The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 165 End of the Auction

Chapter 165 End of the Auction

"I’ll offer a lv. 65 peak-tier weapon!"

Everyone turned back to Jack’s room as a new image appeared on his wall. It was a halberd with golden dragons etched into the handle and the blade. As the dragons coiled around the shaft of the halberd, they formed grip for the user.

"That should be enough, right? Or do you have anything else to offer?" Jack’s question was spoken out loud, but everyone knew he was talking to that old man.

Inside the association’s private room, that councilman was fuming mad. He was certain that no one else at the auction was stronger than him and that his personal wealth could win him that precious cloak. Since it was so valuable, he even went back on his word and continued to up the bid.

But now, the entire situation flipped. That mysterious young man pulled out a lv. 65 peak-tier weapon! Less than five people in all Kartonia could make such a weapon, and their odds of success weren’t the greatest either. How could he have such a thing and be so young?!

The worst part was that Jack could have offered a lv. 60 peak-tier weapon and he still had a good chance of beating the councilman’s two high-tier weapons.

But a lv. 65 peak-tier weapon... The councilman wasn’t even able to wield such a high-level weapon, let alone own one.

And now, that same young man was playing with him like the auction was just a game. He even had the gall to ask if that was enough as if he could keep going!

Of course, everyone was thinking the same thing but Jack. He had lv. 70 and lv. 75 items too, so he really could keep going if he needed to, and he would’ve still found it a steal to get a legend-tier item in return.

The old man’s silence spoke volumes. There was no way he could beat such a bid.

All four managers were breathing heavily and panting as they admired the golden halberd on display. Each of them agreed that their efforts to test Jack’s spending limit succeeded beyond their imaginations. Even if the cloak was sold at the yearly auction, the price probably wouldn’t have been so high. They didn’t dream of getting a lv. 65 weapon for it, yet they were looking at it, and it was peak-tier!

"The Fat Goose accepts your offer of a lv. 65 peak-tier weapon. Thank you for your generosity!" Eliza bowed to Jack, overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions.

"Thank you, I’m glad I could find such an item. If only you had more."

That statement echoed in the minds of everyone present, "...If only they had more." Did that mean he still had more things worth as much as the cloak?!

That councilman took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down. Hearing Jack’s last statement, he also started to wonder if the boy really could keep going.

"Thank you all for coming and supporting the Fat Goose Auction House. We look forward to our future auctions and hope to see you all at a later time." Finishing with a final bow to the audience, Eliza hid behind the curtain and the auction came to a close.

No one moved, however. They all kept staring at that particular room on the third floor with a single question in mind. Who was inside that room?

Jack also wasn’t in a rush to leave. He only had to wait and all his goods would be delivered to his room. Besides, Maura was drunk and had fallen asleep before the cloak was even revealed. He thought that he might as well wait and see if she wakes up in the meantime.

One minute passed... Five minutes passed... Ten minutes passed and people finally started leaving. Those who had won an item left the main auction hall and went to one of the many claiming rooms to collect their winnings.

Those on the third floor waited even longer. Some even sent a servant into the hallway to keep an eye on room six. They all wanted to know who that young man was.

There were a total of seven kingdoms with representatives present and the Adventurers Association, as well as a couple of secretive groups that don’t like working in the public eye. Soon, other than room six, each occupied room had a servant waiting just outside the door.

To their disappointment, no one exited the sixth room. But after thirty minutes, a group of five people appeared on the third floor and made their way to the sixth room, quickly entering it.

All the servants recognized the woman leading that group and informed their masters of the news.

When they all heard that Eliza led four men into the room, they either groaned or sighed. It was clear to them that the Fat Goose Auction House was trying to rope a financial giant as a future partner. They understood that is was probably the managers that had entered room six together with Eliza.

Figuring out who that person was would only get harder now. If they weren’t able to figure it out before the mysterious young man exited the auction house, it would be impossible. And with the auction house helping his escape, each of the kingdom’s representatives felt that they would be returning home without any explanation for what had occurred.

Inside Jack’s room, Eliza and the managers all bowed the moment they entered. Eliza was the first to speak, "Young Master Jack, we’d like to thank you for your extreme generosity. I’ve brought with me the auction house’s four managers to help me do so."

"Young Master Jack, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Baral and I’m the First Manager," a middle-aged man stepped forward to introduce himself. "My comrades and I would like to personally thank you for your kind support. Is it alright if we host a private banquet for you?"

"I don’t think that will be necessary," answered Jack. "I’ll soon be leaving Federal City and I’m not sure when I’ll be back."

"Please, Young Master Jack, my father would like to meet you," added Eliza.

"Your father? And who is that? What position does he hold within the Fat Goose Auction House?"

"He’s the Owner. Without him, the Fat Goose would’ve never existed and we would have been raided time and time again," answered Baral. "He’s the most powerful man in the Fat Goose and the one who controls everything we do."

When Jack heard that, he finally understood why Eliza’s status in the Fat Goose was already so high for being so young.

Also, Jack could tell that each of the managers was over lv. 55 and Baral, as the First Manager, was already lv. 65. If they respected Eliza’s father so much, then the owner should be near lv. 70.

"If I were to stay for the banquet, when and where would it be held?"

The managers all smiled as Eliza explained, "We can hold it within the hour. My father is currently away but he’s already been informed and is now hurrying back. As for where we hold it, is it alright if we host it within our guild quarters?"

"Yes, I’d prefer that."

The guild quarters was the area where only guild members could go and where they lived. There shouldn’t be any prying eyes from the other kingdoms if the banquet was to be held there.

"Great, because we’ve already started the preparations," Eliza laughed as she pulled out a luxurious looking ring. "Here are all of you purchased items, and we’ve included this ring as a gift to show our gratitude."

"Thank you." Jack slightly bowed his head as he waved his hand. Three chests filled with gold appeared and surprised the manager. "This should cover the sixty thousand gold I owe. As for the rest..."

Two items appeared in Jack’s hands. In his left, it was a green, glossy shield that was lv. 50 and peak tier. In his right, a golden halberd appeared and radiated a heavy, golden aura.

"Here you are."

Nonchalantly, Jack stepped forward and handed the two items to Eliza.

"Th-thank you." Even with her upbringing, it was hard for her not to stutter and fumble her words while holding such a valuable item. She had never even seen a lv. 65 peak-tier weapon, let alone held one.

"Thank you, Young Master Jack!" They all bowed deeply to Jack. At first, they doubted that Jack was as casual with wealth as Eliza had mentioned to them, but now they were proven wrong.

"I have one last request, however."

"Feel free to ask us anything you wish," replied Baral, happy to grant Jack a favor for a chance to get on his good side. For them to make friends with someone as wealthy as Jack was something out of their dreams.

"I’m not leaving this room until all other people in the main auction hall have left, including those on the second and third floors."

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