
Ma Kyung-soo, who had fainted, opened his eyes.

He thought he might be in a parking lot since it was dark, but it wasn’t.

‘Ugh, what’s that smell?’

The smell indicated that this was a completely different place.

A musty odor wafted up as if there was trash nearby.


‘What’s this?’

Not only that but his hands and feet were tied.

Judging by the sound and feel, it was a chain.

It seemed he had been kidnapped and tied to a chair.

‘It was that bastard’s doing.’

Naturally, Ma Kyung-soo recalled the ambush in the parking lot.

The one who had hit his face with a shield must be the culprit.

‘I have to get out of here quickly.’

He was blinking to adjust his eyes to the darkness when he heard a voice.

“Are you awake now, Kyung-soo?”

“Kyung-sang hyung?”

The voice came from right next to him.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw Ma Kyung-sang, tied to a chair next time.

He was also bound to a metal chair with chains.

“Hyung, did you get caught too?”


“Damn it, whoever the crazy bastard is that kidnapped us, they’re fools. Do they really think we can’t break out of these?”

It seemed like they had prepared these chains to kidnap players, but they picked the wrong people.

After all, he was a warrior class who prided himself on his strength.


But since his hands were tied behind his back and the chains were wrapped several times, he couldn’t exert his full strength.

“Don’t waste your energy. I already tried; it’s no use.”

Hearing his brother’s dispirited tone made Ma Kyung-soo momentarily angry.

“Ah, hyung! What kind of nonsense are you talking about in a situation like this? We have to at least try something!”

“Hey, hey! Quiet down. What if the kidnapper comes in…?”

“Let them come! I want to see that bastard’s face!”

As if to prove a point, he shouted, and the warehouse door really did open.


Both of them expected the shield-wielding attacker to enter, but the person who came in was unexpected.

No, it was someone they had subconsciously considered.

“Ma Kyung-rok…?”

As they feared, the culprit was Ma Kyung-rok.

The sneer on his face was the proof.

He didn’t look like someone who had come to rescue them at all.

“I knew it was you, you bastard.”

Even as the brothers glared at him with gritted teeth, Ma Kyung-rok remained calm.

He simply tilted his head in a questioning manner.

“How strange? Are you out of your mind? Talking down to your elder brother as soon as you see him? Do I need to gut you alive to make you come to your senses?”

“Damn it, Ma Kyung-rok, you psycho bastard. Do you still want to be treated like an elder in this situation?”

“Kyung-rok hyung. Don’t do this, just let us go. Please.”

Unlike the aggressive Ma Kyung-soo, Ma Kyung-sang pleaded with desperate eyes to be freed.

“Hmm, I was thinking of letting you go if you behaved, but I guess I’ll only free Kyung-sang then.”

“Let me go too, you bastard!”

“Our youngest needs to relearn some respect for his elders.”

Ma Kyung-rok grinned and pointed his sword.

“Just eat one of his arms.”

A sinister aura began to seep from the sword and slithered like a snake.

“What, what is this? Get away! Aaaah! It hurts!”

The dark aura clung to Ma Kyung-soo’s arm, gnawing away at his flesh.

“Aaaah! It hurts! Aaaah!”

Like a worm-eaten apple, one of his arms was reduced to tatters.

With his arm gnawed down to the bone, Ma Kyung-soo eventually passed out.

Watching this scene right beside him, Ma Kyung-sang was trembling like a leaf.

“Wake up, Kyung-soo.”


“I said, wake up.”

When Ma Kyung-rok walked up and slapped him, Ma Kyung-soo finally came to his senses.

“When did I say you could just sleep?”


“No answer?”

At the icy voice, Ma Kyung-soo lowered his head and muttered.

“S-Sorry, hyung…”

He hadn’t slept; he had fainted, but he didn’t have the energy to argue.

He couldn’t even muster the courage to look up.

“You idiot. If you were going to give in so easily, why did you resist in the first place? Now you’ve lost an arm for nothing. Not that it matters since I’m going to kill you anyway.”

The word “kill” made the brothers flinch.

“S-Spare me, hyung…”


“Oh? So you do want to live? But what can you do?”

Ma Kyung-rok smirked.

“The damage is already done.”

“No, it’s not too late, hyung. We can still fix this.”

“Y-Yeah. If you just let us go, we won’t say a word to anyone. We won’t even go after the heir position.”

“Ha ha ha ha.”

For some reason, Ma Kyung-rok couldn’t stop laughing.

“You guys are really something. Isn’t it natural for the eldest son to inherit the company? Why are you so greedy for the heir’s position? Just because we eat at the same table, do you think what’s on my plate is yours too? You should know your place.”

“S-Sorry. We won’t do it anymore.”

“Just forgive us this one time, Kyung-rok hyung…”

“Greed without even the ability to back it up. If you wanted it so badly, you should’ve been born as the eldest. Where do you get off trying to climb over your elder brother? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

Though he spoke with apparent anger, Ma Kyung-rok’s expression was eerily calm.

It was as if he was deliberately acting angry to justify himself.

That expression sent chills down Ma Kyung-sang’s spine.

‘This is it! The other side of Kyung-rok hyung I’ve seen before…!’

There were times when he showed this creepy expression, and now was one of those times.

Now was the time to beg for his life.

“S-Sorry, Kyung-rok hyung! I-I was wrong.”

“Be honest. You were planning to kill me, weren’t you?”

“N-No, leave me out of it! It was Kyung-soo! Kyung-soo was the one planning everything!”


Ma Kyung-soo shot him a glare, but Ma Kyung-sang didn’t care.

He was just desperate to save his own skin.

“Tell me everything about the plan if you want to get out of here alive.”

“Well, you see…”

Terrified, Ma Kyung-sang spilled all the plans he and Ma Kyung-soo had made.

Ma Kyung-rok’s lips curled into a sneer.

“So you thought you could beat me in a duel?”

“Y-Yeah. We didn’t actually plan on killing you.”


“Of course! Do you think I’d lie in this situation?”


Ma Kyung-soo sneered.

“Kyung-rok hyung. Don’t believe him. He’s lying just to save himself.”

“What are you talking about, Kyung-soo! Why would I lie?”

“You were planning to kill him if he didn’t accept the duel. Kyung-sang hyung agreed to everything.”

“W-What are you talking about? I clearly opposed it…”

“Opposed, my ass. You even asked when the strategy meeting was tomorrow.”

“Hey, Kyung-soo! Do you want to die?”

Ma Kyung-sang’s eyes screamed, ‘Why are you telling the truth and provoking Ma Kyung-rok?’

‘Why are you poking the hornet’s nest?’

Ma Kyung-soo, reading his expression, sneered in disdain.

“Who betrayed whom first? I’m not dying alone, you bastard.”

“You crazy…!”


A sudden burst of laughter made the fighting brothers turn their heads as if on cue.

“Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt? Keep going. It’s amusing to watch you fight. Show me more.”

As Ma Kyung-rok openly mocked them, the brothers fell silent.

They were no longer in the mood, but more than that, they didn’t want to do as Ma Kyung-rok suggested.

“Why did you stop? I told you to keep fighting and figure out who’s at fault.”


“This isn’t fun. Watching you two argue over whose fault it was is quite amusing, though.”

He was openly mocking them, but the brothers didn’t say a word.

They knew very well that Ma Kyung-rok held all the power here.

“Looks like the momentum is gone, so should I set the stage for you?”

Ma Kyung-rok swung his sword coated in the dark aura.

Swish-! Swish-

The sudden attack made the brothers flinch, but when they saw that their chains had been cut, their eyes widened in surprise.

“Now it’s easier to move, right?”


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