“Thank you for saving me, Paladin.”

“Paladin, huh…”

Douglas’s demeanor shifted.

“Why are you calling me by my job instead of my nickname?”

“Huh? That’s…”

“Are you drawing a line? Do you hate me that much, even after I saved your life?”


“You really hate the idea of being with me romantically, huh?”

Douglas shouted and pushed Christine.


She couldn’t help but fall due to the difference in strength.

And she couldn’t stop him from pouncing on her like a beast.

“What are you doing!”

“What do you think? I’m done with this pretentious act of are you talking…”


He slapped her, supposedly to bring her to her senses, but Christine was too shocked to comprehend.

“Hey, you b$tch. I saved your life, betrayed the Church of Despair, and you still put up a wall? You hate me that much?”

His tone completely changed, and his once-gentle expression turned into that of a thug.

The holy knight, the paladin, now spoke in a crude and vulgar manner.

“Answer me.”


“You won’t answer? Is it your pride? Huh?”

Christine was too stunned to even cry.

She just glared at him with venomous eyes.

“Hah, so you can make that face too?”

Douglas grinned, his eyes filled with lust.

“Good, I like it. A little resistance makes it more fun.”

“What did you say?”

Douglas didn’t answer; he used a skill.


The paladin’s skill, ‘Holy Restraint’.

Golden chains emerged from the air, binding Christine’s limbs.

She lay there, unable to move.

“Let me go!”

“That’s not a request, it’s an order… Let’s see how long that pride lasts.”

Douglas grinned lecherously and buried his face in her chest.

“Why are you doing this? We’re like family!”


Douglas scoffed and lifted his face.

“Are you joking? Do you really think those people who follow you are family?”


“Saintess, you’ve lost touch with reality because everyone worships you. We’re together for mutual benefit. You too, right? You must have some rune that gives you experience in exchange for helping others. That’s why you provide free heals. Isn’t that right?”

“…You knew?”

“Of course. How else could a non-combatant like you level up? Anyone with half a brain can figure it out. So, family? We’re just allies of convenience. That’s all.”

“But… we’ve overcome hardships together. We’ve fought through difficult situations.”

“True, but people are colder than you think. Even if we’ve faced life and death together, if there’s no benefit, they’ll stab you in the back. Just like me.”

Douglas chuckled as he brought his face close to her neck.

Christine shuddered, but Douglas seemed to enjoy her reaction.

“Sniff, you smell nice.”

“Stop this.”

“Why stop? Do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment? It’s been hard pretending all this time.”


Christine couldn’t believe the holy paladin harbored such filthy thoughts.

Seeing him scan her body with lustful eyes, Christine’s face grew desperate.

She had already tried using her dominion, but it didn’t work, likely due to the level difference.

“Stop! This won’t end well for either of us.”

“Won’t end well? Just wait. I’ll make you feel like you’re in heaven.”

“Do you think you’ll get away with this? The Church of Despair won’t let you off for taking me from them.”

“Don’t worry. After I’m done, I’ll pretend I caught you later and hand you over to the Church Despair. They won’t suspect a thing.”

“Do you think that lying will work? If I’m caught, I’ll tell them everything. So let me go now, and I’ll forget this happened…”

Christine trailed off, realizing he wasn’t listening.

‘He’s not paying attention to my words.’

His eyes were glazed over, focused solely on her body.

The hot breath he exhaled indicated he was not in his right mind.

Christine felt a sense of despair.

She had tried to persuade him, but it seemed no words would reach him now.

His instincts had taken over, overwhelming his reason.

“Just stay still. I’ll make you feel good.”

At that moment, Douglas’s head snapped to the side.

His radar had detected a third party approaching.

“Who’s there? Who’s the bastard…”

Douglas stood up, ready to kill the intruder, but fell silent.

His expression froze, and goosebumps rose on his back.


Before him stood the leader of the Church of Despair.

“There you are, you little rat.”

John Delgado, the necromancer, approached with a terrifying gaze.

‘Damn, I’m totally screwed.’

Douglas cursed internally but bowed as he moved closer.

He was ready to slit the leader’s throat if given a chance.

“Master, you’re here?”

“What are you doing here? Didn’t I order you to bring the saintess?”

“Well, I…”

Douglas didn’t get to finish his sentence.


An undead, appearing out of nowhere, grabbed Douglas’s head from behind.

“There’s no need to answer. The punishment for disobeying my orders is death.”


Douglas’s head twisted 360 degrees, and his body collapsed.

The golden chains vanished, freeing Christine, but she couldn’t move hastily.

Another undead, resembling a skeleton, was holding a sword to her neck.

‘What’s going on? I didn’t detect anything…’

As if reading her thoughts, John Delgado spoke softly.

“My minions have no physical form. They don’t appear on detection skills.”

“You’re… the necromancer John Delgado…”

“That traitor must have told you everything.”

John Delgado was a thin American man.

He wore a robe and carried a staff, the typical appearance of a mage class.

He looked weak, but his summoned creatures had an intimidating aura.

‘Each of his summons feels as strong as a player.’

Hadn’t he just killed Douglas with ease?

“It doesn’t matter if you know who I am. You’re going to die now, saintess.”

“Why are you…”

“You can ponder that in the afterlife.”


At the snap of his fingers, the undead raised its sword.

‘I’m really going to die? Just as the prophecy said…?’

Christine’s vision went white, and it wasn’t a hallucination.


A bolt of white-blue lightning struck the undead, causing it to vanish.

The sudden death of his minion made John Delgado frown and turn his head.

Christine also looked in the direction the lightning had come from.

And she saw him.

The true prince on a white horse who would save her.

‘Is it him…?’

A man with a massive scythe was walking towards them.

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