Suddenly, Nam-chul disappeared.

Bricks was startled, but Nam-cheol hadn’t really vanished.

He had simply moved close very quickly.

Though surprised by the unexpected speed, Bricks smirked.

He was confident he could block any blade with his Steel Fist.

He saw the sword’s trajectory and placed his fist precisely to block it.

Clang- was the expected sound, but instead, there was a different one.



The blade suddenly changed its course, slicing Bricks’ wrist.

Though Steel Fist blocked any blade, it was still just a fist. The wrist was just soft.

“Ah, ahhhh!”

Seeing his wrist cut off, Bricks’ comrades snickered from Bricks would screw up.”

“Yeah, why did he insist on going alone?”

“The second-ranked guy in Brazil will be crying now.”

Though he allowed one strike, not the second.

Clang- clang-

Bricks, blocking with one fist, opened his palm again.




Hit by a wind shot like a cannon, Nam-cheol was thrown against the wall again.

“Bricks, need our help?”

“Shut up! I’ll kill this bastard.”

“Hey, remember, we need him as bait for Black Scythe.”

“There are other bait candidates! Other teams will find bait!”

“We don’t know that! At least try talking to him first!”

The reasonable suggestion calmed Bricks a bit.

“Fine. Let’s talk.”

After first-aid treatment to stop his wrist’s bleeding, Bricks approached Nam-cheol.

“Hey. Are you close with your captain?”


“Your boss. Boss, Black Scythe.”

Even without much English, Nam-cheol understood the words boss and Black Scythe.

“Are you talking about our captain?”

“What’s he saying? He seems to understand?”

“Looks like it.”

“Phone number. You know your boss’s number? Call here. Call him.”

Understanding Bricks, Nam-cheol’s expression changed drastically.

“Fuck you.”


“Fuck you, you idiot.”

“Fuck you? Wow, unbelievable. Guys, what should we do?“

Bricks turned to his companions, and at that moment, Nam-cheol’s sword flashed toward his throat.

But Bricks, who had deliberately shown an opening, had already dodged to the side.

“You think you can fool me, you idiot?”

Bricks’ steel fist slammed into Nam-cheol’s side.



As his ribs broke, Nam-cheol fell to the ground, groaning in pain.



Bricks stepped on Nam-cheol’s wrist, forcing him to drop his sword.

“See? This guy’s got no intention of giving us the number, right?”

“Seems that way.”

“Alright, then I’ll have some fun with him.”

“Do as you like. But don’t take too long. We’re short on time.”

“Got it.”

A devilish smile spread across Bricks’ face as he looked down at Nam-cheol.

“You’re in for it now. You dared to cut my hand? I’ll break every bone in your body and make sure you die slowly and painfully.”


Just as Bricks’ fist was about to descend, a voice called out.

“Well, look at that. Four corpses ready to be used.”

A man in a robe walked into the alley.

It was Ju Seong-tak, who had come at Black Scythe’s command.

“What the hell? Who’s this guy?”

Bricks glared at him, but it was a mistake.

He gave Seong-tak the chance to use his fear curse.


Suddenly trembling as if he’d seen a ghost, Bricks’ comrades looked at him in confusion.

In that moment, Seong-tak swiftly approached and plunged a dagger into Bricks’ neck.


Bricks fell dead with a single strike, and Seong-tak flung his body towards the other three.

“Corpse explosion.”


Caught off guard, the remaining three Apostles were blown away like springs.

Enhanced with his soul storage skill, the corpse explosion had considerable power.



The three Apostles groaned in pain as their lower halves were blown off, then they died.

“Fools, thinking they could target someone like me.”

Seong-tak spat on their corpses, stored their souls, and then walked over to Nam-cheol.

“Are you alright?”

Though his insides felt shattered and his wrist and ribs were broken, Nam-cheol managed to stand.

“T-thank you for saving me. But how did you…”

“I was just passing by and heard the commotion.”

Following his master’s orders, Seong-tak didn’t mention Black Scythe.

In truth, he had been monitoring the squad members under his orders, which was why he had arrived in time.

“Well then, I’ll be off.”


Ignoring Nam-cheol’s call, Seong-tak left the alley and immediately called someone.

“Master, as you predicted, there were some players targeting the squad members.”

-How many?

“There were four, but the necromancer you mentioned wasn’t among them.”

-They must be working in three teams. What did you do?

“I killed them all.”

-Well done. Follow the other squad members too. If you see the necromancer, don’t kill him.

“Yes, sir.”

After finishing his call with Seong-tak, Ryu Min put on his coat.

‘They’re moving faster than I thought.’

It was a good thing he had his squad members watched in advance.

‘I’ll need to move as well.’

The Twelve Apostles would likely target his squad members simultaneously to lure him out.

‘Thanks to Seong-tak’s intervention, one was saved, but I don’t know about the others.’

Someone might already be dead.

Someone might have betrayed him.

As if to confirm his thoughts.

Bzzz- Bzzz-

A call came in from a squad member.


-C-Captain? I need to talk to you. Can you come here?

“Sure. Where are you?”

After hearing the location, Ryu Min hung up and chuckled.

‘There’s a traitor in this round as well.’

His prediction had been spot on.

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