“Was this your plan from the start?”

“Your lips are red. Why don’t you wipe it before…”


Cheon Ju quickly wiped the red sauce stain from Seol Hong’s lips with a white cloth.

“I-I was shocked! I thought you were simply going to sneak around…”

“So, what did you think?”

Seol Hong glanced around her.

“This is a part of your plan, right?” she asked.

“It is.”

“I realized it the moment the audience began chanting that name…”

Seol Hong then whispered something into Seol’s ears.

“...are trying to do that, right?”

“...Who told you that?”

"Why? Did I nail it? I managed to draft up something thanks to the audience, who couldn't stop talking about every little thing Dae San did."

“You got it right… I’m shocked.”

“A-Any idiot could’ve gotten it. You don’t need to praise me like that.”

Seol was genuinely shocked by Seol Hong.

With just the bits and pieces of information she overheard from the audience, she was able to piece together Seol’s plans without putting herself in danger by asking questions.

‘Maybe she’s more talented than I initially took her for?’

Or perhaps it was because she was so weak that any small display of talent seemed extraordinary.

"But do you think you'll be able to complete your plan within the time limit?" Seol Hong asked.

“So that’s what you were worried about.”

“Well… Won’t this plan be useless unless you catch Gwak Seong’s attention?”

“You’re correct. And to do so, I need to do one more thing.”


Seol then explained the next steps of his plans.

Seol Hong had an uneasy look on her face after hearing it in its entirety.

“How are we going to rally that many people?”

“Isn’t there a saying that money can move even the dead?”

“You aren’t wrong, but… we don’t have the money for that. And I doubt you plan to use the rest of your money… right?”

"I could, but we need to save it for more important things. So we should..."

* * *

The safest places to sleep in Yocheon would be either the extremely luxurious rooms reserved by the merchant guild leaders or an official’s manor.

However, the most comfortable place to sleep was undoubtedly the bed of the arena manager.

In a bed renowned for its silence, never making a sound even if the user restlessly tossed and turned, a middle-aged man woke up from his slumber with a horrific scream.


A female attendant quickly entered the room, shocked by the noise.

“Excuse me, sir…”

“Haah… Haah…”

“Did you perhaps… have another nightmare?”

“Haah… Haah…”

The middle-aged man was Gwak Seong, the master of the Warrior’s Heart. His large scars across his face and fierce eyes made him look terrifying.

He was a terrifying man beyond his looks as well.

“Haah… Ha… Know your place,” he responded.

“...Yes, sir.”

“Leave. Do not enter my room unless I call for you.”

“I apologize.”

The attendant quietly walked backward before leaving the room.

Gwak Seong adjusted his clothes, the nightmare he had just dreamt still lingering vividly in his mind.

- Tell me… Gwak Seong…

- …Dae San?

Dae San’s death.

Gwak Seong, like a frightened child, was terrified of sleep whenever it thundered outside. If he had a nightmare, he would cry all day, praying for it to go away.

Dae San had died on a rainy day.

That was why Gwak Seong despised them.

“Ha… Hahahaha… Dae San… Why do you keep torturing me…? Did I upset you that much? Is that why you keep returning to me on rainy days?”

The dead would give no answer.

Gwak Seong tiredly sat down on a flashy chair. Though he had acquired wealth and power, happiness had left his grasp.

He wouldn't have known it then, but there was more worth in his life as a challenger who fought with everything on the line than as the bored conqueror who had everything beneath him.


- Dae San. From now on, your name is Dae San.

- Dae San… that’s my name…

A long time ago—a very, very long time ago—Gwak Seong had purchased an exceptionally large slave. Despite being valued less than the boat that transported him, he was massive.

Gwak Seong, a famous gambler at the time, could tell at a glance that he was special.

He promptly bought him and gave him the name 'Dae San'. In fact, he also purchased his younger brother, naming him 'Dae Ha'.

T/N: Dae Ha also means big/great sea.

- Now, show me your potential.

Gwak Seong began by teaching Dae San martial arts.

Obviously, Gwak Seong didn’t personally teach Dae San. He knew nothing about fighting, not even the proper way to breathe.

He hired teachers for Dae San.

At first, he hired a cheap instructor in case Dae San was talentless.

Dae San was still just a slave, after all.


- He's incredibly talented. He needs to find a teacher much more capable than I.

Was he just trying to deceive him? The first martial arts teacher Gwak Seong assigned to Dae San said he wasn't skilled enough to teach someone like him.

Even so, Gwak Seong found another teacher willing to invest more, but this pattern repeated for multiple years.

- With my lacking talent…

- He is a genius! Dae San will leave his name behind in history…

- Sinwang Mountain would like to officially…

Dae San was not ordinary.

He possessed a rare talent, found in only one out of every hundred, no, millions of people.

One day, Gwak Seong gave up gambling.

There are only two scenarios where a gambler gives up on gambling: either they run out of money, or… they find something even more fun.

In Gwak Seong’s case, it was the latter.

- Dae San, I’m sending you out into the world tomorrow. Go and get broken by it.

- Do I… have to get broken by it?

- Do you think the world will leave you alone, then? You might be talented, but that level of talent is common, alright? There are much more capable people than you.

Dae San laughed in response.

In the past, Gwak Seong would yell at any slave who would show emotion in front of him.

However, for some reason… he couldn’t say anything about Dae San’s smile.

Gwak Seong then unleashed the beast known as Dae San into the Warrior’s Heart, initially expecting that someone more capable would appear to defeat him.

- Dae San! Dae San!

- Dae San won again!

- Hahahaha! I feel like I’m only here for Dae San nowadays!

However, Dae San did not break.

He wasn’t just a simple beast, he was a natural-born hunter.

Whenever Dae San stood in the arena, he played with the audience's emotions, captivating them. Gwak Seong, too, was one of the many Dae San deeply moved.

Gwak Seong was a cold, and cynical individual.

He was the type who looked down on the efforts of others, using the injustices of the world to lead a dishonest life himself.

However… After meeting Dae San, he quit gambling and turned his attention elsewhere.

- You can do it, Dae San! You got this!

- Ahhhhhhhh!

- The undefeated man! Dae San, the Demon Flash, becomes conqueror!

- Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Gwak Seong, for the first time since he was ten years old, cried. He had never heard a roar like that before.

Dae San had shaken him to his core, transforming him into another person entirely.

However… the growing embers within him were quickly snuffed out.

Dae San's death had left Gwak Seong alone in this world.

"You bastard... Aren't you satisfied now? What did I do to piss you off so much that you're still tormenting me...?"


Gwak Seong pulled back the curtains to gaze at the rain pouring outside.

Not only that, but he also saw the day he lost Dae San.

* * *

“That’s impossible.”


So Ryo was another Dragon’s Flower taking the trial to return the Warrior’s Heart to the Khan Empire.

She was also confident.

Though she was the child of a concubine, her mother’s clan was powerful and influential.

Moreover, being located near Yocheon meant they had longstanding connections with Yocheon’s officials.

As So Ryo continued her conversation with a Yocheon official, she flinched upon hearing their stifling response.

“I am saying that approaching it like that would be impossible.”

“What are you saying? Why would it be impossible for me to get the Warrior’s Heart back?” said So Ryo.

“Because the Warrior’s Heart belongs to the victor. We cannot command Gwak Seong to give it to us. At least not here in Yocheon. You’ll have to come up with a different method.”

"Hah! Ever since Gwak Seong became the ruler of the arena, he hasn’t paid a single bronze coin to the Khan Empire! What kind of foul individual is he? I will meet him myself, so prepare a place for us to meet, and..."

“Stop, So Ryo!”


"I made time for you after thinking of your mother, but... do you truly think this is the same Dragon Palace where you were pampered…?!" shouted the official.

So Ryo was stupefied. She never even imagined that someone could yell at her like this.

“Why?” repeated the official. “Did my words upset you?”

“...What did you say just now?”

“This is not the Dragon Palace. People here won’t put on fake smiles just to talk to you! Do you even know anything about Gwak Seong?!”

“Why the hell should I have to know anything about him?”

“But you should.”


“Because if you ignore my warnings and go find him like that… you will return to me as a corpse. Gwak Seong… is someone more than capable of doing that.”


“No one will protect you here. Don’t forget that.”

So Ryo left the manor a few moments later with drooped shoulders.

As she did… someone approached her.



Shocked, she quickly turned around only to scowl when she saw who it was.

“It’s you, Seol Hong.”

“...You don’t look too good, Elder Sister So Ryo,” she responded. “I guess things didn’t go well, huh?”

“Are you stalking people now? How pathetic…”

“Why don’t we have a talk?”

“A talk? With you? …Have you changed your mind?”


Seol Hong and So Ryo both leaned closer to their Dragon Stones, who held umbrellas for them.

“Are you referring to your previous proposal about working together for the trial?”

“I am. If you agree now, I…”



“I’ll work with you, unni. But… it’ll be my plan, not yours. What do you think?”

“You’ve… completely lost your mind, huh?”

It was clear that the person leading the plans would earn more points for the trial. Even if they collaborated effectively, So Ryo would face demerits for seeking help from another Dragon’s Flower if she accepted Seol Hong’s proposal.

Despite this consideration, Seol Hong’s proposal wasn’t without merit. However, So Ryo's arrogance ultimately prevented her from accepting. Even if she didn’t have plans of her own, she couldn’t bear to let Seol Hong take the lead.

So Ryo was narrow-minded. The very idea of working for someone like Seol Hong, whom she considered beneath her, disgusted her.

“Seol Hong… I’d rather die than work with you,” responded So Ryo.

In the end, she couldn’t overcome her arrogance.

“...That’s a shame.”

“The bigger shame is your future! Hmph! Let’s go!”


So Ryo left.

Seol Hong then turned back, looking up toward Seol.

“It looks like she hates me.”

“She would have hated anyone in this situation. There’s nothing we can do.”

"But what do we do now? We need people to spread rumors, and they must be trustworthy... Where could we find someone like that?"

“We’ll have to think about it together. But, there will be a way. More importantly, Lady Seol Hong…”

“What is it?”

“Could you continue to look ahead while confirming the two at the textile shop?”

“The… textile shop?”

“They’ve been watching us. Do you perhaps know them?”

Seol Hong gave a side glance, and…

“Oh my god…”

“Do you know them?”

“O-Of course I do.”

Seol Hong then met gazes with the woman at the textile shop, who promptly approached them.

“It’s been a while, Seol Hong.”

“Elder Sister… Shin Yo.”

Shin Yo, the Cold-Blooded Flower.

The large man next to her was likely her Dragon’s Stone.

‘He’s strong.’

Seol instinctively knew that the man was strong. The man furrowed his brows while keeping his eyes on Seol.

“I came here because I had business in Yocheon, but… then I heard that you were here as well.”

“How are you… Isn’t the second trial still…”

“I’ve finished it.”


“Weren’t you asking about my trial?”

Seol Hong’s expression darkened.

Shin Yo was ranked second on the succession rankings, right behind Tae Yul.

And while her trial would have certainly been difficult as well, she had already completed it while Seol Hong was still struggling.

“I see…”

There was no warmth in her voice, as expected from someone who received the epithet Cold-Blooded Flower.

“Do you… perhaps need my help?”


While Seol Hong did not expect to meet her here, she would never have imagined hearing those words from her at all, even in her wildest dreams.


“Because it seems like you need help.”


“I am not pitying you, either.”


Shin Yo quickly pulled out a scroll from her sleeve before unfurling it.

A record of favors and grudges.

Seol Hong instantly knew what she had pulled out.

“I will record your name on this scroll regardless of the help that I give you, so don’t think too hard about it.”

Shin Yo had a tendency that almost seemed like an obsession.

She meticulously recorded every action for and against her on this scroll. This meticulousness was one of the reasons why she earned the name the Cold-Blooded Flower.

She always repaid kindness and debts in kind.

Seol Hong’s face quickly brightened.

However, since Seol knew little about her, the only clue he had was Seol Hong’s bright expression, which indicated that she wasn’t an enemy.

“But… why me?”


“Elder Brother Bae Yu and Elder Sister So Ryo are also doing this trial…”

“It is because I am not interested in them.”


“Seol Hong, I am interested in you.”

“Because of my mother?”



“You…” Shin Yo then looked to Seol, “and him.”


"That's why I'm trying to make you indebted to me now before it becomes too difficult for me to have you become indebted to me later."

Shin Yo quickly calculated the pros and cons of everything. While others were busy dismissing Seol Hong due to her weakness, she swiftly discerned the changes.


The large man, Shin Yo’s Dragon’s Stone, reached out his hand toward Seol.

“Jang Du.”

“...Kang Seol.”

Seol shook his hand.

Though their size difference made them look like uncle and nephew, it was Jang Du who was shocked by Seol’s grip.


After a quick nod, he let go.

“Then… will you accept?” asked Shin Yo.

Seol Hong thought for a second before whispering something to Seol.

“Is it… a good idea to accept her proposal?” she asked.

“Is she someone who can help us for sure?” asked Seol in response.

“Elder Sister Shin Yo… is someone who is only second to Elder Brother Tae Yul in the Dragon Palace in terms of skill. She is definitely someone who can help us with that.”

“And what is her reputation like?”

“She’s famous for being cold-hearted when cutting off people. Almost like she has no emotions.”

“Then this isn’t the time to pick and choose. In fact, she might even be a better option than So Ryo. While we might be indebted to her, what we’ll be asking of her wouldn’t be too difficult."

“...Okay,” nodded Seol Hong.

She then turned to Shin Yo.

“Okay, we’ll do it.”

“Then what would you like me to help you with?”

“We would like you to spread a rumor throughout Yocheon.”

“A rumor?”

“Would it be difficult?”

"Not at all. It should be done in a few days once I hire people. What rumors do you want to spread?"

After a few minutes, Seol and Seol Hong left the two behind, with another line added to Shin Yo’s scroll.

“How interesting…”

Shin Yo smirked as she rolled the scroll back together.

“What do you think?” asked Shin Yo.

“About what?” responded Jang Du, bluntly.

“You’re the one who wanted to travel around while we had time left. You’re also the one who was interested in Seol Hong’s Dragon’s Stone.”


“Was he someone who we have to keep an eye on?”

Jang Du scowled.

“I… am not sure.”


“He definitely wasn’t ordinary, but… How should I say this… I couldn’t feel anything from him.”

“He’s ordinary, but not ordinary… is what you’re trying to say, yes? I guess it wasn’t a complete waste of time to come here.”

“What do we do now?”

“Send people to spread rumors. Only the trustworthy people.”

“How many?”

“It would be nice to have a clean number, right?”

A few days later, a hundred visitors arrived in Yocheon. And as if the city had been waiting for it, three rumors began to spread like wildfire.

The first rumor was that Kang Seol, the gladiator who had become the talk of the city, was challenging the current conqueror.

The second was that Kang Seol had the potential to surpass even Dae San as a gladiator.

And finally, the most provocative rumor claimed that Gwak Seong feared his conqueror would lose to Kang Seol and was deliberately avoiding the challenge.

Each of these rumors was crafted to be so provocative that it seemed they would force Gwak Seong to storm out of his house in a fit of rage.

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