Chapter 566: A bittersweet day

(Leo’s POV)

Leo stared at the small, slimy frog sitting on the ground in front of him, still not entirely sure what to make of it.

His eyes squinted as if that would somehow change the creature before him into the majestic beast he had hoped for, but no. It was still just a frog.

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Alright… I guess this is my life now. Stuck raising a frog like one of those weird pet keepers back on Earth, the kind who always had lizards or snakes in their living rooms,” Leo muttered to himself. “Maybe I should just embrace it. I could start wearing cargo shorts and sandals with socks… really lean into the vibe.”

The frog, still dripping with slime, stared up at him with its unblinking eyes, and Leo shook his head.

“You can’t even understand me, can you? You’re just a frog, dumpy” he added, waving his hand dismissively. “Come on, boy, hop up here.” He pointed sarcastically to his shoulder, fully expecting nothing to happen.


Leo blinked as the frog disappeared from where it had been standing, causing him to be shocked when he refocused on the ground.

“Wait, where—” Leo muttered, as he felt the fear of losing his pet spread through his chest as he began to frantically look around.


The croak came from right next to his ear, causing Leo to whip his head around only to find the frog perched comfortably on his shoulder, its slimy little body wobbling slightly as it settled in.

“What the—” Leo jumped back, nearly swatting the frog off, but then stopped himself. “You… you actually understood that?” His mouth hung open as he stared at the creature in disbelief.

To test it out, he cautiously pointed toward a nearby rock. “Okay, okay… jump over there.”

Without hesitation, the frog leapt from his shoulder, landing perfectly on the rock with a soft plop.

Leo’s eyes widened. “No way… alright, one more time. Back here,” he said, pointing back to his shoulder, as the frog hopped back to him, landing lightly on his shoulder once more.


Leo stood there for a moment, stunned. His lips curled into a small, incredulous smile as he looked at the frog. “Well, I’ll be damned… you’re not as dumb as you look, are you dumpy?”

He chuckled, feeling a surprising sense of satisfaction.

“At least I didn’t get stuck with the dumbest frog in the universe.” he said, as he felt a weird sense of joy knowing that he could at least train his pet to some degree if it had even the slightest amount of intelligence.


(Meanwhile, back on the Arc Ship)

While Leo played with his new pet, the majority of the players on the arc ship eagerly awaited the results of this year’s evaluation with bated breaths.

“Operator Announcement :- The third evaluation is now complete, the theme of this year’s evaluation had been ‘Legacy’ and those of you who have established a legacy for yourself within the game have earned the right to advance socially—”

“Your ankle monitors will now change colors, showing whether you are promoted, demoted, or shall spend an extra year within the same sector, and you shall have a two hour time period to then report to your new domiciles in-case you need to shift.”

“The ship operator team wishes to congratulate all those who have managed to secure a promotion this year, and wishes all the very best to those who have not, hoping that they will improve their social standing in the coming year.

The theme for next year’s evaluation is going to be “Pioneer”, as expanding upon last year’s theme of legacy, the theme for the fourth evaluation is going to be Pioneer.

We at the arc ship encourage everyone to become pioneers in their own classes, creating new attack moves, new innovations and exploring new locations.

We wish that everyone can strive towards changing the world through innovation and shall reward everyone who manages to contribute in this regard handsomely at the next evaluation.

Good Luck All!”

A cold female voice spoke over the arc ship speakers as it informed everyone about the theme of next year’s evaluation.

As with every year, the day of the evaluation on the Arc Ship brought with it both joy and sorrow this time as well, as for every passenger promoted from a lower sector to a higher one, there was an equal number facing the disappointment of being demoted, turning it into a bittersweet day of mixed emotions.

For those who were promoted, this day felt like the culmination of their hard work and perseverance.

They beamed with pride, already imagining the luxuries and privileges awaiting them in the higher sectors—better living quarters, better food and services, and the social clout that came with climbing the ranks.

The atmosphere in the upper decks buzzed with celebration, as the newly promoted gathered to toast their success, exchanging congratulations and making plans for their future.

However, for those who saw the color of their ankle monitors darken in demotion, the day was heavy with disappointment and dread.

Whispers of shame spread through the lower sectors as passengers reluctantly packed their belongings, preparing to move to more crowded and less favorable accommodations.

Many of them had fought hard over the past year, yet still failed to secure a position that would keep them from slipping lower, and for some, the weight of demotion was more than just a physical relocation—it was a public acknowledgment of their failures, which made their eyes moist with shame.

As the arc ship’s corridors filled with movement, the reality of the evaluation day set in.

Friends were separated, alliances shifted, and once-close companions now found themselves on different rungs of the social ladder, and just like every year, this time too, the worst affected were the ones who were making their way into Sector E for the first time ever.

The cold voice of the operator echoed through their minds, reminding everyone of the stakes for next year, where only pioneers—those who dared to change the game—would thrive.

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