
Silver Mansion.

Damien visited Juliette once more, and had just told her most of his plans from now on.

The building of the Silver Institution would take a bit longer, since it is too massive a project, and out of their knowledge. Plus, he needed to collect required materials to truly build a town out of the scope of normalcy.

Which was why, for the next three weeks, he planned to travel towards the last Stronghold of their cardinal direction for resources.

At the same time, he planned to use his Kismetic Essence to manipulate the growth rate of natural resources within Avarice and Romania.

As Tier 3 domains, they could both have three deific natural resources, features or landforms related to their elements.

So far, the volcano based within Romania was one of them. Then the lava lake that sorounds the whole of Romania was another. As for the third, he was yet unaware.

Same with Avarice. They had to find out by themselves, through searching.

"I see..." Juliette nodded her head in understanding, as Damien concluded his words.

She understood the gist of their situation.

But the so called situation was unsteady. There were the ever-silent wolves that were growing stronger by the day. There were probably tens more of low-tier Third League wolves.

"What about the wolves? The major reason they are dormant is because there's two presences that threaten them. If you were to leave..." She did not finish up her words, as it was obvious what would happen.

A great war would descend.

"That's not much of a problem. In fact, with this, I want them to attack." Damien responded, sitting cross legged, hands crossed, before Juliette.

"Huh..?" And Juliette, who lay down relaxed, muttered out in shock. "You want the wolves... to attack us?" She inquired, just to make sure.

"Affirmative." And Damien nodded at her shock, "The wolves are not attacking because there's two high-tier Third League combatants within our side. And on theirs, there's probably one."

"If I were to leave, that's one less threat to deal with. Hence more confidence to attack. After all, if left be, the wolves will only grow stronger and stronger." He concluded with a sigh.

And Juliette decided to add up what he was weary to add. "And the appearance of divine creatures would be tough even for the both of us..?" She said, yet inquired at the same time.

"Not really. I could take on a lesser divine beast by myself. You too. And together, we can easily take on three. Four, if we gave it our all... Hmm, if both my parents could reach our level as well, the four of us can go up against six to seven divine beasts." Damien deduced.

Damien remained speechless, and instead just stood up to leave. Bella should be waiting for him outside the Stronghold, if not atop the vast walls of Shade.

"I'll take my leave. Oversee the construction site. The materials I've used for the foundation are ordinary materials. I'd appreciate it if you converted them to something of greater value using Mana-Kinesis." He lightly said, causing Juliette to impatiently wave him off.

He once more sighed, and left.

Since she was like that, she could forget about any hugs or farewell kisses. And luckily, the young maiden was unaware of his intentions, lest she'd beg him to return.

"Greet big sister Bella for me. And have a safe trip." She added, as he was ascending the stairs. "Mhm. You be a good girl and not cause too much of a ruckus while I'm gone."

"Yes yes, daddy. Whatever you say." She casually said, and after a while, she no longer heard his footsteps. "Mxm... no farewell hugs, or kisses..? My man is such a bore."

She sighed to herself.


Meanwhile, at the same time.

Adonis' new mansion.

"Hmm..." The young city lord read through a letter that Ninth just brought to him right now, as his eyes twinkled with curiosity.

'Lord Damien is asking so much out of us...' He thought, a smile on his face. 'Well, at least he's putting us to use. It'd be bad for us to receive from him, yet be of no use.' He added.

He then put away the letter given to him, and turned to the beautiful young lady standing before him. She wore a clean navy blue plus white maid outfit, with her silver tray hugged along her chest.

On her face was a face mask that hid her whole face, excluding her eyes. Strangely, she always wore this mask around him, but not around most servants or Sixth.

It was plain obvious she was hiding her face from him. And only him.


Adonis found it strange, but did not overthink it. Just her skin complexion, her slender figure, and the grace she carried herself with, told him of her exquisite beauty.

Plus, he's seen half her face quite a few times. Especially her eyes and eyebrows. And that image alone was top class.

"Miss Nine, may I ask a favor out of you?" He cleared his thoughts as he inquired with a smile. Ninth raised her head and obediently nodded at his words.

She was shorter than him, and even shorter than Fiona. As far as he knew, Fiona was 15 years old this year, two years younger than him. But Ninth was even shorter than her.

Then taking into account her attitude towards both of them, he could deduce that she was younger than them. Perhaps 14 or 13 years old this year.

Which explains the obedience. 'Or perhaps she was just raised right..? No, that's not it. She and senior and Lord Damien were raised by the same people, yet are all different. I guess she's just naturally adorable.' He thought, as he decided to ask the favor out of her.

"Is it possible to go towards every noble household, and ask this out of them? I'd appreciate if they could all be obedient, but if they give you trouble... please handle them with care. Do not kill them. Do not use threats. But please handle them. Is that... possible?" He inquired, knowing how hard that would be.

Especially for an assassin, who was used to killing or using threats. More so, as her current identity was just a mere personal maid.

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