World Seven. Stand-in Lover (27) (H)

Between the two red lips, the burgeoning giant showed a ferocious figure.

Xue Xue was a little tired.

Although her knees were not uncomfortable because of the soft fur cushion, but this posture was very uncomforatable for her, and after a while, she felt the strength of her limbs exhausting.

But Chi Yu obviously hadn’t enjoyed yet.

He half-kneeled. Using his feet for support, he put his right hand on the back of Xue Xue’s head and wrapped aorund Xue Xue’s waist with his left hand, pushing forward one after another.

Xue Xue could only open her mouth as far as possible to cater.

The corners of her eyes had drops of tears, and her eyes were moist. She looked like she was being bullied ruthlessly, looking delicately pitiful. However, when it fell into Chi Yu’s eyes, it aroused the dark desire hidden deep in his heart. There was only one thought in his mind.

Ravaged her to the point where only his own marks were left on her body.

Whether it was extravagant red, or creamy white.

With this thought in mind, Chi Yu’s movements became even crazier. He moved his buttocks and pulled out his penis, and then pushed it in hard, stuffing most of his thick length into the woman’s mouth.

Xue Xue shed tears because of this sudden blow, and whimpered like a cub calling for help.

“Hmm… Huh…”

“Hey, just one more, just one more…” Chi Yu’s Adam’s apple rolled up and down, and his voice was hoarse, like the low growl of a wild animal. “great… hiss… Xue Xue’s small mouth is so comfortable… hoo…”

Xue Xue felt that her mouth must be broken. Even if the skin wasn’t broken, her mouth would surely be red and swollen.

Thinking that the two of them were going out tomorrow, Xue Xue couldn’t help but slap Chi Yu’s thigh, trying to make the man restrain himself.

The question was how can a man stop when he is in high desire?

The following minutes were very long for Xue Xue.

The torture mixed with a hint of pleasure seemed to have no end in sight, until the man let out a roar, and finally pulled out his cock out of her warm mouth, and the semen gate opened, spraying out the thick semen that had been held back for several days.

From Xue Xue’s lower abdomen, chest, chin to face, there were white marks, not to mention the sheet.

Xue Xue, who came back to her senses, stared at the mottled scene in front of her speechlessly.

Before she could say anything, the man had already come up to her. “Good, darling…”

Xue Xue squinted at him, her eyes were full of charm and coquettish.

Chi Yu was in a trance for a moment.

“You’re so pretty.”

Chi Yu said this without thinking about it, and he was extremely sincere. Women feels happy when praised by her man or her own object of attraction. Xue Xue was also a layman, so naturally she was no exception.

She turned from facing Chi Yu sideways to facing Chi Yu directly, and then when the man was still in a daze, she suddenly stretched out her hand to hold his face.

“You look better.”


Xue Xue said this sincerely, and she felt that if other people stayed here, they would definitely agree with her words.

At this time, Chi Yu’s hair rested softly on his forehead, softening his delicate facial features as if they were covered with a matte layer, and the end of his beautiful eyes drew a seductive arc upwards. Perhaps because he had just vented his anger, his cheeks were still a little red, as if stained with rouge, not feminine, but revealing a brightness in that handsome face.

Chi Yu’s complexion was fair, and when a darker tone appeared, it was even more eye-catching.

Like a real peach blossom tattoo.

As soon as Xue Xue’s praise fell into Chi Yu’s ears, the man was stunned for a moment, and then blushed, from his neck until his entire face became crimson. He suddenly felt extremely shy.

Xue Xue was suddenly a little curious about whether Chi Yu knew his body’s reaction. If he was given a mirror at this time, there might be very interesting effects.

Just when Xue Xue was seriously thinking about whether putting this idea into action would bring any uncontrollable consequences, Chi Yu threw her to the ground suddenly. Fortunately, there was a thick blanket as a cushion, otherwise her head would definitely be hit.

However, what happened next made Xue Xue a little confused, and when she came back to her senses, her groans had already escaped.

“Uh huh…”

She didn’t know when the meat stick that came back to life had been embedded in the juicy hole.

The vibrating egg was pulled out when she gave Chi Yu oral sex just now, and the unblocked pussy was like a broken faucet, and water gushed out all at once, overlapping with the gradually drying semen spots.

“Chi Yu, you… um…not just, come out, why… um… slow down, slow down… ah…”

“I can’t slow down, baby, your pussy is too wet, it slips as soon as I go in.”

“What nonsense… ah… Chi Yu, you are a dog… don’t bite… woo… it hurts… um…”

The man buried his face between the woman’s bulgingg chest, nibbling chaotically.

The proud penis was like a heavy weapon, lashing the delicate belly mercilessly, pushing it in hard and then pulling it out hard, bringing a pool of water at the same time, even the tender flesh inside that was rubbed to redness turned out with it.

The two of them tacitly muted their voices, only to throw all their hearts and minds into this extraordinarily intense lovemaking, like two coital beasts, entangled in each other’s bodies by instinct, until death do them part.

Xue Xue felt that she was a small boat bumping alone in the turbulent waves, following the ups and downs of the waves, quietly waiting for the turbulent waves to throw her high into the sky, and then completely submerged in the sea.

This didn’t take long.

Xue Xue tensed her nerves, preparing for that moment.

“Do you like it?”


In a daze, Xue Xue heard Chi Yu’s voice, as if it came from a far away place.

“Will you always like it?”

“What… ah…”

“You think I’m good-looking, right? Then you’ll always like me, okay? I’ll always make myself look this good… okay? Baby… Xue Xue…promise me…”

Xue Xue felt that her brain was temporarily unable to process such complex information, but as soon as her mouth moved, the man immediately pressed his lips to it.

Chi Yu didn’t give her a chance to speak.

He was afraid.

As soon as these thoughts crossed her mind, Xue Xue felt that the big guy in the small hole suddenly changed his movements, from a brutal ramming to a slow and deliberate grinding.

Xue Xue felt like she was going to be destroyed.

The body on the verge of orgasm simply could not bear such treatment, the gentler he was, the more cruel it was for her.

She couldn’t help crying.

The wet, salty liquid slid down the flushed cheeks, and then was licked off by the man meticulously.

“Xue Xue, promise me.”

It was obvious that he has reached the verge of release and may explode at any time, but there was a kind of calmness that has nothing to do with desire hidden in Chi Yu’s eyes staring at Xue Xue. With the movement of his pupils, it flickered.

“Promise me.”

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