World Seven. Stand-in Lover (24)

Xue Xue was stunned. The black scarf made her small face as white as snow. Because of her stuffy nose, she couldn’t breathe smoothly. From the tip of her nose to her eye sockets, she was red, as fragile and pitiful as a frozen bunny. .

“To see a doctor?”

Finally, Xue Dehui spoke up, breaking the silence between the two.

Xue Xue nodded.

“Got a cold?” “Hmm.”

Xue Xue and Xue Dehui were not familiar with each other. In fact, it has been a few weeks since the other party reminded her to be careful of Chi Yu last time. The two of them have met only a handful of times, and even when they did meet, they just nodded and said hello to each other.

This seemed to have become an unruly tacit understanding.

After all, the identities and confrontation between Xue Dehui and Xue Li were no secret in the company.

“You came alone?”

“No, no.” Xue Xue wrinkled her nose, the feeling of wanting to sneeze but not being able to do so was unpleasant. “Chi Yu came with me.”

“So.” Xue Dehui nodded and looked around. “Where is he?”

Xue Dehui’s tone gave Xue Xue a strange feeling, just like a brother’s critical and dissatisfied attitude towards his brother-in-law.

“He went to buy milk tea for me.” After a pause, Xue Xue added. “I asked him to buy it for me.”

Hearing this, Xue Dehui’s face looked better.

Xue Xue observed the change of Xue Dehui’s expression, and the strange feeling in her heart resurfaced again. Because of the limited contact with the other party, although she was curious about Xue Dehui, Xue Xue didn’t have much chance to know about him.

But Xue Dehui’s reaction now… Xue Xue had a bold guess in her heart, although it was a bit unimaginable, it seemed reasonable.

Xue Dehui saw Xue Xue’s wandering eyes moving nimbly, and he didn’t know what she was thinking about but it was very cute, and his irritable mood also improved.

“Since you’re sick, you should rest well after seeing the doctor.” The man’s voice carried a concern that even he didn’t realize. “Work is important, but the body is the capital of struggle.”

At these words, Xue Xue blinked.

“There should be no accidents in that development project, and you don’t need to keep an eye on it so closely.” Xue Dehui coughed twice when he said this. “Actually, there’s nothing wrong with taking a vacation before the end of the year. The company is on track, and there won’t be any troubles.”

If she just listened to this sentence and adding the established impression, Xue Xue would definitely think that Xue Dehui did not have good intention.

But now…

“I know.” Xue Xue suddenly smiled, her eyes bent. “Thank you for your concern, brother.”

Xue Dehui’s eyes flickered.

Because of the sore throat, Xue Xue’s voice was a little hoarse. To Xue Dehui’s ears, it sounded like someone was scratching his eardrums with a feather, which felt numb and itchy.

He still wanted to say something. But out of the corner of her eyes, Xue Xue caught a glimpse of a young woman who was particularly deep in Xue Li’s memory, but she had never seen until now.

Xue Xiangxiang.

As soon as they saw each other, Xue Xue knew why she met Xue Dehui in the hospital.

“Actually, I think…” “Brother!”

Xue Dehui turned his head when he heard the cry.

Seeing Xue Xiangxiang running towards him, the man’s originally stretched brows suddenly wrinkled more.

“Don’t be hasty.”

“What… brother, why didn’t you wait for me outside.” Xue Xiangxiang rushed forward and grabbed Xue Dehui’s arm, her round eyes glared and her mouth pouted, showing her unhappiness . “Do you know how long I have been looking for you?”

Then Xue Xiangxiang saw Xue Xue.

Her expression froze at once.

“Sister?” These two words seemed to be forced out from between the teeth, and they were extremely stiff. “Why is my sister here?”

“Hmm…” Xue Xue thought Xue Xiangxiang’s question was a bit funny, but she didn’t mean to argue with the other party, and just said lightly. “Of course I came to see a doctor.”

“Is that so…then…” Xue Xiangxiang bit her lower lip, obviously not knowing what to say, but soon she thought of another thing. “Wait, so brother, are you here to find sister?”

“No.” This time, before Xue Dehui could speak, Xue Xue directly denied it. “We just happened to meet.”

Hearing what Xue Xue said, Xue Xiangxiang’s expression was finally no longer tensed.

“So that’s the case.” She nodded and said to Xue Dehui. “Brother, I’m hungry, take me to eat…we’ll call Brother Qingyu and tell him about this surprise when we’re done eating.”

When she said the last sentence, Xue Xiangxiang looked at Xue Xue.

Xue Xue didn’t feel anything about it, but Xue Dehui scolded her with an ugly face. “Xue Xiangxiang!”

Xue Xiangxiang’s expression suddenly became aggrieved. “Brother, why are you so fierce? Did I say something wrong?”

Xue Xue was not interested in what the two siblings were playing. In fact, she only hoped that they could leave quickly so that her ears could be quiet for a while. As if hearing Xue Xue’s inner plea, the originally closed door finally opened, and the nurse poked her head out and shouted: “Is Ms. Xue Li there?”

“Yes.” Xue Xue responded immediately, and said to Xue Dehui and Xue Xiangxiang. “Brother, Xiangxiang, I’ll go in first.”

After saying that, Xue Xue waved to the two of them.

Xue Dehui nodded, and Xue Xiangxiang also waved at her. It was only then that Xue Xue noticed that Xue Xiangxiang had always put her hands on her abdomen.

This action…

A thought flashed through her mind quickly, but before Xue Xue caught it, the nurse’s urging made her temporarily forget about it until Chi Yu mentioned it on the way of their travelling that she remembered again.

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