The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 556 Churstins Decision and Jacks Response

Chapter 556 Churstin“s Decision and Jack“s Response

All ears were tuned in to Jack’s speech, stunned to think of how the dragon’s appearance could be seen as a negative. It wasn’t what they had expected but the logic was also hard to dispute outright.

"I have no reason to use such force," stated Halmut.

"Really? Then what happened to the Spectral Dragons in the past?" Jack refuted. "And if the Sun Dragons are the mightiest of all beasts, then how was it that your entire race was killed? Would you mind explaining that to me, Halmut?"

Narrowing his gaze, Halmut reevaluated Jack. "That was an ancient incident in the past, where--"

"Shut up!" shouted Moranti. "As the sole Spectral Dragon you failed to kill in the past, I stand as a witness that what Jack inferred is correct. Halmut was the one responsible for my race’s disappearance, as well as the extinction of his own race, the Sun Dragons."

"You have no proof, or--"

Suddenly, a vast illusory screen appeared to cover the sky overhead. Images of destruction and dragon corpses were scattered about. Only one dragon remained alive as it feasted on Sun Dragons and Spectral Dragons alike.

"Why... WHY HALMUT?!?!"

Moranti’s weak and broken voice screamed from the heavens, emerging from the illusory screen.

"You..." Halmut snarled, turning his attention to Eedaj, whose eyes were glowing as he used God’s Perspective to share Moranti’s memories with the world.

Suddenly, a holy sword was hurled toward Eedaj without warning. Eedaj did drop the illusion but Moranti defended the attack with a slash of spatial energy. Moranti chuckled, "What? Afraid everyone will know you for what you really are?"

"It’s simply an illusion. Anyone could create a false testimony or story using such means," argued Halmut. "I see no reason why that should be used as proof, nor do I see why you should be allowed to slander me without confidence."

"Do you see now, King Brobit?" Jack asked, still smiling and focusing on the topic at hand. "Halmut uses force before using words to defend his ideals. That would only lead to you and your people being dragged into war all the quicker. And should you refuse to war with him, he’ll only--"

"I said that’s enough!" Halmut shouted, increasing the pressure of his aura toward Jack.

Jack felt it but endured. "Accept my challenge. Then I’ll--"

"Then remove the condition of your immediate revival!"

"I refuse. I wouldn’t want to leave you and the holy without an excuse for your loss. Then, at least you could claim that you didn’t take me seriously."

Such words left the leisure gods speechless. They were emphatically proud of Jack while also clueless as to why Jack would want such a fight. But they supported him, know that he had always been unpredictable since long ago.

"Then that only proves that you’re afraid of me and simply won’t admit it before the public," stated Halmut, not giving up the war of words.

"Are you sure you want to change that condition?" asked Jack, acting surprised.

Halmut glared at the recently ascended hero. "That’s the only way I’ll agree to your worthless challenge. I have no reason to accept otherwise."

"Okay... But just for the record, you did choose this..." Jack sighed and shrugging, acting as if he had tried to do Halmut a favor. "Shall we at least finish this discussion? I feel it would be best to hold the duel after Churstin makes their decision."

"And you agree to this, Moranti?" Halmut asked, showing far more respect to the God of Space than he did to Jack.

Before Moranti could say anything, Jack’s voice rang out in Moranti’s mind and the minds of the others at Trodar’s table, ’Trust me. This is my one chance, so don’t ruin this for me.’

Trusting the confidence in Jack and the fact that Duorda didn’t seem fazed by Jack’s statement, Moranti nodded and shouted, "I agree with Jack. Are you sure you don’t want Tralbok to come and save you?"

"Enough of that!" snarled Halmut. He took a deep breath and sat back down. "Then I look forward to your demise. Now, Brobit, make your decision so I may kill this foul-mouthed scourge."

King Brobit sighed and leaned back in his chair. On the surface, this decision was a matter of who Churstin wished to ally with. But the true question that needed to be answered was different.

Of both sides, which would make the worst enemy?

Both sides were formidable, the most of all Kartonia. However, what was more frightening? Was it the recently rising gods of Trodar? Or the most respected gods of old that have already won a war among deities and recruited the losing side? And that wasn’t even mentioning the dragons, which were arguably countered by the many beasts stowed away in the Leisure Guild, the ones reported to have protected the city.

"Go ahead, we won’t hold it against you."

The king blinked and looked up. He saw Jack smiling lightly, showing a clear conscience and the utmost confidence.

Seeing that man standing before Halmut, the strongest of all gods, in such a manner was humbling beyond belief. And to know that Jack took the time to understand the situation and offered to not hold it against Churstin was something else. It showed the king that Jack and the others felt more human and mortal, cementing how arrogant and forceful Halmut was in reality.

Looking to those around him, King Brobit got nods from the other representatives, getting their acknowledgment to follow his get.

"From everything we’ve learned here, Churstin... chooses to side with Trodar."

"WHAT?!" roared Halmut, pounding on the table and splintering it out of reflex.

Jack smiled and shook his head. "Smart choice..."

Standing up, Halmut interjected, "Fool! You think they can protect you from my army of--"

"He’s made his decision, just as you’ve made yours. Now, we duel." Jack stated, casually waving his hand. "Goodbye, Halmut. It was nice meeting you."

"What are you--"

At that moment, while Halmut was furious and about to go into a frenzied rage, Halmut felt a hand softly touch his head. It was all happening at once, and Halmut only realized that someone invisible was standing behind him as Jack’s voice whispered behind Halmut, "Cerebral Collapse."

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