The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 145 Patiently Waiting

Chapter 145 Patiently Waiting

Night passed slowly, like drips of wax on a candle as the wick gradually burned down to the candle’s base.

It didn’t take long for the atmosphere around the association building to become somber. Everyone was excited to see Jack again and they all knew that the higher-ups for association headquarter would arrive the next day, but that mood subsided quickly.

The conference room door remained locked that entire day as well. Not a sound came from inside, giving others the impression that Jack had used the stone of silence.

Unaware of what Jack was doing or how he was trying to cope, the rest of the world kept spinning.

King Leodoro paid a visit to check on the situation. Tridon did the same, wanting to learn what happened on the trip. When they heard the news, neither decided to stay long and left.

At night, Zariff was at the bar on the first floor, a mug filled with the finest wine he had in front of him. It looked like the branch chief was having a staring contest with his drink.

"Dear, don’t worry too much. Just drink up." A gentle hand grabbed Zariff’s from the other side of the counter. "You know that he’ll be okay. Give him some time."

"I’m not just worried about Jack." Without realizing it, Zariff didn’t even bother calling Jack a brat. Burdened with too many thoughts and duties, Zariff didn’t care about such a petty thing.

His curse had gotten worse, draining enough EXP to force Zariff down to lv. 35. It was only one level, but it was a heavy toll on Zariff’s mentality since he had no way to stop it.

Also, Zariff would occasionally glance back at the reception desk to find it empty. He was also worried about his daughter. It’s not like she had fallen in love with Jack, but she definitely cared about him. Every hour, on the hour, she would go up the conference room with a plate of food and knock on the door. She’d wait five minutes and then return to her desk duties.

"What’s wrong? Do you not want your daughter getting too close to him? You know she’ll have to leave one day with a man of her own, right?"

Marisha’s verbal jabs hit Zariff’s heart in a sore spot. He really had been too tough on his daughter. Whenever she tried to go on adventures, he wouldn’t let her. If a boy ever tried to show interest in her, Zariff would scare the boy half to death and keep him from approaching his daughter.

He had never asked his daughter’s opinion on anything. If she ever liked any of those boys, he would never know and he wouldn’t give her a chance to leave his protection either.

Zariff’s tough stance on parenting derived mainly from what had happened to Slivia, in fact. After finding her and learning what had happened, Zariff decided that such things would never happen to his daughter who was little at the time. He returned from that mission a different man, more caring toward his family but also overprotective.

"When will you let her live her own life outside of you?" Marisha kept talking and poking at her husband’s heart. "Would you rather her eventually run away from us or help her find her own way? If she somehow manages to get that boy’s heart, wouldn’t that mean she’d be better off than staying with you all her life?"

It was like a bomb had gone if in Zariff’s mind. His mind was always closed off and never bothered fully considering his wife’s harsh words before. Now that his mental state was weakened by the recent events, his wife’s words eventually reached him.

"You... really think so?" asked Zariff.

"How could I be wrong? You married me because I’m always right, right?"

With a loud sigh, Zariff let out a sad chuckle. "You’re right..."

Marisha held his face and smiled. "Dear, you won’t lose her, you never will. She just needs to grow up and live how she chooses. You and I both know that she’s interested and getting to know more about Jack. She stopped trying before when Slivia arrived, but now she may want to try again."

"But isn’t it too soon? With everything--"

"Everything will be fine," said Marisha with reassuring confidence. "From the look of it, Jack will never lack in female companions, but is that such a bad thing?"

Zariff groaned as he started chugging his drink. That was one of his biggest concerns regarding Jack. He respected the kid and would always be working with him, but it was evident that he would always attract more women.

In a cruel world like theirs, it wasn’t too uncommon for people of great renown to have multiple women. Even King Leodoro had both a wife and two concubines. But would Zariff wish for his daughter to just be another number in some man’s harem? Every parent wants the best for their child, especially when it involves their future partner.

"Let her live, Zariff. Even if she and Jack get together and he has other women, would that be so wrong if she’s happy?"

Searching for an answer at the bottom of his mug, Zariff finished the last few gulps of his drink. As he slammed the mug down, Zariff grunted, "Well... I just want to be happy."

"Then you’ll support her if she goes after Jack?" asked Marisha as her lips neared his.

He was hesitant, but he still answered, "Fine..."

Sharing a quick kiss, Marisha brushed her hands along his face and neck. As they separated, she gave him a devilish smile. "It’s about time. I’m so glad, will you help me celebrate tonight?"

Understanding what his wife was up to, all Zariff could do was grin and bear it. Offering his full support, he took his mug to the back of the kitchen. The kitchen was quickly shutdown before Marisha dragged her husband away.


"Thanks for everything, Maura."

Keela’s friendly voice filled the dorm room. Across from Keela in the other bed, Maura smiled back at her new roommate. "It was nothing, don’t mention it."

Maura had brought her some dinner and decided to eat together. She wanted to get to know her new roommate and that was one of the only ways she could think of to break the ice.

Keela was like Slivia in many ways. Both were clerics, beautiful, blonde, and kind.

Unlike Slivia, though, Keela was the same age as Maura but was much higher-leveled. Coming from a very privileged family had helped her a lot, but Keela was also very talented.

"Did you make this stew yourself, it’s amazing! Even our best chef’s food wasn’t this good," complimented Keela, but she really meant it.

"No, my mom made it. She’s probably the best cook in the country. That’s how she convinced my dad to keep visiting her, because he couldn’t find better food anywhere else, even during his missions," answered Maura. She was exaggerating a bit, but that’s what her mother had always told her.

"Well, I’d love to learn from her sometime. Would that be possible?"

"Of course, she’d love the help."


Both girls were happy at the moment as they finished their meal, temporarily forgetting the somber mood.

"Hey, Maura," Keela spoke up as she put her empty bowl to the side. "Can I ask you a personal question? If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to."

"Sure, why not?"

Keela blinked and sighed, hesitant to ask. "Maura, do you like Jack?"

Maura’s smile vanished she looked away. She couldn’t hide the blush rushing to her cheeks.

"So you do. Well, I want to get to know him too."

Hearing Keela’s confident statement made Maura finally look back to her new roommate. "Are you serious?"

With a nod, Keela replied, "Yup. Who could be better than him? I was always betrothed to a pig prince who only cared about having women to pleasure him. Jack took me away and gave me a new life, and I want him to be a part of it."

Keela noticed Maura’s awkward silence and giggled. "You know, that doesn’t mean you can’t try too, right?"

"You mean..." Confusion filled Maura’s eyes as she looked at Keela’s soft smile. "But won’t you--"

"Why would I get mad? If anything, you knew him first and have more reason to be mad at me," laughed Keela. She had already learned about everything with Slivia from everyone inside the association. Unknown to Maura, Keela had also spoken to Marisha. In fact, it was Marisha who reached out to Keela.

Marisha told Keela everything, including how her daughter had backed off the moment another woman came into the picture. Wanting some help, Marisha asked Keela to have a chat with Maura regarding Jack and how they both felt about him.

"Maura, let me tell you something. Jack is a rare breed in Kartonia. The world is cruel and very few people are as genuine as Jack. He’s still young and hasn’t fully matured, but I’m confident that he’ll never become some cold and emotionless to those he cares about," explained Keela. "I don’t know him well at all, but I know enough to be willing to give him everything. Maybe it’s because I compare him with that pig prince, but it still makes me happy, so why not?"

Blown away by Keela’s blunt explanation, Maura was unsure how to process such information. It took her a moment to open up and respond. "Keela, you won’t get mad if I go after Jack? Even if I’m the one who gets him in the end?"

Breaking out in laughter, Keela shook her head. "You don’t get it, do you? Even if you go after Jack and you marry him, I still wouldn’t give up. Why don’t we share him?"

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