Tenkomori: The Homecoming Club Conquers Another World

Chapter 17: The Daily Life of an Eight Year Old – Reunion

Chapter 17: The Daily Life of an Eight Year Old – Reunion

We’re going to the Adventurer's Guild and arrived just before noon, the same time as last time.

As usual, the place was empty. The receptionist was not at her desk, as if she was not busy enough, and as soon as she saw Roland and me, she sat down at the request counter with our documents.

It wasn't a request, but the other seats were empty.

I walked up to the smiling receptionist.

"It's not a request. Is that all right with you?"

"Yes, please state your business."

"I'm trying to get in touch with a party of adventurers called "Battle Axe of Destruction". I would like to know where they are staying."

"Where they're staying? "

The woman pondered a bit and then whispered.

"I'm sorry, is there something wrong with your escort mission?"

"Hmm? Yes, you're the last one."

"Yes, I was your escort."

"Oh, right. No, it's not a matter of bothering the guild. The request has been completed without incident. I thought I'd invite them to my house to celebrate."

"Are they aware of this?"

"Of course, they have their reasons. I told them I would contact them later."

The woman at the reception desk nodded at my words.

"It's not a problem then. It is the Adventurer's Guild's rule that we do not disclose information about adventurers without permission, no matter who they are. Please be patient."

"It was a natural response. But don't you think I'm lying to you? You may harbor ill will towards them."

"I have been informed of your request. If there was a quarrel at that time, it is the responsibility of the adventurer who did not report it."

That's a terrible thing to say with a smile.

If you follow the rules, we will follow them. But if you break the rules, we will not. It seems that the Adventurers Guild is a bipolar organization.

"If you'd like, I can contact them here."

The receptionist suggested with a quill in her hand.

This would be a pure act of kindness. After all, it was weird for the son of a noble to send his message to adventurers. If the guild is entrusted with the task, it won't offend "Battle Axe of Destruction", and it's the perfect messenger. But that's not the only thing I'm concerned about.

What would happen if a noble called on me?

I probably wouldn't be able to refuse. No matter how inconvenient it is, I will change my schedule and come. Markant might not mind saying, "Oh, I can't make it that day," but my friends won't let me do that. So I have to go myself. It's the polite thing to do.

"It's not necessary. It's only when I thank them for fighting with me that the request is truly complete. Until then, I have to make my move."

The receptionist opened her eyes slightly in surprise and bowed deeply.

"It's a noble idea. I'm sorry I made such a poor offer. Please forgive me."

"I don't mind. It would be a pointless obsession."

"The "Battle Axe of Destruction", you asked about hasn't shown up at the guild since they came to report on the day of their return. Where are they staying?"


I couldn't help but ask back at the receptionist's words.


After listening to the inn's name several times, I left the guild with a subtle expression on my face.

I tell the coachman about the directions that I have been taught and look up at the signboard where you arrived.

Seriously, is that the name?

On the small signboard hung on the wall, the name "Fist Pavillion" was written.



"What do you think?"

"It's brave."

"I see…"

I wonder if there's anything more to it. Well, I've heard that British pubs have pretty strong names. I've also heard that some pubs in England are named after serial killers.

I wonder who came up with The Fist.

I opened the door with a bit of caution.

The reception desk was on the right as I entered, and the entrance to the cafeteria was in front.

To the left was the staircase to the second floor, and a young woman was just coming down, smiling and greeting me when she saw me.

"Welcome to the Fist Pavilion. Are you staying the night?"

It was the first time in my life that a canned greeting sounded like a racket. I was relieved that she didn't seem to be trying to hit me.

"I heard that "Battle Axe of Destruction" is staying here."

"Do you know them?"

"Three days ago, they would have been away for a few days. They were escorting me during that time. I completed the order, but I had some business to attend to."

"Oh, I didn't see you there. Markant and Valerie are in the room, I believe. I'll go get them."

The woman turned on her heel and walked lightly up the stairs.

After seeing her off, I peeked into the dining room at the back of the room.

Several adventurers were relaxing. They seemed to be on holiday. A woman in her thirties and another young woman were running around between the kitchen and the customers. So far, the employees were all women. The chef is the old man with arms like a log.


When I turned around. A man was standing over here who looked like he was about to go out too.

"It's been three days. I feel like it's been forever."

"Haha, exactly! So what's up today?

"I said I'd invite you to the house in four days. Are you free?"

Markant shook his head in disgust.

"Why don't you just send someone? You could have sent for someone and then asked for their schedule. It's not like you're a nobleman, except that you still act like one."

"If I'm going to be pompous, I'm going to be cocky."

"No way!"

Markant laughs.

If my life as noble disappears, all that remains is Mori Tenko. An eight-year-old child with a mental age of 25 years old is determined to be cheeky.

"Then four days later. I'm not planning on it, but I think I can handle that."

"You're okay? I can change it if you need me to."

"Oh, that's not what I meant. Valerie's a little under the weather. It's nothing serious, she'll be fine in four days."

Markant responded comfortably, but there was a hint of concern in his voice.

"You're tired from the expedition. I'll see you in four days. I'll see you in four days. I'll send it to you then. And now…"

"You're leaving already? I'm not tired. I was just about to come downstairs."

I hesitated to answer.

I thought we were getting to know each other, but I wondered if it would be appropriate to suddenly barge into the room of a grown woman. And just because Marchant says so, Valerie may not want to be seen resting. But I'm sure she's curious. With the healing potions, it's unlikely that her injuries have worsened. You may be tired, but at any rate, it's a relief to see your face.

"I understand. I'll at least say hello. But if you've been resting, I'm sure the woman has a lot of things on her mind. Don't force her to do anything. If you want to visit her, I can do it with just my voice."

"You're a weird noble."

"Call me a gentleman. It's what a man should do."

We arrived at Valerie's room with Marchant leading the way who muttered that an eight-year-old kid was a man

"Alter and Roland has come to visit you."

Valerie replied immediately.

We waited at the front of the room for a while, and with Valerie's permission, we entered the room.

The room was spacious, as one would expect from a C-rank inn. Valerie was sitting on the bed by the window, letting the sunlight and fresh air flow into the room through the large open window.

"I'm sorry to be dressed like this."

"It's my fault for barging in so suddenly. I hope you don't mind."

Valerie was wearing a thick cloak over her nightgown. She must have been lying down a while ago, her complexion is not good. She is certainly not feeling well.

"You look fine."

"Yes. I've been resting, and I'm feeling much better. Everyone is too worried."

Valerie wore an annoyed, yet happy expression on her face.

Then Markant slipped up and said, "It's just overeating.", and the room suddenly became noisy.

I laughed at their argument, but knowing it was rude, I activated "Appraisal".

I've never used it like this before. Do I know what it is?

I send a casual glance to the corner of my eye.

Oh, they've grown a lot since before we went on the expedition. It seems to have been a fierce battle for them as well.

Other than that, there are no other changes.

"…… What?"

"What's up, Boy?"

Roland asked from behind me, and I realized that I had spoken out loud.

Still, I couldn't take my eyes off the information I was receiving.

When I finally looked away, I saw that everyone was staring at me.

My eyes met Valerie's, who was tilting her head, and I was at a loss for words.

What should I do about this?

To tell her, I have to talk about "Appraisal". If it will go away naturally, then so be it. But there's no guarantee of that.

I looked at Marchant and Valerie.

I don't know what they think of me, but I consider "Battle Axe of Destruction" to be a friend. Not only because I enjoy their company, but probably because of what I am. They are the same age as I was in my previous life and this life combined. I guess I'm trying to relate my lost past life to them.

Slowly, I closed my eyelids.

I saw something bad with "Appraisal". And Valerie's illness. Neither was a definite future. However, I could easily imagine the worst possible outcome for both of them.

There was no need to weigh them.

I made up my mind and opened my eyes.

"I have one confession to make, and you'll understand if I ask you to keep it to yourself. And Roland, too. Please don't report this to my father. I'll tell him if I think it's necessary. And I sincerely apologize to everyone for any disrespect I may have caused."

Everyone was confused as I bowed my head.

"But first, a confirmation. Do you know that Ash Vomiting Disease?"

Everyone shook their heads.

No one had heard of it, after all. If it was a common disease, we would have known about it by now. I hope it's not an incurable disease.

I took a breath and continued, "I have a confession to make."

"I can use "Appraisal""

""Appraisal" ……, wait a minute! You're not a basic appraiser, you're an appraiser."

"That's right. It seems that there are three people in this world. I'm the fourth person."

Markant was just surprised, and Roland was utterly disappointed.

Valerie understood the meaning of the words before anyone else did.

"So I have that Ash Vomiting Disease?"

"I've never appraised a condition before, but I'm pretty sure."

I could see the words [Abnormal condition: Ash Vomiting disease] in my eyes.

When something goes wrong, it will be listed next to the name. I don't know if it's easy to understand or hard to understand.

"What kind of disease is that?"

"Wait a minute."

I focused my "Appraisal" on the words "Ash Vomiting Disease".

Name: Ash Vomiting Disease

Features: Caused by microscopic organisms that have entered the lungs. Repeated coughing, fatigue, fever, vomiting, hemoptysis, and gradual decline in physical strength. It takes about a week for infants and older people to die, and about half a month for healthy people to die. The disease is called "Ash Vomiting Disease" because the patient vomits gray smoke before dying.

Characteristics: Unknown

I quickly relaxed my face.

I knew that if my expression moved even a little, it would convey my shock and despair.

It leads to death – in other words, a 100% fatality rate. And in just half a month.

I read out the symptoms, my expression disappearing.

Except for hemoptysis, all of the symptoms fit, and Valerie's expression became serious. Markant was still skeptical, however, since it was not that uncommon. It would be proof if I could read out his status, but that was probably not what he was talking about. He didn't want to admit it.

But still, when had she been infected?

She didn't develop it a week ago. At least if I knew its characteristics, I could have gotten some clues. Maybe I'll find out if I'm infected, but I don't even know how to get infected.

I read over it again.

Is the microscopic life form a bacteria or a virus? I don't know what the definition of a virus is in this world. If it's not treated as a life form, does that narrow it down to bacteria? Whichever it was, there were many opportunities to get injured during the expedition. It could have come from anywhere. That's strange. If it's a disease that Roland and Marchant don't know about, that means it's not from around here. There may be some diseases that are not known, but, strangely, Valerie has it, as if she's been targeted.

Not around here – you said Eras Rhino and Tremble Cube live in the south. Is their northward migration the cause? No, rather, one of them is–

I jumped up and down on my face.

"Well, magic stone!"

I remembered the big blue magic stone.

"It didn't have a nucleus! So it was either a multicellular organism or a swarm – if it was a swarm with that ability, it was most likely a cellular slime mold. That's why it moved even after I detached its tentacles. And slime mold is–"

I closed my mouth, realizing that I had said it out loud.

Yes, slime mold multiplies by spores.

Microscopic life forms may be spores. But I'm sure the Tremble Cube didn't have that skill. No, that's fine. The skills of conception and lactation do not exist in humans either. We don't need skills for basic biological activities.

Valerie was coughing when we were burning down the Tremble Cube. That may have been the cause, but I can't be certain. It's also possible that the area was simply full of spores.

I appraised Marchant and Roland, but they were not infected. I wondered if the incubation period shifted depending on the amount they inhaled, or if other factors were affecting them.

I felt their eyes on me and looked up.

My gaze met Valerie's, who was watching me with bated breath.

I failed. I was so excited that I let my words slip out. It was just a guess, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut now.

If I'm going to talk about it, I have to choose what to say. As for the possibility of smoke, I can't imagine how Marchant would react. Let's not even mention the half-month limit right now. We're not at that stage yet.

"This is a guess, and it may be wrong, so listen with that in mind. There's probably a Tremble Cube inside Valerie."

Understanding the meaning, Valerie covered her mouth with a pale face.

"How could something like that ……–"

"There are so many possibilities. And there is no point in exploring them. We know the name of the disease anyway. We just need to find out what it is and treat it. Once that's decided, Markant."

Markant was at a loss for words, but my voice brought him back to himself.

We're going to the Adventurers' Guild to gather information.

"Hold on."

I was about to stand up, but Roland stopped me.

"How about we start with the basics?"


"If you get sick, you should see a doctor or a priest. If you get sick."

After a moment of stupefaction, I sat back down.

"You're right. It seems I've lost my cool."

"Yes, you're right. Valerie, have you had any treatment so far?

"No, I just got sick yesterday, so nothing yet."

"Roland, which is the better doctor or priest?"

After a bit of pondering, Roland answered.

"They have different roles. I'm not sure. Doctors use herbs and potions to heal, while priests use sacred magic to heal the sick. There is no top and bottom, but if I had to pick one, I would say priest."

"What do you two think?"

"Yeah, that's fine. There are priests in this town who can use sacred magic. I was going to take him with me if he hadn't recovered in a few days. All right, get in."

Markant bent his waist, but was refused with a flattened tap, "I can walk." You'll be in your nightgown before that. Since we didn't want to wait for her in the hallway, we went downstairs. After a while, Valerie came downstairs to change into her normal clothes. When she went outside, she ran into Danil and Ose. They seemed to have gone shopping for nutritious food to help Valerie get better. I explained everything to them, and they joined me on the way to the temple.

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