“Well, it seems the introductions are over. Let’s sit down and start the discussion.”

Suppressing his annoyance, John took his seat.

Eight top players from different nationalities gathered around one table.

“Since we have a new member, let me introduce myself. I’m the Spaniard, a level 50 gladiator from Spain. As you know, I’m the founder of Messiah, and I assume you all know the reason for its establishment.”

“To counter the Black Scythe.”

The Spaniard nodded at John’s words.

“Correct. We are here to stop the Black Scythe, the top ranker. We cannot let him continue his solo dominance. Alone, we can’t stop him, but together we will.”

“How do you plan to stop him?”

“Isn’t that what we are here to discuss?”

“It’s not something vague to think about. You saw it last time. He earned 20 million points.”

“That’s right. He must have leveled up a lot with experience packs and armed himself with items from the special shop.”

“He might have even reached the max level by now.”

There were various opinions, but the conclusion was that they had to stop the Black Scythe.

“If anyone has a good idea on how to stop the Black Scythe, please speak freely.”

One person slowly raised his hand.

It was Yang Chiwen from China.

“Why hesitate over something like this? We should go to Korea and kill the Black Scythe.”

“Kill him? Isn’t that too hasty?”

“Hasty? So, we just watch as he monopolizes the rewards?”

Yang Chiwen’s eyes gleamed with murderous intent.

“We have to kill him. There’s no other way. If we hesitate, we’ll lose everything.”

“I agree.”

John quietly voiced his agreement.

He didn’t like the Chinese man, but he agreed with the ruthless suggestion.

“Indeed, it seems the Black Scythe is monopolizing the rewards.”

“To survive, power must be balanced. If one person monopolizes, it disrupts the balance and harms other players.”

“I agree.”

“I also support the idea of killing him.”

Most supported the assassination of the Black Scythe.

Although a formal vote was unnecessary, the Spaniard asked for formality.

“Let’s have a simple vote. Does anyone oppose killing the Black Scythe? Please raise your hand.”



No one raised their hand.

“Then it’s unanimous. Let’s discuss how to find and kill him. Please share any ideas you have.”

Immediately, the Japanese player, Dark Soul, raised his hand.

“My class is Sniper. If we secure his location, I can shoot him in the head from 2 km away. That’s how I ranked 3rd in the 11th round.”

“Wow, that’s perfect for assassination.”

“Hmph, still below me though.”

Scoffing in Chinese, Yang Chiwen spoke in English.

“I’m a hunter. In both reality and the other world, I’m the best when it comes to killing my prey. It’ll take me two days to track and kill him.”

“If you’re so great, why did you join Messiah? Why not handle the Black Scythe alone?”

Swingman grumbled, causing Yang Chiwen to frown.

“Why is that weakling here? Go eat some curry.”

“Can anyone here speak Chinese? It sounds like cursing. Can someone translate?”

“Let’s stop this.”

The one who quieted everyone was none other than John.

“Has anyone here met the Black Scythe?”

When everyone remained silent, John spoke seriously.

“I have. Just three days ago in the other world, he cut off my limbs.”


“Do you know what I felt then? Powerlessness. I couldn’t even gauge the gap in strength. The thirty undead I summoned couldn’t even strike once before being annihilated.”

Recalling the emotions, John’s eyes trembled.

What he felt was not fear.

It was anger.

“He’s a strong enemy, no doubt. But we can’t just sit back. I’ll mobilize all the forces of the Church of Despair to kill that bastard. As they say, even a tiger uses all its strength to catch a rabbit. Don’t bicker about who will lead. We need to attack together to increase our chances of success.”

“But it’s a surprise attack…”

“Even with a surprise attack, it won’t be easy. He didn’t reach level 90 by chance. He might already be level 99. We can’t afford to be careless.”

John’s words were persuasive.

What he said was the most realistic thing they had heard so far, and it was enough to move the hearts of the 12 Apostles.

“John is right. We are here to combine our strengths, not to boast about our individual skills. Cooperating is the right way.”

Since the founder, the Spaniard, said this, the others had no choice but to nod in agreement.

“Then let’s head to Korea and start planning. The first step is to find the Black Scythe.”

“I have an idea about that.”

Everyone turned to Dark Soul, who had spoken.

It seemed like a good plan, judging by their expressions.

“That sounds good.”


“Let’s put it into action immediately.”

“To avoid any issues, we should first find a smuggling ship to Korea.”

“Let’s do that.”

A sinister smile spread across the faces of the 12 Apostles.

With Ma Kyung-rok’s mediation, Ryu Min had met Christine.

Their conversation had been brief.

‘It was all as Jeffrey said.’

When Christine asked about the location of the Black Scythe, Ryu Min subtly shook his head and gave a pre-prepared answer.

He said he didn’t know.

He admitted he had seen him in the future but claimed he didn’t know his real identity or location in reality.

– He must be reluctant to reveal his identity. Otherwise, he wouldn’t wear a mask. Trying to find him might make things worse.

– That’s probably true.

Ryu Min had been surprised at how quickly Christine had agreed.

‘Ryu Min knew. She was just putting on a show for her father.’

But her desire for information about the Necromancer was genuine.

There were too many fallen comrades for her to bury her feelings of revenge.

Of course, Ryu Min didn’t give her any information.

Except for the prophecy about the 12th round.

‘Revenge is a luxury for Christine. I can’t let her be in danger again.’

A week had passed since his return.

The Necromancer Christine sought was already a member of Messiah.

‘I know Messiah well enough from experience.’

An international cooperative organization created to counter the Black organization, composed of top players from various countries under the name of the 12 Apostles, would soon come to Korea to assassinate him.

‘It should be about a week left until they take action?’

He didn’t know the exact time.

The assassination timing varied slightly each round.

But their approach was always the same.

‘This time, they’ll target the CPF squad members again.’

Their plan was to capture the squad members to lure out the leader, Black Scythe.

This process often involved the sacrifice of the squad members…

‘I won’t let that happen again.’

Not knowing what variables might arise, he had to prepare early.

He needed to be ready to welcome foreign guests.

(T/N: Hi everyone, my patreon is currently deactivated, I will try to plea, until this is resolved I created a new Patreon.

I’m still shocked by the news, I never though this would happen to me, I lost nearly 100 subscriber and the earnings of 4 months.

but hey, we will do it again, I have hope!

I ask for your ultimate support in this hard time, and believe that you will once again support me like you always did.

much love everyone, and thanks for all the comments and private msgs you always send me, I really appreciate it <3

This is the new Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Hyung1

and this is my new Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/hyungotaku )

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