The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 566 Jack Uncovered

Chapter 566 Jack Uncovered

"Jack, what level are you?"

"Aren’t you curious?" joked Jack.

Moranti smiled and chuckled, "Will you let me see your stats? I’m a good judge for Halmut’s strength and I want to know how strong you are compared to him almost getting serious."

"But to see my stats?"

"Please, Jack. We have a pact and I let you see mine all the time," Moranti argued as they entered the restricted area of the guild. "Halmut treated you like a mid-level god, so I want to confirm how much potential you have."

Sighing, Jack replied, "I’m lv. 91."

"And what about your titles? Sterfen mentioned a proposal from Daruun. Does that mean you’ve got bigger plans or that he’s given you a new title?"

"I..." Jack meant to reply but got caught up in thought. It was the first time Jack paid attention to his basic stats apart from quick glances at his level. What he found caught the hero off guard.

[Fate Champion]

[Heralded as the rising champion of the Fate District and personally selected by the district leader. Referred to as "The Champion God" on the user’s homeworld of Kartonia.]

Jack’s footsteps paused as he investigated his new title, which went beyond the scope of Kartonia.

"What’s wrong?" asked Moranti. "Hello? Jack?"

"Sorry... I got caught up checking something."

"Was it your title? Tell me, what title did you claim? Show me!"

"The Champion God," Jack admitted. "That’s the title Daruun has given me."

"The Champion God... Now that’s a title! It’s very fitting, considering your fight with Halmut."

"How serious was Halmut during our fight?" Jack changed the subject as they began to walk again.

Shrugging, Moranti replied, "If I had to guess, then Halmut was using maybe seventy percent of his strength. But that was only at the end when he charged you with his horns."

"Only that much..." Jack sighed, forced to understand how far the gap was.

"But your strategy was perfect, though I’m unsure how Halmut countered Cerebral Collapse. Eedaj mentioned that reading Halmut’s mind was impossible, but I didn’t think that Cerebral Collapse would fail as well... I also feel uneasy about Halmut’s retreat. It doesn’t make sense to me. Are you sure you failed on your final attempt?"

"I’m sure of it. Even my system recognized my failure. But I did feel that I somehow got closer to success that final time, though I’m not sure why."

"Hmmm..." Moranti sighed as they neared their destination. After stopping in front of a courtyard door, Moranti firmly knocked to announce their arrival.

"I’ve been waiting... You’re late."

Hearing Dragas’s sultry voice, Jack came up with a theory as he silently followed Moranti into Dragas’s courtyard filled with flora and fauna. Though Dragas was a flirt, she wouldn’t lay it on that much unless she was determined to seduce someone.

The duo passed the small jungle of vegetation to reach the center of the courtyard. There, Jack quickly blinked and averted his eyes.

"Oh, I wasn’t expecting Jack..."

Moranti laughed, "For now, Jack will be joining me for treatments, so expect it until he’s healed."

"Then I guess I’ll cover up... I don’t want to seduce my daughter’s man by accident."

"I don’t mind," stated Moranti, smiling and enjoying the view. "Considering Jack’s injuries and his healing abilities, I’m sure he’ll be good as new before I can say the same about myself."

"Obviously... Considering your intense stare," Dragas teased, retrieving her typical gown and swaying her now-covered hips as she approached her new patient. "Now... let me see it. You’ll have to remove the cloak, so--"

Before she could finish, Jack shifted the cloak into only a pair of pants. "How’s that?"

"Sorry, Jack," Moranti spoke up. "After fighting Halmut, I’d let her inspect everything. She’ll find even microscopic burns, so be proud of yourself."

"Halmut? Jack fought Halmut?!" Dragas was stunned, dropping her seductive tone.

"Sure did, and Jack almost crippled him too," stated Moranti. "Halmut was starting to get more serious when he suddenly left without warning or reason."

"Jack... Why would you fight Halmut of all people?!" questioned Dragas. "I heard you ascended but that’s no reason to--"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But I got Daruun’s permission to try so what’s wrong?" reasoned Jack, startling Dragas and Moranti. "I learned a lot from that fight and even got stronger because of it. I have no regrets."

"But what if you had died!? What about my--"

"Daruun wouldn’t have allowed me to try that without reason. Do you think I’m stupid enough to waste my life like that?"

"You should’ve seen him..." Moranti sighed. "Jack used Cerebral Collapse on that pestro, and almost got away with it."

"You what?!"

"Can we get on with this?" asked Jack. "They’re preparing a banquet and I need to hurry back to my wives."

"Fine... but you still need to disrobe," argued Dragas, not giving in.

Sighing, Jack obliged. Jack removed his cloak and let Dragas see everything, as a medical professional.

"Please, let me check your status. That way I can properly scan your body for microscopic burns. That’s the worst part of Halmut’s flames. Even a microscopic burn from Halmut’s flame will grow with time and become unbearable," stated Dragas, surprising Jack.

As Jack took a deep breath, Jack allowed himself to be vulnerable for the first time in a long while. Privacy wasn’t worth facing the pain of Halmut’s flames outside of battle.

"Jack, how did you change your name?"

Looking to Dragas, Jack replied, "That’s thanks to Daruun."

"And what sort of title is that?" asked Dragas.

Moranti spoke up as well, wide-eyed, "I thought you said--"

"The title ’Fate Champion’ is a title used outside of Kartonia. My Kartonian title is the ’Champion God’," explained Jack.

"The Champion God... What a title..."

"Stop fantasizing," shouted Jack. "Hurry up and get this over with."

"Right, right... I know you’re taken..." Dragas sighed, rolling her eyes.

"I’m not."

"Don’t tempt me, Moranti. You wouldn’t--"

"Never question a Spectral Dragon’s prowess. I can handle all of you with pleasure."

"I get it. You’re both horny and are desperate for a mate. But how about you talk it over after drinking the night away, not in the middle of my examination!"

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