“Ha, this is exhausting.”

The previous rounds lasted a maximum of 10 hours.

It was manageable without issues like sleepiness or hunger.

But the 24-hour 11th round was hard to endure.

“How many hours are left?”

“Four hours.”

“Wow… still four hours left?”

“I’m starving to death.”

“I’m going crazy, I’m so tired, I want to sleep.”

Jo Yong-ho’s mercenaries were at their limit.

After running around for nearly 20 hours earning points, they were exhausted.

“Why are we out of stamina even though we’re over level 45?”

“That’s right. Aren’t we superhuman, surpassing humans?”

“How should I know?”

Even superhumans who could break walls and dodge bullets were no match for hunger and sleepiness.

It was natural for beings with flesh, but they had forgotten this, intoxicated by their power.

“Boss! Can we rest for a bit? We’re going to die at this rate.”

“That’s right. Let’s rest our eyes for just 30 minutes.”

Jo Yong-ho shouted as if to dismiss their nonsense.

“Can you sleep when survival is at stake? Your real body is probably sleeping already. Are you planning to sleep in the other world as well? You might never wake up.”

“But we’re humans, we need to sleep.”

“Endure for four more hours. It’s not much longer. We must give our best until the end for us and the team to survive.”

“Haven’t we done enough?”

“Haven’t we earned an average of 20,000 points each?”

Thanks to their relentless questing, Jo Yong-ho’s team earned 20,000 points each in 20 hours.

It was a considerable amount, but they couldn’t be complacent.

“We have no benchmarks. We don’t know if we’ve earned a lot or a little.”

“I think we might be first. We’ve really given our all.”

“That’s right. If we’re not first, it would be strange.”

“We don’t know. We have to keep moving.”

Though his companions sighed, Jo Yong-ho was confident they would at least be mid-ranking.

They had worked hard.

His 30 mercenaries had tirelessly earned points.

“If only we could know the midterm results…”

At that moment.

When exactly four hours were left, a message appeared.

[There are 4 hours remaining until the end of the current round.]

[The rankings and TOP 10 of this zone will now be revealed.]

1st. C3-ECHNA003 China (28,031,020 points)

2nd. C3-EBRA004 Brazil (27,712,410 points)

3rd. C3-EMXA003 Mexico (27,444,030 points)

4th. C3-EINDA001 India (26,991,150 points)

5th. C3-ECHNA005 China (26,896,020 points)



10th. C3-EJPNA002 Japan (25,558,180 points)

It was shocking to see two Chinese teams in the TOP 10, but even more surprising was this.

[Your team (C3-ESKA001 Korea) has 11,219,170 points, ranking 92nd out of 190 zones.]


“We’re only 92nd?”

To survive, they needed to be within the top 95.

Otherwise, they risked falling below the cutoff.

“This can’t be right. We worked so hard.”

It seemed someone must have been slacking off; the team points were lower than expected.

“Why are neighboring countries China and Japan so high?”

“The team sizes should be similar, around 700 each.”

“Damn, they must be killing other teams. It’s more efficient that way.”

“That’s right. Look at China in first place. If they’ve gathered 28 million points, it means each person earned 40,000, which doesn’t make sense.”

“They probably ignored quests and killed everyone they met.”

Killing people earned more points than completing quests.

The mercenaries felt their efforts were in vain.

“Guys. Survival is still possible. Let’s try a bit more. If we don’t, we might fall out of the cutoff.”

Jo Yong-ho calmed his disappointed team, saying they had no choice but to keep trying.

‘If we don’t earn points, everyone here, including Black Scythe, will die.’

Jo Yong-ho and his mercenaries started moving again, determined to make a final push.

“How frustrating.”

Seeing the Korean team’s ranking, Ryu Min murmured discontentedly.

“Barely scraping by. What would they do without me?”

Even though the Korean team had top-ranking players, the points were too low.

‘It shouldn’t be this low initially. We should be at least mid-tier.’

But since Ryu Min stopped Ma Kyung-rok and Ju Seong-tak from killing, the team points dropped significantly.

‘I know why, but it’s still frustrating. The fact that without killing, the ranking plummets.’

No matter how fairly they did quests, they earned only small amounts.

That’s why angels wanted humans to commit murders, watching them destroy each other.

But points can be earned without killing.

A last-minute comeback is still possible.

‘I’ll push us to first place with one move. Both individual and group scores.’

Ryu Min’s confidence came from one thing.

The last chance for the lower ranks was ‘gambling.’

‘And the way to win at gambling is with clairvoyance.’

When there’s an hour left, a message would appear.

Until then, he would earn points steadily.

While thinking this, a message appeared before Ryu Min.

The time had come.

[There is 1 hour remaining until the end of the current round.]

[A special event, ‘Casino,’ is now open.]

[In the casino, you can increase your points up to 200 times.]

[The location of the casino is confidential.]

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