Chapter 562: Attitude Shift

( Meanwhile on the global forums )

The moment both ‘Leo Skyshard’ and ‘TheBoss’ gained a similar number of 200+ levels from the grand tournament, the entire server once again buzzed with controversy.

Global Rankings:-

1)TheBoss [ Level 612 ]

2)Leo Skyshard [ Level 602 ]

3) Dark Emperor [ Level 412 ]

4) SkyLion [ Level 410 ]

5) Andheri [ Level 384 ]





9) PinkLotus [ Level 366 ]





9999) Bicchu [ Level 301 ]

The difference between number 1 and 3 on the rankings was now up to 200 levels, and the difference between 2 and 3 was a whopping 190 levels.

190 levels meant that even if ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo Skyshard’ stopped playing the game all together, the two of them were still not going to lose a rank on the leaderboards for at least a year and a half to come, while most in top 10,000 being unable to ever reach the 600 level mark in their entire gaming career.

“The balance of the game is no longer fair, ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo Skyshard’ are so far ahead of the rest that it’s not even a comparison anymore–”

“The connection between ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo Skyshard’ is undeniable now….. not that it matters to small plebeians like us, but it’s undeniable.

The two of them have some EXP sharing tool amongst one another, and ‘TheBoss’ seems to be carrying Leo’s leveling.”

“I wonder how much Leo is paying ‘TheBoss’ for him to carry him like this…. The bond those two share must be special–”.

“After the rankers event, there is no question that ‘TheBoss’ alone is worth more than the next 9999 rankers combined.

Leo Skyshard was smart to invest in him early.”

“To be honest, I’m tired of the conspiracy theories and the story that the two players are one and the same.

Today a few people are claiming that ‘TheBoss’ must have used his cloning skill to cast an illusion during their clarification video, but I don’t believe it.

It’s understandable if the two of them have some EXP sharing pact, but it makes no sense to say that they are one and the same, because if they were, their levels would not be differentiated by 10–”

Discussions rose once again about the identity of the two players, however, they were much more muted compared to before.

Nobody wanted to speak against ‘TheBoss’ after his recent performance, as deep down everyone felt scared to their bones after watching him fight.

At his peak, ‘TheBoss’ fought like an invisible ghost, giving his opponents no room to retaliate, and the world took notice of his skills.

In the entire game world, if there was one player that nobody could dare offend, it was ‘TheBoss’ and hence although many were unhappy about his association with the richest merchant, not many had the balls to do anything about it.

“It’s over guys…. The discussion about their identity makes no sense anymore. Those two bigshots are never going to give us a clarification and wasting our energy on this topic is utterly pointless.

If we should focus on something today, it’s the potential of the assassin class and the skills that ‘TheBoss’ uses, as if we even replicate his template and gain 10% of the success he has, we can still become legendary players ourselves” One netizen said, as he decided to ignore the conspiracies and focus on the constructive aspect of today’s event.

“He’s right…. While we are here debating about ‘TheBoss’ and his performance, what we failed to notice is how even the weakest top 10,000 ranker, walked out of this event with a +7 levels gain.

The gap between us and the top is widening and we need to focus on reducing that gap and being invited to the next iteration of this event, rather than what TheBoss’s real identity is….” Another netizen commented, as it was because of sensible people like them that the overall conversation took a positive turn.

The commoners seemed to finally understand that this game was a race and that they were lagging behind big time.

The average player level in the game was around 205, however, the top 10,000 rankers were already way above the 300 mark.

At this rate, it won’t be long before the average ranker outranked the average player by twice the level difference or more, even though all of them had the same starting point just two years ago.

Unlike the real world, where they could blame their family background, lack of opportunities, or other social factors to be the reason behind their downfall, they had no such excuses in Terra Nova Online.

Within Terra Nova Online, everyone had the same start and same opportunities, and it was up to the individual themselves to make the most of it.

Everyone who was a commoner today, had the potential to be a ranker if they worked hard enough, however, they chose not to.

They wasted their time arguing online while the real serious players strided ahead.

“I’ve decided! I’m joining the DarkSky guild anyhow and taking part in the Demon War. I want to level up as quickly as possible!”

“I’ve decided that I’ll start raiding difficult dungeons solo…. No matter the result, from today onwards I’ll strive for greatness”

“Enough of the conspiracies and whining,” one player, nicknamed IronClad, chimed in, frustration evident in his post. “The truth is, we’ve all been too comfortable coasting along, hoping for an easy win. Meanwhile, players like ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo Skyshard’ have been grinding non-stop. We need to stop blaming the game mechanics and start focusing on what we can control—our own gameplay.”

“IronClad’s right,” another netizen replied, “we’ve been wasting time speculating on their identities instead of learning from their strategies. Look at the builds they use, the precision of their attacks. There’s so much we could improve just by studying their matches.”

This shift in attitude sparked a wave of motivation across the forums. Players, tired of feeling inadequate, began organizing strategy groups and forming alliances. They realized that if they ever hoped to close the gap, they had to stop watching from the sidelines and start acting.

However, could they even catch up anymore when the gap was already so wide?

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