressed about what happened to this child. When Xue Xue said that she wanted to bring Su Xiangnan over to celebrate on the last day of the college entrance examination, they agreed without any hesitation.

World Eight. Her Deskmate World Seven. Stand-in Lover World Six. Stepmother's Son World Five. Childhood Sweetheart as Ex-Husband World Four. Little Lover's Brother World Three. BFF's Boyfriend World Two. Overbearing President’s Father World One. Villainous Film Emperor

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