Chapter 147: KF (1)

Ryu Min activated the Red Moon and unleashed a barrage with the Moonlight Slash.

With each swing, fifty players turned to dust and vanished.

After decimating half of the enemy forces in five strikes, he grasped the scythe.


The scythe, extending like the grasp of a giant, swept away everything without exception.

The night enhanced his attack speed and the damage of Moonlight Slash even without needing to activate any other skill.

It was one-sided.

The absence of their equipment only made it easier.

For Ryu Min, they were walking targets.

Victor and Yamti, witnessing the massacre unfold in real time, were speechless.

They felt neither sympathy nor joy.

They simply waited for the inevitable end, as if observing a natural disaster.

Almost there, when Ryu Min was about to finish off the enemies, a welcome notification appeared before him.

[Player confirmed to have killed 1,000 players.]

[You have acquired the title Slayer.]

A slight smile crept up Ryu Mins lips behind his mask.

It was the title he had been waiting for.

[Title Slayer]

-Acquisition Condition: Kill 1,000 players.

-Effect: Damage dealt to players increased by 50%. Inflicts the abnormal state Fear on all players who witness a killing for 3 seconds.

The number of players Ryu Min had killed before and during this encounter combined reached 1,000.

A title perfect for massive battles had appeared.

Increases damage, making it easier to kill, and then spreads fear around after the deed.

Sure enough.

In front of him stood fifty test subjects, whom he immediately slew with the scythe.


After killing one, the others froze in place like toys with depleted batteries, losing their will to fight and unable to move from fear.

The abnormal state Fear was successfully applied.

The duration of fear is only 3 seconds.

It seemed short, but it was significantly long enough if it kept being applied.

Scratch- Scratch-

As another fell, fear reset with each death.

Kill and reset, kill and reset.

As Ryu Min continued his massacre, the rest were immobilized by fear, trembling in place.

Thats why its such an overpowered title in battles, especially against many enemies.

The downside was its applicability only to players, making it less versatile.

Still, better than nothing.

Initially, Ryu Min was unaware such a title existed.

It was only after noticing the actions of Ma Kyung-rok and An Sang-cheol that he realized something was up.

Whenever those guys slaughtered players, I saw them being affected by fear and realized there was something to it.

Later, after destroying KF, he finally learned about the title.

If someone saw this, theyd say, isnt it crazy to kill a thousand players?

Yes, its possible.

Specifically, in the 11th round.

When the countries merged and the number of players increased, Ma Kyung-rok and An Sang-cheol committed massacres.

Indiscriminately killing players from other countries.

All for the cursed points.

Assumably, theyll obtain the Slayer title in the process.

Ryu Min didnt mind others obtaining the title.

However, he disliked the idea of anyone having the power to oppose him.

And being affected by fear is unpleasant.

Even if affected for just 3 seconds, his high resistance would shorten it to 0.3 seconds, but he still disliked the notion.

More importantly, with so many people dying, the number of survivors for future rounds would decrease.

Thus, Ryu Min aimed to deny them the chance to obtain the title.

I must be the only one to obtain the Slayer title.

As long as he did as in previous rounds, there shouldnt be an issue.

Though the 11th round was still some time away.

Clang! Thunk!

Having retrieved his extended scythe to its original state, Ryu Min deactivated his skills.

There were no enemies left standing.

Smells as trash.

Looking up, he saw heaps of bodies forming hills.

Half were obliterated without a trace due to unbearable damage.

It was an approximate 500 to 1 battle.

The result of the fight was the overwhelming victory of the one.

Ryu Min grimaced as he erased the remnants, turning the bodies to ashes.

With so many, even erasing them was a task.

After a while, when the gruesome scene was cleared, Ryu Min turned his attention.

Items were scattered everywhere, relinquished by the dead.

Lucky the inventory has infinite capacity. All these items are mine for the taking.

Starting with the Nigerian human traffickers, climbing up to KF, rescuing the alchemist, and using Odion to farm items.

And now, having killed 1,000 unarmed players and obtained the title as well.

Everything went according to plan.

All thats left is to win over the alchemists heart.

Hehe, I wonder what kind of fresh faces have arrived today?

Montai, a member of the organization, was always in his best mood when it was time to receive the goods.

There was the anticipation of meeting new faces daily, but above all, he relished the fact that he could be the first to assault them.

This is why I cant quit this organization work. Its just so suited to me, you know?

The joy of choosing and having his way with new women every day made him forget that he was a monster.

Looks like they were pretty desperate. Even that picky guy agreed to drop the price by 20%.

Right? Mustve taken a bullet to the head or something.

Well, whatever.

Before transporting the goods, he could just pick out a woman he wanted, assault her, and then it was just a matter of taking her to the organization.

Bro, were here. Lets get off.

Yeah, alright.

Sade, his subordinate who came as an assistant, asked with a smile.

Are you planning to pick one today as well?

Of course. When have you ever seen me rest?

Did they say it was three women and one man?

Yeah. Well tie up the man tight and choose among the women. I go first, obviously.

Of course. When have I ever not given way to you?

Right, thanks, you bastard. Keke.

With sly smiles, the two armed with automatic rifles entered the domain of the human traffickers.

Huh? Where is everyone? No ones coming out to greet their guests?

Not a single gatekeeper in sight, huh?

Maybe they went to the restroom?

They thought little of it and continued walking when suddenly,

Huh? Whats that?

They spotted someone standing in the middle of the area.

It was an East Asian with tanned skin.

Who the hell is that guy?

Before they could even ask, Ryu Min summoned his scythe.

The two immediately aimed their rifles at him, on high alert.

That, that bastard is a player!

Damn, no wonder it was so quiet Did they get taken out by him?

It was impossible for an East Asian to be among the traffickers.

It could only mean that the trafficking group had been taken out by him.

Kill him!


The sound of gunfire tore through the air as their rifles spat flames.

Ryu Min, who didnt even have a chance to react, was showered in bullets and fell with a thud.

Damn, whats happening?

Did we get him?

Just then, a voice came from behind them.

Tsksk, whats the point of wasting bullets like this?


Startled, they turned around only to see,

The East Asian they had just unloaded bullets into standing there like a ghost.

And an East Asian woman staring at them.

The traffickers, who seemed ready to aim their guns again, soon let their arms hang loose.

Are they controlled?

Yes, Master.

Good. It was worth attracting their attention.

The decoy, who had taken the bullets, had vanished.

Then Ryu Min, signaling with his eyes, had Yamti ask the traffickers,

Spill everything about what your organization does.

The men are harvested for organs which are then sold, and the remaining carcasses are used as meat. Women are repeatedly raped by eight members of the organization, forcibly impregnated, and then the babies are sold off

Stop, thats enough!

At Yamtis command, the traffickers shut their mouths.

Why stop?

I cant listen anymore.

Yamti turned her head away as if just hearing about it was making her nauseous.

Ryu Min gave her a moment to calm down before ordering,

Lets use these guys to get into the organization first.

Yes, Im sorry for interrupting you, Master.

Its okay. I understand.

Thank you. Im lucky to have met such a generous Master. Ill serve you for life.

As you should.

Ryu Min believed, that climbing up these organizations would eventually lead him to KF.

After all, these were offshoots derived from KF.


Medical facilities in Northern Nigeria are poor with a stark lack of doctors being a harsh reality. In some states, there are only 2 or 3 proper doctors available.

Perhaps thats why, someone like me, from Lagos in the southern part of Nigeria, ended up so far north, masquerading as a medical officer.

All done.

After treating the wound with an emergency care skill, Viktor Zaphiel looked at his patient, a typically armed organization member.

As a player, Viktor could have killed the man and attempted to escape.

But the aftermath is the problem.

Sworn to KF, the terrorist organization.

Its branches spread far and wide, with the exact location of its headquarters unknown.

But what is known is that many, including young children from a school in the remote village of Zamfara State, have been kidnapped and brought here.

The purpose of their kidnapping is unclear, but as a medic, Viktor couldnt bear to abandon them and escape on his own.

He had grown too attached to them.

You could just kill all the organization members and escape with them, right?

I wish it were so simple.

But KF isnt just made up of regular people.

There are as many players among them as there are civilians.

Just within this area, there are thirty players standing guard.

This was why Viktor had not attempted to escape.

Hey, Viktor. Lost in thought?

Eh? No, not really.

Seeing Viktor zoned out, one could assume life had been too comfortable for him lately. Have we been too forgiving with you lately, treating you like some sort of doctor? Do you look down on us now?

No, not at all.

Viktor hastily denied, swallowing his true feelings of contempt.

You insignificant bug

He had no choice but to endure.

Even with his ability to sense presences, he could detect five players nearby, and a scan of the surroundings revealed dozens more.

More importantly, as previously mentioned, he couldnt abandon the kidnapped children and people just to escape alone.

You should behave yourself, Doctor. Even without you, any player could now receive emergency treatment.

Then, you might wonder, why keep you alive? Any guesses?

Well, Im not sure

Its because of the bond weve shared.

Viktor almost burst out laughing.

Bond? What a joke. These monsters

During his year-long imprisonment by KF, Viktor knew full well the atrocities these people committed against their captives.

A bond, they say? As if. Theyre keeping me alive for my abilities.

They knew his class was an Alchemist.

It wasnt something he revealed willingly, but he had to use a healing potion to save a dying woman, thats when they found out.

Since then, they incessantly prodded about his runes, skills, and abilities, forcing him daily to concoct potions.

What they did with those potions, he didnt know.

Perhaps they traded them on the black market to fatten their wallets or stockpiled them for their use.

Luckily, I lied that I could only make one potion a day and that it was random, or else the market would be flooded with potions

So, the claim about their bond was nonsense.

The only reason they hadnt killed him was that he was an Alchemist.

You dont slaughter the goose that lays golden eggs, do you?

Just make sure to watch your back. You dont want to end up dead.

Yes Ill keep that in mind.

As the organization member smirked and walked away with his colleagues, Viktor, despite being a player, felt humiliated for being looked down upon by a regular member.

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