Moments later, the female Khloris Troll brought with her, man pulled carriages, which were being pulled by the much stronger males. She then bowed once again, and presented it to Damien.

Damien set his gaze onto the resources, and nodded in praise. Flint was also impressed at the numbers alone. 'These are magical herbs?'

The female Khloris Troll then began introducing the different asserts she brought. Her tone was careful, and servile. "On this first carriage, we have the "Aromatic Basil", fresh and healthy."

"They can be used to add flavor to any dishes, or to any alchemical products such as potions and medicines. It's desired use is only that, hence why it's of low value. We, we would like to exchange each stack, for a single Mana Stone."

She said, looking up in apparent fear. A stack contained hundreds of Aromatic Basils. And even if they were Low Tier 1 goods, they could sell a single stack for two Mana Stones.

But she put herself on the lower end, and settled for half. Damien did not stop her. He was no Hero, nor a Saint. He nodded his head in agreement to her suggestion.

The Khloris Troll was more than glad, and hurriedly introduced the second goods. "We also have thr "Purple Sage". A plant perfect for making Tier 2 medicinal potions or remedies. We are willing to sell–"

Damien raised his hand to cut her off, and took it from there. "A Mana Crystal for every batch of "Purple Sage", a Mana Stone for every batch of "Mary Rose", a Mana Stone for every batch of "Hazel Dill"."


The Khloris Troll woman was surprised, and blankly nodded. From the deal, she was losing out. Especially on the Mana Stone part, but she had no complaints from her side.

But then, Damien's next set of words changed that belief completely. "In fact, for every batch of Tier 1 resources, I'll throw in a Mana Stone. The same for Tier 2 batches, I'll throw in a Mana Crystal. Applies to Tier 3 batches if you have them, I'll give you a Mana Core in exchange. Any adds up?" He asked.

And she only stared up at him in stupor. This way, according to her knowledge, he was losing out. A batch of low grade Tier 2 resources, were only half a Mana Crystal.

Let alone a batch of low grade Tier 3 resources. They weren't even worth a single Mana Core. Only high grade resources of the same Tier, were equivalent in value.

But she also said nothing to stop him. She hurriedly nodded her head, and presented the carriages to him. "Then please, do as you see fit with these resources, my lords."

Damien waved his hand, and collected everything within his storage. In total, there were ten types of Tier 1 resources, seven types types Tier 2 resources, and four types of Tier 3 resources.

A hundred batches for every resources. In total, he lost a thousand Mana Stones, seven hundred Mana Crystals, and four hundred Mana Cores in an instant.

Such splunder was something only the gods that had lived for over a thousand years could muster. And here Damien was replicating the same action, while being sixteen years of age.

Less than a hundred years old inclouding his previous timeline. But he was not done. "What about the fruits, vegetables and others? You don't wish to exchange them?"

The Khloris Troll woman smiled and hurriedly nodded her head, "We most certainly do, my lords. Please give us a moment."

Damien nodded. At the end of the day, by the time they left, the Khloris Troll clan had thousands of Mana Stones, thousands of Mana Crystals, abd thousands of Mana Cores.

The wealth of the older gods that have lived for over thousands of years. 'Maybe with these much resources, we can nurture an epic warrior of our race. And maybe, even a legendary warrior. Or a god!!'

The Khloris Troll woman thought in enthusiasm as Damien and Flint left. There was no goodbye or the likes. None from both sides. They were not friends after all.

Meanwhile, Damien and Flint flew for thousands of miles and finally rested on a plain field. Damien then took out a Green Salmite and threw it to Flint.

"Ah? Thanks." Flint caught the fruit, and bit into it, enjoying the sweetness it brought to his mouth. He then suddenly thought of a question. "I never thought you'd do cooking or the likes."

"I don't." Damien said in response. Flint then frowned and inquired, his mouth still full. "So why are you collecting so much food ingredients? Are you a gourmet?"

"Do you even know what a gourmet is?" Damien asked back after giving the young man a side glance. Flint did not respond and only chewed his Green Salmite.

Damien then added, "I'm collecting them for someone." Flint hurriedly swallowed, and almost choked. But he ignored that, and immediately asked, "A woman?!"ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"...Why are you so excited?" Damien looked back at him plainly. Flint cleared his throat, and once again, did not respond. 'I was just curious whether a stone cold hearted man like you actually has a love interest.'

He thought. Not aware that his fiancee, was just about to meet Damien's own... fiancee? Damien then emphasized on his words, "There are in fact, for some people."

"Alchemy resources for my woman. Food ingredients for my mother. And possibly... poisonous others for my father." He said.

Flint paused, and subconsciously commented out loud. "He really does have a girlfriend." Then he froze, and looked up at Damien, who was staring back at him.

"Haha, what did I just say? Oh silly me, I meant what a filial son you are. Haha. Is your mother a chef? Your father an assassin? That's amazing. Haha." He awkwardly sang, and Damien only shook his head.

'Hey, please, at least say something. Don't just shake your head as if I'm a lost case!!' Flint thought to himself, and then changed the topic. "By the way, you really are thoughtful."

He looked up. It was already dark, and the sky was full of stars. He smiled and added, "I honestly thought you were on a journey to obtain treasures and stuff for yourself."


Damien followed his gaze, and for a moment was silent. He then sighed, and said, "I used to be like that. Young. Free. And unrestrained. But times change. Now, my focus is not only myself, but my loved ones, and my entire race."

He said. Flint gave him a brief glance from the corner of his eyes. This version of Damien was more expressive, and quite, sad. 'Used to, huh? In what lifetime? And speaking of which, how old are you?'

He thought, immediately disregarding the somber atmosphere. He was not good at such atmospheric grounds to begin with. "So, anyway, where to next?"

"We will go collect an inheritance, from there, you will have to try your Level best to become a god. I gave you enough faith, and you have to absorb it."

"Once you ascend, you would be able to easily take on the Realm Guardian and Vergil even if it's two against one... Maybe not easily, but you can win nonetheless."

"From there, we take rulership of the Realm, go deeper into the cave, collect whatever we find in there, then retreat... And go home." Damien said, laying out his entire plan.

It was also the first time that Flint obtained a complete plan of what they would be doing from now. He nodded, and lied down. "But we are resting for now, right?"

"Mhm." Damien hummed a response. His eyes staring at the dark skies full of shining stars. 'Juliette, I wonder what you're going through right now... But I do know for a fact that those pixies... got on your nerves.'

He thought, picturing the image of the young girl that was still pure and humane. But unfortunately, no matter how much he tried, this image of Juliette... was mixed in with hints of future Juliette.

"Hey, what kind of inheritance are we searching for?" Flint asked out of the blue. Damien did not look back at him, and responded. "Who knows."

"Come on, sir D, don't be like that." He said in high spirits. Damien sighed for the nth time, and took out the Null Blade. "Sometimes I wonder what killing a god feels like. It's been ages since I've killed one."

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "..."

The young man kept quiet, and began counting the stars. He chose to stay mentally safe, snd not entertain those words. He was a god for crying out loud.

"On second thoughts, killing you is unnecessary. Tainting my artifacts with your blood will be eternally unpleasant." Damien then said, dealing a critical hit to Flint's feelings.

But he did not stop there. "Call me whatever you like from now on. I will also begin calling you Fly boy. Or Sparky? Maybe Candle boy. We'll see which fits your better."


Flint kept quiet, and kept counting the stars. But now, he was counting with a cloudy gaze, as his face was full of tears. 'This man had no funny bones.'

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