The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 577 Daruuns Next Move???

Chapter 577 Daruun“s Next Move???

"And given the five hundred years that Halmut spent trying to break the seal on his EXP, he may soon ascend."

"But I thought--"

"Remember, Halmut is now relying on faux-ore to level up," mentioned Daruun. "So long as he can create a crack in the seal, then Halmut would only need more time and faux-ore to become a two-star."

"... Are there any scenarios where we can keep them from fleeing while also keeping Halmut from ascending?" Jack asked, scratching his head.

"There are a few, and there’s one in particular that you’re heading towards now," Daruun stated. "Soon after you leave here, you’ll be contacted by a surprising ally to try and reach such a conclusion. Also... I think you’re already starting to come up with some interesting thoughts that could swing things in your favor. Just make sure to have an antidote as well. You won’t regret it."

"Oh... really?! Then I’ll get started on that once this is over," replied Jack, a bit startled that his idea from long ago might result in something.

"I recommend you ask for Dragas’s help. She’ll help speed up the process, which is necessary considering what I’m about to do in Kartonia."

"Huh? I thought--"

"What I’m doing will be entirely neutral, showing no favor to either side or faction. There is nothing about my next move that Jewel can do a thing about," clarified Daruun. Then, Daruun smiled and began to chuckle. "I like how you think, Jack. Go ahead and try that. It will be more possible with your soon-to-be ally’s help as well."

Jack hesitated for a moment, trying to think of how to phrase his next question.

"Don’t worry about your father," stated Daruun, answering Jack’s thoughts directly. "I’m unsure of what the outcome of their clash will be, but I do know that Sterfen won’t die. He’s more difficult to kill than Moranti, so don’t worry about him, okay?"

"Okay... And can I tell the others about all this? I don’t want to overwhelm them or decrease our chances of success by accident."

Giving a nod of approval, Daruun smiled. "Go ahead. The reason I never shared this information with most was due to your non-involvement. Now that you’re at the core of it all, it makes sense to share the plan with them.

"But there are some key details to leave out. Don’t mention Sterfen being my birth son and don’t mention how high my rank is within the void. If those two things became public knowledge in Kartonia, Jewel would get up and leave immediately, especially if they knew that Sterfen was my son," reasoned Daruun. "Should they do something to him, then I can act against them directly, which is exactly what they’re avoiding."

"Anything else?" asked Jack.

"Don’t mention Gem Inc or Jewel either. That would only complicate things further and it’s not worth the effort," replied Daruun.

"Also, make sure to tell them that I’ll support and aid anyone who can naturally ascend and surpass the level system. They’ll love to know that they won’t be alone after entering the void."

"And... What about Kylon?"

"Like I said, you’ll need to create a situation where she’s forced to witness the truth of Skaryn’s and Halmut’s last battle. What I’m about to do will help that incredibly, but you’ll need to take advantage of the setting I’ll put you in and make it happen. And your soon-to-be allies will be contacting you soon to help you with that as well."

"Oh, and yes, they can," added Daruun.

"... Thank you..." Jack sighed from relief as his wives were still trying their best to keep up with the conversation.

Looking at the three women, Daruun bowed his head. "You three, as well as your families, will always be welcome to stay here. What Jack will be doing after leaving Kartonia will be perilous but necessary. Also, he’ll have my full guidance to help him overcome all odds of death. But before he agreed to become the key to my plans and eventually become my partner in ruling the Fate District, I promised Jack to keep you safe while he was away."

"But we can help!" shouted Daliea, refusing to deny the duty she felt to accompany her husband.

"Yeah, we’ll--"

"You three are Jack’s greatest weakness," Daruun stated, cutting off Eliza and not giving Maura a chance to say anything. "After the matter on Kartonia ends, you’ll live here with me and my wife. Of course, we’ll help you train and show you around different parts of the Fate District, so you won’t be cooped up here for all your lives. But staying and training with me will not only help you in the long run, it will allow Jack to grow and eventually fulfill his role.

"When that happens, you three will have already become immortals as well. Then, you three will be reunited with Jack indefinitely as he helps me direct the entire Fate District. And given the unpredicted growth of Jack’s system, I imagine that he’ll be finished in a few years or decades. He’ll still be able to visit you and your children, but this way you and your children won’t be faced with the hardships that Jack must endure in the future. Doesn’t that sound best for your family? Or would you like to be put in situations like Kylon?"

Given the recency of learning that information, comparing their possible future struggles to Kylon’s deeply wounded the women’s desire to join Jack on his adventures.

After a moment of pause, Daruun continued, "Jack will still visit you and share all his stories. He’ll even bring you gifts. He won’t be alone, though. Jack will be with his father and uncle, as well as the many other cosmicians that will come out of Kartonia with them."

"Then... Sterfen is really your son?" Eliza asked, still hung up on that fact.

"Yeah, he’s my son. But you can’t tell Lunara or Lina about this." Daruun casually waved his hand, sprinkling lights over the three women. "That particular memory is now sealed and protected, so Eedaj or anyone else below my level won’t be able to see it freely. Just don’t talk about it, okay?"

While the girls were speechless yet again, Daruun chuckled and added, "Now you can’t say I don’t trust you."

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