The Academy’s Weapon Replicator

Chapter 217 (2) - The Academys Weapon Replicator


Aten let out a sigh.

She was going to the Imperial Palace. To see her father.

"Oh my, Lady Aten. Why the sigh? On such a joyous day."

One of the servants who were helping her with her clothes and makeup spoke up.

"Ah, sorry. I must be a little tired."

"Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Yes. Maybe that's it."

"Hehe. It's understandable to be nervous. It's been a while since you've been to the Imperial Palace. Especially for such a public event."

Aten was kind to those around her despite her appearance, so many servants spoke to her informally when no one was looking. Aten herself wanted that as well.

Listening to the excited voices of the servants, Aten fell into thought again.

'Something about Mom's voice was serious...'

Philly, who had rarely used such a tone in her entire life, had asked Aten to come to the Imperial Palace.

Of course, since she had heard about the celebration at the Imperial Palace for the success of the joint operation, Aten had planned to attend as the princess anyway.

However, Philly had asked Aten to see her father separately.

'Is something wrong with Dad?'

Dad, Father.

To Aten, it was awkward to say either way.

She had barely spoken to Bartello, and thus, had no reason to talk about her father. She had hardly ever uttered the words "Dad" or "Father."

'To suddenly ask to meet...'

Aten felt like she was being introduced to a stranger.

Moreover, if there were others around, she would have to act affectionate with this stranger.

"There, how is it, Lady Aten?"

As Aten's clothes and makeup were completed, one of the servants moved a full-length mirror to reflect her image.

A pure white dress that matched the snow-white Aten. Aten's beautiful face, elegantly made up. The beauty that enveloped her graceful form seemed to flow down from her exposed shoulders, drenching her entire body.

"Oh my... Lady Aten, you truly seem to have been born to shine."

"There you go again. Exaggerating."

"Exaggerating? Not at all!"

Aten had no particular feelings about her whiteness. She didn't feel burdened by people's gazes or anything like that. Half of it was thanks to Philly's upbringing.

'Those people, you know, if your hair were yellow, they would make a fuss about it being sprinkled with gold. So you don't have to worry about it,' she had been told every day as she grew up.

However, she was aware that cases like hers, with white hair, white eyes, and white skin, were extremely rare.

Therefore, when she was dressed in a pure white dress like today, all her colors reflected the sunlight, literally emitting light.

Even Aten herself felt the same impression when she looked at herself: 'Pure white.'

"...That, Frondier..."


"Besides me, isn't there one more Constel student participating in the event?"

"Ah, that boy in black? Frondier de Roach."

In black.

The servant spoke without any positive or negative connotation, but the image was undoubtedly accurate.

Black hair, black eyes, and Constel's uniform, which was originally black. Even the weapons he used were now armed in black.

"Has that boy already left?"

"Hmm, I think so? He needs to be there early and wait. You probably won't be able to meet him during the event."

"...I see."

Aten replied in a monotone voice.

However, the servant noticed the subtle downturn of her eyes that followed.

"Lady Aten, did you know? At weddings..."

"Wed, weddings?"

Aten flinched at the single word and looked at the servant in surprise.

And then, as if realizing something, she pursed her lips.

"Ah, yes, weddings."

"Yes. Do you know why the bride's dress is pure white and the groom's suit is black at weddings?"

"...Why is that?"

"Originally, the bride's dress was adorned with all sorts of colors and gold bands, making it dazzling. But one noblewoman chose a pure white dress to abandon luxury and vanity. That became a huge trend, leading to the current pure white color."

"...Why is the suit black?"

"So that the bride's dress shines even brighter."

Hearing those words, Aten blinked for a moment. She turned her eyes to the servant who had spoken.

"You didn't just make that up, did you?"

"Of course not. Absolutely not. Well, it's something I heard in passing."

"What, it was just something you heard."

At Aten's disappointed voice, the servant chuckled and said,

"But even without that background knowledge, they match, don't they? White and black. Don't you think so?"


Aten nodded as if acknowledging that part.

"Well, there's no guarantee that boy will wear black clothes when he goes to the Imperial Palace."


Aten replied unconsciously, then—

"Wait, what am I saying?"

She raised her voice in an uncharacteristic manner, with an unfitting tone.

* * *

Many prestigious families gathered at the Imperial Palace.

The arriving vehicles stopped one after another, and servants took over to park them.

Those who arrived earlier observed the vehicles and identified the families that would disembark next.

For them, the arrival of the next prestigious family was an interesting topic for gossip and a good way to heighten the atmosphere.

Of course, they weren't openly staring, but it had become a natural thing for everyone to pay attention to who would come next while conversing with each other.

"Hamelot, it's Hamelot."

"There are few names that draw everyone's attention like that, even without being nobles."

"He was also the leader in this joint operation."

Even when Eden Hamelot arrived, the whispers among the nobles were lively.

Today, they weren't looking for nobles. They were here to observe the promising next generation, the pros who would protect the Empire, and even potential future Zodiacs. Therefore, the gazes directed at Eden were filled with admiration and aspiration, despite him being a commoner.

Eden quietly disappeared from sight today. The nobles found it a bit strange, but their attention was soon drawn elsewhere.

A luxury sedan approached from afar. As soon as they saw the front of the car, they knew who it was at a glance.


Some nobles stopped their conversations and watched the vehicle approach.

No one found it pathetic. There were hardly any nobles here who carried a name greater than Roach.

The vehicle stopped, and both the front and rear doors opened.

"It's been a while since we came together, hasn't it, dear?"

"The air here is still unpleasant."

"There you go again. Hmm, maybe it's because it's been so long, but the color of the door seems a bit faded."

Enfer and Malia emerged from the back doors. In front of everyone, they openly expressed their opinions about the Imperial Palace. The surrounding nobles didn't seem to mind.

Their eldest son, Azier, got out of the driver's seat.

"Good job driving, son."

"It was nothing."

Azier responded to Malia with a slight nod and turned to the passenger seat.

"Frondier, do as we discussed on the way here."


And the man who stepped out of the passenger seat.

The appearance of Frondier de Roach widened the eyes of the nobles.

'The second son of the Roach family!'

'I heard he was coming to the Imperial Palace this time, so the rumors were true!'

Firstly, they were surprised that Frondier, who was rumored to be disliked by Bartello, had actually come to the Imperial Palace.

Secondly, it was because of Frondier's attire.

Frondier was dressed in black from head to toe. The shade was even deeper than that of a typical suit.

This was a measure taken beforehand to make Frondier as inconspicuous as possible, but unfortunately, it had the opposite effect.

Frondier's languid and peaceful eyes, his sophisticated face, and the black suit designed with such elegance drew people's attention as if the space around him had a different gravity.

Apart from being a member of the Roach family, Frondier in black seemed excessively fitting for the Imperial Palace today.

'The atmosphere is incredible...'

'He's so composed despite setting foot in the Imperial Palace for the first time at such a young age.'

'His posture and gaze are impressive. He has a presence that wouldn't falter in most situations.'

Frondier, meanwhile, frowned slightly and adjusted his tie. Even his slightly furrowed brow was captivating.

However, the voice that came out of him was—

"This suit is damn uncomfortable."

It was a mutter that no one could hear.

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