World Seven. Stand-in lover (29)

The silent confrontation continued, but it didn’t last long.

The two pairs of eyes stared at the person in front of them separately, as if unwilling to admit defeat, but also as if they wanted to see through each other completely.

“I’m sorry.”

In the end, it was Chi Yu who compromised first, only because he saw that Xue Xue’s originally clean apricot eyes shone with water, and there were a few strands of redness floating on the white eyeballs, which was inexplicably blinding.

Xue Xue did not expect the man to say these three words so easily.

She was pensive..

“I’m sorry.”

Seeing that Xue Xue didn’t respond, Chi Yu said it again.

The tall man with exquisite eyebrows lowered his eyelids and drooped his head, inexplicably feeling a bit aggrieved, so Xue Xue was in a trance, thinking that she was standing in front of a big dog who was depressed because he had made a mistake and made his master angry.

She thought she should forgive him too.

Xue Xue thought so, but the words that came to her lips were different. “Chi Yu, do you know that you are going too far?”

Xue Xue just had a cold, her throat was still a little uncomfortable, and her voice was a little lower than usual, soft and waxy, even if it was mixed with anger, she seemed to be acting like a baby .

When Chi Yu heard this, his head drooped even lower.

“You asked me yourself. I told you the truth and you said some nonsense to anger me. Aren’t you going overboard?” Xue Xue sniffed. “Or do you just like me to lie to you and tell you lies?”


Chi Yu suddenly raised his head when he heard Xue Xue say this.

When he took a step forward, Xue Xue took a step back.

The two stood still again, separated by the same distance as before.

“Xue Xue…”

“Chi Yu, do you really know that you are in the wrong?”

Chi Yu’s face turned pale, and his thin lips were tightly pressed together.

“You can’t always try to keep things bottled up in your heart, in the end they will only drag you down with them to rot.” Xue Xue said, pointing her finger at the man’s chest. “You don’t want to tell me what you have experienced in the past, and I don’t want to force you. It’s useless to explain this matter unless you are willing, but Ah Yu, you are my man, and I can’t just watch you being defeated by your own demons.”

Xue Xue changed her tone like a different person.

Chi Yu stared blankly at the woman’s fingertips, they were neat, and the pink nails were dotted with shining star designs.

But soon his thoughts returned, his nerves tensed, just because of the woman’s next sentence, all his remaining rationality was blown away.

“Dating should not be like this.” Xue Xue paused. “If love is like this, then it’s better not to talk about it.”

As soon as Xue Xue finished the last word, her wrist was squeezed by Chi Yu.

The man exerted all his strength, suddenly possessing the power to crush everything.

“Ah Yu, are you angry out of humiliation?” Xue Xue’s face remained unchanged, even though she felt very painful, she tried her best to control the expression on her face. “Because you know it well, right? You clearly know what is missing between us, but you don’t want to face it or admit it.”

Chi Yu’s expression became extremely terrifying for a moment.

Xue Xue even suspected that her hand might be wrenched off by the man in an instant, as long as Chi Yu thought so, he would definitely be able to do it.

“Ah Yu…look at what you are doing now.”

Xue Xue’s voice trembled, and her eyes gradually turned red from the pain.

This was a natural physiological response.

Chi Yu moved his gaze down stiffly, and then, as if being pricked with a needle, he quickly let go of Xue Xue’s wrist, however a circle of red marks had already appeared on that section of fair skin.

Like a mark.

The mark of his violence.

Chi Yu’s breathing suddenly became rapid.

Some images emerged in his mind, which were repeatedly staged in his childhood and adolescence. Chi Yu’s fear and aversion to these images, which he had experienced time and time again, made him howl suddenly.


Even though Xue Xue was mentally prepared, she was still stunned by Chi Yu’s desperate and embarrassed appearance like a struggling trapped animal.

The man’s unexpected action made Xue Xue unsure of how to react for a while.

So she just watched Chi Yu cupping his head, staggering and squatting down, curled up his trembling body.

This posture…

Before her mind started to work, Xue Xue had already taken a step forward and hugged the man.

“It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s all over.” Xue Xue patted the man’s back lightly with her hand, as if coaxing a child, patient, gentle and tolerant. “I’m here with you, Ah Yu, the bad things are over, open your eyes and take a look?”

Xue Xue didn’t know what Chi Yu had in mind, even through the loose sweater, Xue Xue could still clearly feel the man’s bulging muscles, as well as the sweat rushing up from the pores.

Xue Xue’s eyes darkened.

As time passed, the man maintained a fixed posture. Xue Xue did not use words to soothe the other party, but hummed a song softly.

Not some pop music, but a nursery rhyme, a song she forgot the name and where she heard it, but she would use it to adjust her mood when she was in a bad mood.

The rhythm is light and the melody is very simple.

Gradually, Chi Yu’s convulsions stopped, and his breathing rate gradually returned to normal.

“Okay now?”

Xue Xue asked worriedly.

Chi Yu’s complexion was already fair, and after this experience, his face completely lost its color, replaced by the glistening in his eyes. When he raised his head to meet Xue Xue’s gaze, Xue Xue had a very rare and wonderful feeling.

It was like being shot in the heart by Cupid’s arrow.

T/N: One chapter will be made free every week from now on. Update of locked chapter will be sporadic. Busy with college 🙁

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