Chapter 572 Unforgivable



Jack and Eedaj had mixed reactions. One shouted in disbelief while the other wanted to learn more about the unheard-of stimulants.

"According to the gods, all they know about is the forced contract. They don’t know about the stimulants that Halmut forced onto her," Sterfen explained. "That was the first time that Daruun intervened in private, forcing Halmut and Skaryn to never force someone into a contract or forcibly feed them stimulants. If anyone dares to try it again, they were threatened with immediate extinction."

"But what are stimulants?" asked Eedaj.

"Those are something foreign to Kartonia, something that a foreign power once gave Halmut and Skaryn, though Daruun forced that foreign power off the planet. Stimulants offer a boost in strength while destroying that person’s potential growth. It’s hard to explain without explaining the power structure of the universe outside of Kartonia."

"But how--"

"Basically, stimulants are drugs that boost your power for now but will cause you more harm as you get stronger," answered Jack, surprising Eedaj.

"Oh... So that’s how Kylon ascended before Naparn but was quickly surpassed by the other dragon gods?"

"Correct..." Sterfen sighed, not smiling nor frowning. "Also, it’s in Kylon’s contract that she can’t mention stimulants to anyone, otherwise, Halmut can exercise the contract."

"But how can--"

"Skaryn beat that knowledge out of Halmut. He tried to talk with Kylon but that’s also against the contract. Halmut did everything he could to get keep Skaryn from getting Kylon on his side, for political and personal reasons," stated Sterfen. "With Kylon, it gave the holy gods a foothold in Kustram where Skaryn’s followers dominated. Also, Halmut is the pettiest person I’ve ever met and he’d rather keep Kylon suffering on his side than to allow Skaryn to have her.

"But I don’t know anything about the anomaly in her memory, but it would explain her shift in attitude. She acts more robotic and thinks less of her own opinion than I remember," Sterfen added with a shake of his head. "I haven’t checked on her since Skaryn’s sealing since I was tending to Lunara at the time, but I can go check on her when I get the chance."

"Umm..." Eedaj fumbled for words for a moment. "If what you’re saying is true, Sterfen, then I can guarantee that she’s been given false memories."

"Why do you say..." After glancing through Eedaj’s emerging thoughts, Sterfen froze with his mouth hanging wide open. "Halmut... you’re dead!"

"What? What happened--"

"I’m leaving immediately."

"Before you go, we need to make a game plan," Jack stated, trying to keep Sterfen from leaving on the spot. "I’ll be taking my wives to meet Daruun at his office later today. I can ask for his opinion while I’m there."

Already standing, Sterfen shook his head. "Jack, there are some things that demand immediate action. As Skaryn’s younger brother and student, there’s something that I must do immediately."


"I’ll be gone for a while. I think you’ll be fine without me for a while but if you’re desperate, have your grandfather contact me. Then I’ll know it’s serious."

Jack wanted to say more but there was no denying the intensity of Sterfen’s stare. It wasn’t focused on Jack, but the intensity was enough for Jack to feel like an ant watching an elephant narrowly walk past and avoid death.

Turning to Eedaj, Jack asked, "What were you going to say?"

"I..." Eedaj paused before he answered, "Despite everything that Sterfen claimed, which I believe to be true coming from him, there’s one recent event in Kylon’s memories that should have never come to pass without mental tampering... Kylon is now the second goddess to ever become pregnant."

"What do..." Catching on, Jack instantly realized the depth of the situation.

"And considering what Sterfen said yesterday, about Skaryn supporting Sterfen’s marriage to Lunara, I can imagine that Skaryn also..."

Not needing to say more, rage burned inside both men sitting there. But Jack’s rage burned more furiously as he also felt more connected to Skaryn, given how passionate his father was about the matter and how much his grandfather praised Skaryn as Jack’s uncle.

"I’ll be taking my wives to see Daruun later... I’ll ask his opinion on the matter then..." Jack stood up and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No, that’s all for now," Eedaj replied with a firm nod.

Jack began walking away but paused and asked, "You can broadcast memories through illusions, right?"

Eedaj nodded, getting Jack to do the same as the hero waved and left the courtyard.

The walk back home felt dragged out. Jack’s feet felt heavier with each step as Jack thought about everything.

"Sterfen! Wait!"

Hearing his mother shout caught Jack’s attention. Jack looked to a nearby courtyard and saw Sterfen and Lunara standing outside an open door. He was amazed to see Lunara clinging onto Sterfen as if she was afraid to lose him.

"Jack!" Spotting his son, Sterfen ordered, "Explain my leave to your mother. I need to leave and handle this while I still have an opportunity."

"O-Okay..." Unable to find fault with Sterfen’s decision to leave, Jack walked toward his parents. Taking Lunara’s hand, Jack sighed, "Mom... I’ll explain inside. It won’t take long, so we can talk before Lina gets up."

"What’s wrong?"

With terrible timing, all three of them looked inside to see Lina walking out of her room in comfortable, silk pajamas.

"Don’t worry, Daddy just has something to take care of," Sterfen stated with a smile, glancing back to Lina as Sterfen attempted to calm his bloodlust momentarily.

"O-okay..." Lina stepped back into her room, recognizing that something was up and that her father was about to kill someone, probably a god.

"Promise me you’ll come back."

Turning around, Sterfen leaned down and kissed Lunara softly. "I promise. I always come back. Listen to Jack and you’ll understand why this is necessary."

"Okay... I love you..."

"And I love you."

With that said, Sterfen vanished from their sight. He left no trace to track and no scent to follow.

"Come in, you’re explaining this now!" Lunara stated, dragging Jack into the house with a slam of the door.

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