The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 535 Shattered Perceptions of the Universe

Chapter 535 Shattered Perceptions of the Universe

Jack thought nothing of Daruun’s appearance, finding the wait to be expected.

Duorda, on the other hand, spotted the man beside Daruun and immediately bowed. "Master Daruun, Master Silas, please forgive my ignorance. Had I known that--"

"Don’t worry about it." The guest chuckled and waved.

At the same time, Jack bowed to follow Duorda’s example and got a good look at the mystery man.

There were a few things that left Jack confused and quite curious, such as the man having only one arm and a scarred face hidden by a vizor covering the man’s eyes. Assuming that the guest had strength in the ballpark of Daruun’s, Jack thought such injuries would get healed properly. Instead, the man made no intention of hiding his missing limb, not wearing a coat and having a custom, single-colored shirt that was fitted around what remained of his left shoulder. The scar, which seemed to come from something acid-related, covered the majority of the man’s forehead, eyes, and cheeks.

"So, you’re the one Daruun’s been talking about lately?" asked the man, turning to Jack with a smile.

Jack was left feeling even more confused the moment the man’s eyes landed on the hero. While Jack felt absolutely nothing from the man in terms of energy, Jack felt as if his entire being was naked to the man before him. Not even Daruun had given Jack such a feeling, not with a single glance alone.

"You’re good... I approve."

"Thank you, Silas," stated Daruun, catching Jack and Duorda off guard. "Then I’ll inform them of their next objectives. And thanks again for stopping by. Your advice is always appreciated."

"Think nothing of it. I know where to find the gate so I’ll see myself out." Lifting his one arm, Silas waved and smiled as he turned away from the three men. "Best of luck! I hope he lives up to your expectations..."

Daruun turned his attention to the two remaining people, who were both watching Daruun’s guest leave in awe of different things. "Duorda, calm down. Silas only came for a visit. Nothing is wrong or out of order at the moment."

"I’m glad to hear that... Thank you for reassuring me, Master Daruun." Duorda gave Daruun another quick bow before regathering himself.

"Jack," Daruun chuckled, "I know you’re curious about Silas and why I admire him so much, but let’s discuss this in my office. Come, follow me."

Nodding, the silent hero let his eyes linger on the fading silhouette of the man down the opposite hall. Once Jack could no longer see him, Jack finally looked to Daruun in anticipation.

The three men were silent for the next fifteen minutes as they took their time to reach Daruun’s personal office. Inside, Jack and Duorda sat in front of Daruun, forming a small triangle. Daruun sat at his deck, which made a "U" along three walls. The only side uncovered was where Jack, Duorda, and any other guest would sit. This let Daruun have his workspace while also allowing him to feel more personable with anyone visiting him, not having his desk sit between him and those he spoke with.

"Alright, Jack, you’ve finally earned the right to ask me anything and everything. Also, I’ll make sure to explain what Duorda meant in calling you the ’main role’ of my future plans," Daruun stated with a casual smile. "I assume you want to hear about Silas before you get caught up in everything else I’m about to say?"

Jack nodded. "Please, tell me why the man I’ve seen as omnipotent and omniscient wanted another man’s opinion. And, who is Silas exactly? Given that you asked his opinion on things, is he also involved in your plans for me?"

"Those are all great questions. For now, given your current strength, I won’t explain everything about Silas in too much detail. After you’re stronger, then I’d feel more comfortable with that," answered Daruun, getting another nod from Jack. "And no. Silas’s scar and missing limb are real injuries that he experienced in the past, which were irreversible even for a man of his strength.

"Silas is a man that I’m working closely with and a man that I greatly respect. I wouldn’t say that he’s involved in my original plans for you, Jack, but you might decide to work with Silas as well in the future, after you’ve fulfilled the plans I have."

"Is he stronger than you?" Jack asked, focused entirely on Daruun and his answer.

Immediately, as if out of reflex, Daruun nodded. "I can’t compare with him at all, believe it or not. And since we’re on the topics of strength, allow me to educate you more on how strong cosmicians are and how the void is governmentally structured.

"Master Daruun--"

"Wait, Duorda, I promise that my ramblings will touch on your questions as well" Daruun added, lifting a hand toward the skeletal construct. "Jack, similar to what you knew from your life on your original planet, There are many planets that make up a system. However, the size of what you called a system and what we call a system are incomparable. A system by your previous standards was less than a dozen planets. A system by true standards is made up of more than one thousand planets, many of which are life-bearing."

Shattering Jack’s expectations with just that, Daruun continued to wake up the hero from his drastically false view of the universe, "Also, a system is the smallest level of intergalactic government. Remember, not all life-bearing planets know that they are a part of a system while many do know to an extent. To govern a system, one must be a one-star cosmician."

"That’s it?! Then... doesn’t--"

"Yes, all the gods of Kartonia would qualify for such a position," Daruun answered. "But, as I said, that’s the most basic level of governance. It takes at least one thousand systems to make up a precinct. To govern a precinct, one must be a two-star cosmician. Or, just as you’ve assumed, one must be strong enough to break through the artificial barrier that I’ve placed around Kartonia and surpass lv. 99."

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