The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 585 Kortens Decision

Chapter 585 Korten“s Decision

"If you want to see more elves become gods, then you should choose wisely."

Those words were spoken proudly along with a firm glare, but only loud enough for the elders and Jack to hear. The elven elders were proud to hear their god use such an argument. However, both Gwendon and the oldest elder were taken aback upon hearing Lyrun’s logic.

Unlike the elders, the elven chief had contact with Lyrun and was privy to some information that would be startling to others. One such fact was about the ascent of new gods and how elves weren’t allowed to raise any more gods. It was just a rule that the former holy gods always had that applied to all races, including dragons. No matter who it was, no one was allowed to ascend without Halmut specifically allowing it on a case by case basis.

For Gwendon and his father, the previous elven chief, Lyrun’s words weren’t an argument to remain on Halmut’s side. Such words supported Jack’s side... But why would Lyrun want that, they wondered?

Lyrun repeated himself, "If you want to see more elves become gods, then you should choose wisely. Otherwise, the elven race may come to an end in the future."

Some of the elders began to speak up but Lyrun and Jack were oblivious to them. There was only one person they wanted to hear from and he was carefully pondering how to phrase his reply.

"Say it... Son."

Gwendon glanced at the side, noticing his Father’s fragile smile. He then looked to Jack and Lyrun proudly before bowing formally. "In that case, Korten chooses to represent Trodar and the Leisure Guild!"

The voice of the elven chief filled the surrounding areas, leaving the entire city speechless.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Lyrun, staring fiercely at Gwendon.

"Yes," Gwendon firmly replied.

"Then, shall we fight?" stepping back into the conversation, Jack raised an eyebrow and asked.

Lyrun’s lip quivered as he redirected all of his anger toward Jack. "You... How dare you deceive my people?!"

"Blame halmut for its bad management, not me!" shouted Jack, defending himself and Kortenb without fear. "What have you done for them in the past five hundred years? The Leisure Gods get blamed for disappearing but you and your fellow legendary gods did the same thing after the war! You did little to nothing to help your people recoup while you demanded their absolute loyalty, to even ask them to die for your cause. I can offer them trade and a great boost in their economy as well as protection and security. Can you match that offer?"

"All you do is spout lies!"

"Then what does Halmut spread apart from glorified rumors and twisted truths?" refuted Jack. "At least I make my true motives known to the people instead of hiding them behind a false smile."

Getting nowhere with a verbal dispute, Lyrun began to climb the sky once again. "Come. You promised a fair challenge, so accept it now!"

"At least you care enough to keep the city out of range..." Jack sighed loudly, sharing their banter with the entire city as he rose up to join Lyrun high above the city. "How do you want to do this?"

"Well, how about..." Suddenly, Lyrun paused his speaking and jolted around. The Elf God held up his staff in defense, finding an invisible attack knocking into his staff. "You’re more impatient than I assumed you would be... Mind showing me a good time?!"

Pushing back with both hands, Lyrun used his staff to force the second Jack backward and then zapped it with lightning. The image of Jack became visible before it faded back out of everyone’s vision. Then, Lyrun spun around and hurled thundering Javelins to the true Jack not far away.

"Not bad!" Jack laughed, activating all his bloodlines to prove his might to the people watching from a distance. The hero evaded the javelins like child’s play, showing off his evasive abilities.

"Tell you what..." Lyrun’s voice echoed, making sure that all Estonya citizens could hear him clearly, "We both know that you can’t break through my defenses but I’ve never seen your defenses tested. Defend yourself against my strongest attack without evading and I’ll leave."

"What? Are you scared to lose?"

"I scared to see my people involved between a battle of gods."

"Fair... Then I accept your challenge! If it keeps them safe, then I’ll take your attack head-on!" shouted Jack.

While the people became more eager than ever to witness this fight and understand their chief’s decision, Jack and Lyrun casually backed away to create a fifty-meter gap between them. Holy light fell upon Lyrun, gathering and intensifying atop his staff. Lightning crackled as it started to wrap around the holy light, intensifying the attack.

"You won’t let this fall on my people?"

Jack replied with a proud nod, "They’ve chosen correctly, so how could I dare not uphold my promise of their security and prosperity?!"

"Then show me how you defend yourself!" Lyrun shouted.

The intense light around Lyrun’s staff exploded forward and rushed toward Jack without mercy. It instantly enveloped Jack entirely, surrounding Jack in pure, blinding holy light that was filled with absurd amounts of static electricity. The crackle of lighting intermingled with the sound of the air sizzling, as it that concentrated holy light was being tightly focused by the world’s largest magnifying glass.

Everyone was in awe. Everyone was either in shock of how powerful that attack was or how Jack willingly accepted to take the attack head-on.

Gwendon remained with the elven elders, watching the fight closely and trying to understand what was going on right now. The elven elders had continued trying to convince Gwendon against joining Trodar but the oldest elder was now refusing to say another word. And seeing Jack accept their god’s most powerful attack in search of a peaceful resolution also forced the elders to hold their tongues. It was hard to argue when Jack showed his mettle and determination, and how shockingly easy it was for Lyrun to abandon Korten after all.

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