The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 448 Achievement System Based on God System??

Chapter 448 Achievement System Based on God System??

"... Aaaaahhh..."

"Jack? Jack!"

"Huh... Ohh!"

Jack finally opened his eyes, finding the real world around him and not an illusory vision supplied by Daruun. But before he could speak or see everyone around him, Jack was bombarded by tender yet firm embraces from his wives.

"Jack... Why do you have to scare us like that?" Eliza sighed, speaking softly into Jack’s ear.

"You always do this to us," added Maura. "But we’re glad you survived a god chasing after you."

Daliea was the first to release Jack and give him some room, adding, "Only you could survive a god’s wrath... I’m proud of you."

Taking all that into consideration, Jack struggled to sit up without any aching. "How long was I out this time?"

"Six weeks," a familiar voice stated.

"Mom... What are you doing here?"

"Your father brought me here, free and clear of my contract," Lunara replied. "We’ve been waiting for you to wake up. Now, the Leisure Guild can finally make a public statement about the battle."


"It has to be you, Jack." Catching the hero off guard, Sterfen walked across the room to take his wife by the hand. "Who other than you can rile up a crowd? As the guild master, it’s your duty to make such statements and allow the world to understand just how spectacular your guild is."

"Well... that makes sense... Where’s Lina?" Jack asked, noticing that only one family member was missing.

"She’s playing with her friend from Aazoon," answered Lunara. "Do you remember the little princess that Lina saved?"

"You mean Princess Erina? Why is she here?"

Sterfen raised his other hand. "That would be my fault. When I arrived in Aazoon and let Lunara destroy her contract, she made sure to inform King Wilheim. When he heard that, he begged me to take Prince Willim and Princess Erina with me to Trodar.

"Apparently, with the association and the syndicate showing their true colors, many kingdoms were terrified by the true difference they had in power. Some alliances have formed recently and a few kingdoms have started to war over land and power, seeking a means to grow stronger and attempt to rival the powerful association."

"Will war break out in Aazoon?" Jack asked.

"It’s a likely possibility," Sterfen answered. "I guess King Wilheim was eager to see that his children were safe, and he insisted that Trodar was the best place to be."

"He’s not wrong, but what does King Wilheim intend to do if war breaks out?"

"I’ve no clue." Sterfen shrugged. "He did ask to speak with you when you woke up. Just ask him later when you get a chance."

Lunara pulled Sterfen to Jack’s bed and sat beside Maura. "For now, I’m just glad that you’re alright. But you can’t keep doing this to yourself, Son. I don’t want to see you die before you get your chance to ascend."

"Don’t worry, that will be happening sooner than later," Jack chuckled. "Dad, where’s Pestro being held?"

Giving Jack a strange look, Sterfen replied, "He’s in Eedaj’s courtyard. How did you know--"

"While I was out, I was lucky enough to speak with Daruun. He explained a few things to me... including what happened in the east field."

"Oh... So you know about Tralon?"

"Yeah... But I’ll talk more about him when I give that speech you’re so eager for me to present to the city," replied Jack. "For now, we need to discuss what’s next."

"We’re way ahead of you," Lunara added with a smile. "After you kill Pestro, I’ll choose Kori as a demigod, Rikko will choose Hadurt as a demigod, and Guuro will choose Lorwynn as a demigod, though it did take some convincing for Lorwynn. Then, we’ll help them all level up at full speed."

"Right," Jack agreed. "I’ll rewrite the pacts so that they don’t give me EXP and I’ll make sure to have a pact with Kori that lets him keep all EXP from the get-go. That way, they’ll be able to level up in Earthen Keep."

"So you want to send them there after all?" asked Sterfen.

Jack nodded. "But Kims and Kaldor won’t join them just yet. Only after they ascend with those two join them. And while that’s happening, I’ll start my own mission."

"And what’s that?" Eliza asked. "Is that when you go away for a while?"

"Yeah... I’ll be busy sneaking through all ninety-nine levels of Earthen Keep to claim my own ancient tomb on the final floor," answered Jack, stunning everyone. "I’ve done it before, so why not do it again?"

"Jack... I’m sure you have your reasons, but how will you--"

"I’ll make a pact with you too, Dad. Then, I’ll have access to even your personal skills. Wouldn’t that make it possible?" Jack added.

Both Lunara and Sterfen were taken aback. After a moment of thought, Sterfen blinked and asked, "Jack... You can learn personal skills and spells?"

"It’s not easy, but I can learn them thanks to my subclass. Gramps made sure I’ll have everything I need to succeed," Jack stated proudly.

"Someone who can learn other gods’ skills... That’s a terrifying ability, Jack..." Lunara added, struggling to believe that Jack had such capabilities. "Adding your passive skills to that... That could make you the most powerful god..."

"That’s probably what Daruun wanted," Sterfen stated. "I’m guessing he learned from the god system he made."

"What? What god system?" Jack asked.

Sterfen explained, "Don’t you wonder why lv. 89 is the cap? Well, your grandfather said it was because you can only reach the strength of lv. 90 and higher by absorbing true cosmic energy and not the energy filtered by the world.

"There’s still plenty of that raw cosmic energy on this world but mortals have no chance of sensing it. That’s why a god needs to awaken that latent potential in a mortal in order for them to sense it and become what’s considered a god on this world. The best means of leveling up as a god is to actually help demigods."

Perplexed, Jack asked, "And why’s that?"

"Because every time a god helps a demigod ascend, that god will gain one level’s worth of EXP at that demigod’s ascension," Sterfen answered. "That’s how Halmut and Skaryn rose to the top without trouble. Because part of their contracts is that no one under them can aid a demigod, only letting either of them gain that EXP. Yet they failed to reach surpass lv. 99 all the same."

"Okay... but why would my abilities be an upgraded version of the god system?"

"You share skills with your pact and your system right?" Sterfen answered with a question.

"How did you know I have a system?"

"Because Daruun has mentioned it a couple of times. Remember, we can ask him questions too," chuckled Sterfen. "The exchange that takes place between a demigod and a god is similar to you and your pacts. We give our new child a portion of our abilities in exchange for receiving the residual EXP caused by your ascendance. Sound familiar now?"

While Jack and his wives were processing that, Lunara added, "I can cast a couple of holy spells thanks to my contract with Halmut. Well, I had that ability until now. But Daruun promised long ago that he would formally accept me as his daughter, so that will change soon."

"That’s why I think Daruun learned from the god system he put in place long ago to create your system," Sterfen clarified.

Still taken aback by the meaning of that statement, Jack mumbled, "My achievement system... is better than the god system?!"

"Yes, I’d say it’s an improved model built to focus on growth through well-developed relationships, like how Daruun had always wanted the gods to share a familial bond. Only, Skaryn and Halmut found a different way to manipulate the god system."

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