Chapter 172: 1 vs 3

"Alright. The rules are as follows. Daichi! You will need to land three successful strikes on Lee, Tenten and Neji for you to secure victory. Once you are able to land 3 hits on your enemy that person is out of the battle." Guy said, looking at Kakashi's student. The boy nodded his head and the Taijutsu master then turned to his own pupils.

"While Daichi needs to only land three strikes, you guys each will have to land 6. The time limit will be 15 minutes. Only if all three of you land the strikes will it be considered a victory for you. And if the timer runs out before you defeat your opponent then the victory will automatically go to Daichi. Any questions?"

The 3 Genin of team Guy was mulling over the rules.

Tenten was going over the challenge rules in her head. 'All of us need to strike him before the timer runs out to win. And the rules don't say he can't escape or run from us This will be a lot trickier than it seems.'

While Tenten thought that Daichi might decide to dodge or escape, Lee knew better. 'Daichi isn't someone who runs from a fight. He will battle us head on. And based on his speed and strength and Taijutsu skills We need to work together if we want to win.'

Neji was looking at Daichi with slightly narrowed eyes. 'I knew I would face him one day but I didn't think it would be so soon.'

Daichi was calm as he looked at the three slightly nervous Genins. 'I half expected a quest to pop up by now but It seems the system sees this as an obvious victory Hmm Is my Gamer system sentient?... Question for another time I suppose.'

Kakashi walked to the side while Daichi stepped forward and stood in the middle of the clearing indicating that he was ready for battle. Lee and his two teammates stepped forward as well. Neji and Lee got into a fighting stance while Tenten got ready with her scrolls.

Neji looked at his opponent's calm temperament and saw that Daichi hadn't yet entered a fighting stance. 'Is he looking down on us? I'll show him the power of the Gentle Fist.'

Daichi had both arms in his pockets and stood casually as if he was waiting in line for something mundane and had no cares in the world. And it only enraged Neji and brought a frown to Tenten's face.

But Lee knew Daichi longer than his teammates. He knew Daichi respected hard work and strength. 'He studies and trains so hard every day. Even more than me. I have to show him just how far I have come. And I must earn his respect.'

"Are you READY?" Guy asked them.

Getting a nod from everyone he raised his right hand. "Let your youthful spirit shine brightly. BEGIN.!"

Nobody made a move but Team Guy knew that time was not on their side.

'We can't delay any longer. The more time passes the greater his chances of victory.' Having made a decision, Neji Hyuga dashed forward with his palms coiled ready to send a fast precise strike.

And that was the signal for the other two to take action as well. Lee rushed forward towards Daichi as well and Tenten hanged back to provide backup.

Daichi saw every move Neji made. From where Neji was looking to strike to the way his muscles moved. Neji quickly reached Daichi and sent a fast palm strike aimed at the boy's chest.

But the Hyuga Genin's speed was nowhere near Daichi's and thus he was unable to land the attack as Daichi easily sidestepped and dodged. At that moment he sensed movement from behind and knew it was Lee's kick coming from behind.

The young Gamer ninja jumped and saw Lee fly by under him. At that moment several shuriken struck him and he fell to the ground. But the next second the fallen Genin vanished and in his place was a wooden log.

Daichi was somewhere nearby and sitting atop the branches of a large tree. He looked at the three Genin and smiled. 'I'll play a little cat and mouse game for a few minutes. Get them riled up. Then I'll fight them head on. I'm eager to see how much Lee has improved and what Neji and Tenten are capable of before they had a year of training with Guy.'

"Neji, where is he?" Tenten asked, looking around.

Neji closed his eyes and made a hand-seal. "Byakugan."

His eyes opened with veins around them bulging. An indication that he had activated his Kekkei Genkai. It took only a second for him to find their opponent since he wasn't trying to actively hide.

"Neji, we need to fight him together." Lee spoke but the young Hyuga didn't waste anymore time and took off.

Daichi jumped down from the branch and saw Neji headed his way. "You need to be much faster than that if you wanna hit me."

Neji pushed himself and was right in front of Daichi again. He started unleashing a barrage of Gentle fist strikes aimed at Daichi's arms, torso and major pressure points. But Daichi easily dodged each one while still rooted in his spot.

Neji saw the boy avoiding his attacks with just inches to spare. 'Damn it. It's no good if I can't land my attacks on him. How is he so much faster than me? My speed is much greater than an ordinary Genin my age and yet I can't land even one strike And what's worse, he's not even serious'

Neji saw the expression Daichi wore and understood. It was almost the same one he had when fighting someone much weaker than him. Boredom and annoyance.

At that moment Lee joined the battle. Both Neji and Lee attacked Daichi without slowing down but not one of their attacks connected. When they showed a gap Tenten would launch some of her shuriken but it was for naught. None of them landed their mark.

A few ways away Kakashi and Guy were watching the match. Guy looked at Daichi's movements and immediately realized the outcome of the fight.

'Daichi is adjusting his speed every so often. Whenever Neji sends an attack faster than the previous one, Daichi slightly increases his speed and evades. And even with Lee's help they can't touch him His speed and Taijutsu skills are certainly far beyond Genin. It looks like the chances of victory for my team is zero.'

Neji and Lee were giving it their best and trying to work together to bring their enemy down. Both of them forced Daichi to jump back a couple feet only for several ninja wires to suddenly surround and trap him. Tenten pulled on the ninja wire and immobilized Daichi.

"We got him." She couldn't help but grin.

"Do you now?" Daichi looked at the three and smirked. The next second he vanished in a puff of smoke. Leaving nothing behind.

"What the? Where'd he go?" Lee looked around and couldn't find Daichi.

"What happened? Was that a clone?" Tenten quickly recovered her ninja wire and asked.

With the help of his Byakugan Neji quickly located their foe. He clenched his teeth in anger. "He's on the other side of the training field. He's just toying with us. If he keeps escaping then we won't be able to beat him."

"Neji! We need to work together. It's the only way."

Neji looked at Lee and after a couple seconds slightly nodded his head. He understood that this was a team battle. "We need to force him to fight us and not escape. I might have a way." Neji spoke.

Team Guy took off once again and quickly reached Daichi's location. When they reached the place they saw Daichi waiting for them with a bored look on his face.

Neji stepped forward and spoke. "Is this all you can do? Run away?"

Daichi smiled. "Why should I do otherwise when I can win like this? If you can't catch me you lose." He replied.

Neji smirked hearing that response. "So the so-called Genius is nothing more than a coward. You might have some speed but you're scared of facing my ability. The way you evade my attacks. You know what I can do don't you I guess it's only natural that you're afraid."

Kakashi and Guy who were standing to the side understood what Neji was trying to do. As did Daichi. The boy looked at his opponent and uncrossed his arms.

"You know The funny thing is, I know you're playing me. I know what you're doing Neji. Goading me into fighting all of you till the last second Playing to my ego Fine. We'll do it your way." Daichi looked at the three and the bored expression on his face vanished.

Guy looked at the change in battle tactics and was curious. 'This should be interesting.'

Kakashi too looked up from his book and glanced at his student. 'So he's going on the offense. He most probably won't end it quickly. Based on his personality he'll likely test them before finishing the fight.'

Neji and Lee immediately entered their respective Taijutsu stances and Tenten leapt back and got ready. All three kept their eyes on Daichi.

Neji and Lee raised their vigilance but it didn't help them. One second Daichi was standing several meters away from them, the next moment he vanished. Neji with his Byakugan eyes saw where Daichi was standing and was shocked.

"Behind." Neji yelled to Lee and turned around.

Daichi was standing a few feet behind the two. Lee and Neji turned around and began their aggressive Taijutsu assaults on their opponent.

Daichi easily parried Neji's chakra point strikes and blocked Lee's fists. Even with fighting two opponents Daichi's was able to take a few shuriken and accurately aim them at the incoming projectiles sent by Tenten.

His shuriken deflected and redirected the weapons back towards Tenten and forced her to move away.

Daichi tilted his head to avoid a fist by Lee and redirected a palm strike by Neji. He stayed close to them so the two couldn't use higher momentum attacks against him.

Tenten landed on the ground and looked in awe at the fight in front of her. 'Lee wasn't kidding around. Daichi's speed is unreal. He was able to instantly get behind them and even in the middle of fighting those two he was able to successfully target my shuriken and change their trajectory back to mine. Even I can't do something like that. And weapons and accuracy are my specialty.'

Guy who was watching the fight was now starting to understand the fighting prowess of Daichi Hekima. "Kakashi. That kind of shuriken skill" He said in a low tone and left the statement unfinished.

"Yeah Reminds you of Itachi, doesn't it." The silver haired Jonin was well aware of his student's capabilities.

Daichi kept blocking and redirecting the attacks sent his way. 'I'll use Analyze skill when they are a bit more proficient in their Taijutsu. Right now they're only just beginning so it won't help me all that much.'

Time was quickly running out and not once even with the distractions and openings Tenten tried to create could Lee and Neji successfully land a strike on Daichi.

"One minute remaining."

Guy's voice was heard by all and Daichi immediately vanished again. He reappeared several meters away from them and looked at the two.

Both Lee and Neji had haggard breaths while Tenten had sweat dripping down her face. All three of them looked weary.

"Alright. I've seen all I wanted to see. You've had your time to attack. Now its my turn. Here I come." With those words Daichi rushed forward. Neji and Lee instantly tried to escape but it was futile.

Daichi quickly reached Lee and sent fast, precise strikes to his torso and chest. He broke through Lee's meager defense before the boy knew what had happened and landed three attacks on him.

"Lee is out of the battle." Guy's voice rang through the training ground.

Neji was next on Daichi's list. The young Gamer reached the Hyuga prodigy and easily parried and redirected his Gentle fist strikes. The first attack Daichi landed took Neji's breath away. The second and third came before the young Hyuga could compose himself.

"Neji is out of the battle."

At that moment Daichi jumped back and quickly dodged the shurikens coming his way. He vanished and within moments the final member of Team 9 was also down.

"Winner. Daichi Hekima."

Neji looked at Daichi and saw that he looked just as he did when he entered the training ground. His eyes widened as he looked at his fallen teammates. 'He was just toying with us this whole time. We never even stood a chance of winning'

He slowly got up and looked at the boy. 'I see So this is why the teachers called him an unmatched prodigy' Neji's fist unconsciously clenched as he looked at his new goal. 'I need to train harder. I have to surpass him.'

Lee, even though he lost, wasn't that depressed. He experienced defeat so many times and it only motivated him to try harder. He saw Daichi walking towards him and extending his hand. With a smile Lee took Daichi's hand and stood.

"You've gotten a lot stronger Lee. You're completely different from when you were in the academy. I told you. All you need to do is believe in yourself." Daichi smiled at his friend. He knew how hard Lee trained and wasn't above giving credit where it is due.

"Wow. You really are a Genius." Tenten said, looking at Daichi.

"That title means nothing without effort." Daichi replied.

"Yes. Young Daichi is very correct." Guy said as he came near them. He looked at his three students and gave them a wide smile.

"You have all done wonderfully. Even though you lost you can use this as nourishment for your growth. Let your youthful power grow from a small sapling and burst like a mighty Oak." He grabbed his three students and hugged them despite the protest of two.

"Well, I think it's time we take our leave. Daichi." Kakashi said with his eyes roaming each line in his book.

"Kakashi. This time you win. I'll challenge you again soon. I'll show you THE BLOSSOMING POWER OF MY YOUTH." Guy said with his fists pumped as if he was ready for action.

Silence prevailed with Guy enthusiastically looking at his rival for a reaction and all the Genin standing awkwardly.

Kakashi didn't seem to hear him and a couple seconds later he looked up from his book. "You say something Guy?"

"Gha! That hip and cool attitude I'd expect no less from my rival." He comically cried.

Daichi and Kakashi quietly left the training ground and Guy turned to his students. "My cute ducklings it's time to train."

"Yes Guy sensei!" Lee shouted with the other two nodding their heads. They may have lost but their spirits were unbroken.


Author's Note.

I know I said I would start the mission in this chapter but by the time I was done writing the fight scene it was like 2.5k words. So I'll get to it in the next one.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)

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