On the other hand, the man who was holding the file felt stifled. Now, he couldn't even ignore Luo Lixi or the child in her belly because of the DNA test results he was holding. 

At the same time, he was holding the file so tightly that veins showed up on his hand. 

"Hey, cool! Cooldown!" Feng Shaoling said hurriedly upon noticing this. 

Feng Shaoling, who was an experienced doctor, had seen similar expressions like Sheng Ruming's many times and guessed something. 

He nudged his eyeglasses and leaned ahead. While looking at Sheng Ruming's eyes which were showing disbelief, he had an understanding look. 

Oppositely, Sheng Ruming was having messy thoughts in his mind, 'Child?! My child?! How is that possible?! I am so young! No… how could I even sleep with someone?! It's so unlike me!... Why didn't I wear a condom then?! Damn!...'

Feng Shaoling sighed in resignation at Sheng Ruming's ever-changing expressions. It's not uncommon to see people having that face after realising the dire situation they were in. 

"Is it an unwanted pregnancy? Is it against her will or yours?" Feng Shaoling said in a low voice while keeping eye contact with Sheng Ruming. 

Not getting any reply, he murmured in confusion, "Didn't you like her? You should be happy then? Or… it's…" 

Feng Shaoling fell into deep thoughts, 'Come to think of it, most people in the business world use marriage to gain more profit. Perhaps he too… But isn't Miss Luo's family rich? Why then…' 

In that instant, many stories he had to read for Feng Ahnian came into Feng Shaoling's mind. 

There, a woman would get pregnant without the consent of the man and then get exposed after five years as she would come to him with a child who would look 99% similar to the man…

"Cough!" Realising that he had gone too far on the track, Feng Shaoling coughed in embarrassment. 

At Feng Shaoling's loud cough, Sheng Ruming had to come out from his trance. As he looked at the man in a white robe, Feng Shaoling whispered with a sly smile, "A harmless suggestion… There is a thing called abortion… "

Sheng Ruming's stiff face eased up a lot after a brief moment. He smiled back and nodded, "Good suggestion."

"Anything for brothers!" Feng Shaoling smiled back. In that room, the two men's smile looked too creepy to be called smile...

"We are leaving?" Luo Lixi asked Sheng Ruming as she got up and began to wear her high heels. 

Sheng Ruming gave her a mere glance and then spoke nonchalantly, "You should wear flat shoes… for some days." 

At that, Luo Lixi paused and turned to Sheng Ruming as she inquired, "But... I like to wear heels!" 

"Yeah! Go ahead if you want!" Sheng Ruming shouted suddenly. At the same time, he thought bitterly with anger, 'If she falls on the road and gets further ill, I shall book a patient room for one month! No, it would be better to just sleep and never get up!' 

Sheng Ruming added icily, "I don't want to see a bloody mess if you fall!"

Coincidentally, an image flashed in Sheng Ruming's mind. When he imagined her falling on the ground and blood coming out from her body, he inwardly shivered in fright. 

He didn't know even how and why he thought that but instinctively his body moved when he saw her putting on the high heels regardless of his opposition and he swept her body up in the air.

"Uh, wait!" Luo Lixi was surprised and taken aback by his move.

Nonetheless, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hid her face on his chest as they made their way out of the patient's room.

Pan Er Jiu followed them closely with a huge smile. People threw weird glances at them as they saw Luo Lixi being carried by Sheng Ruming. 

"Can't she walk? Why show off before others?!" Someone said among the crowd. 

"Ah, must be a handicap. I know someone…" A nurse who was jealous of Luo Lixi because she was clinging to a handsome man and being carried like a princess, which was her dream, said menacingly!

Thus, the two people began to gossip while pointing at Sheng Ruming and Luo Lixi. 

For a moment, Pan Er Jiu realised people indeed had a wide imagination range and liked to guess all kinds of weird stuff! Even though others weren't bothered by it, that didn't mean that Luo Lixi wasn't. 

Luo Lixi moved her head and peeked at the woman who had spoken of her being handicapped. She stared at her eyes and said aloud, "I am just ill and like being carried by my man. Any problem?" 

The nurse, who got called in front of everyone, became embarrassed and looked away. Luo Lixi lifted her chin like a proud peacock and one corner of her lips was tugged upwards. 

'I want to throw her away, can I?' Sheng Ruming thought as his hands itched to throw Luo Lixi. He regretted carrying her.

As soon as they left the building of the Ailin Hospital, 3 black cars drove in front of them. Xiao Huang opened the passenger seat for them and Sheng Ruming put Luo Lixi inside with extreme care; Luo Lixi thought so but in reality, Sheng Ruming couldn't wait to throw her away!

Thus, for a moment Luo Lixi thought, she saw a glimpse of her past life's Sheng Ruming in this man.

'What ridiculous thought! Both of them are the same person after all.' Luo Lixi chuckled wryly and then smiled at Sheng Ruming who just sat beside her.

When Pan Er Jiu was going to sit on the front passenger seat, Sheng Ruming spoke out sharply, "Get out!"

 Pan Er Jiu froze on her seat and then turned around. She pointed at herself and asked, "Ah? Me?"

"Who else?" Sheng Ruming showed his certified stiff face and spat out harshly. Pan Er Jiu coward away.

"But Miss Luo…" Pan Er Jiu mumbled as her eyes moved to Luo Lixi. 

Luo Lixi also turned to Sheng Ruming and said urgently, "Let her come! I need my assistant!" 

"Nope!" Sheng Ruming shook his head as he glared at Luo Lixi. When she mustered up her courage to glare back, Pan Er Jiu's meek voice came from the front. 

"But where my boss goes, I go too…" Pan Er Jiu blinked and said with determination as she kept eye contact with Sheng Ruming. 

The man only smiles at her chilling and in the next second, she was thrown out of the car. Xiao Huang nodded at her guiltily and then closed the door shut! 

Her beautiful eyes followed the car which left her behind. At the same time, Luo Lixi was looking back at her.

When both of their eyes met, Pan Er Jiu waved at Luo Lixi and mouthed, 'Conquer him!' 

'Eh?!' Luo Lixi was clueless as to what she meant. Still, she nodded and then gazed at Sheng Ruming, "Why didn't you let her?"

Sheng Ruming who was trying to decide something difficult snapped suddenly. He glared at her with gritted teeth.

"Don't test my patience!"


Luo Lixi nodded as she turned around and looked outside. She realised that currently the man was in a bad mood and It wouldn't be a good thing to provoke him further.

Xiao Huang drove the car skillfully and turned back at Sheng Ruming when they stopped at an intersection.

"Boss, should I drive to the Sheng Villa?" He asked.

Luo Lixi watched as the man fell into deep thoughts again. After waiting for a few seconds, he lifted his head and said resolutely, "The southern villa."

"Southern villa?! Why are we going there?!" Luo Lixi asked with agitation as she sat up straight and stared at Sheng Ruming. 

The man however looked at her indifferently and stared back without saying anything.

On the other hand, Xiao Huang drove the car to one of the roads and the other two followed suit. In the backseat, the atmosphere was too quiet, quieter than the winter night which was very creepy and scary.

When Sheng Ruming saw Luo Lixi was getting agitated and her cheeks flushed red due to agitation, he soothed his face and mumbled, "You are my guest, stay there for some days. Let me think about what to do."

"We should treat you first! I need to know when you will get your memories!" Luo Lixi murmured anxiously as she patted her cheeks. 

'After all, I can't leave you like that.' Luo Lixi sighed in helplessness as she moved towards him and clutched his arm like an octopus. 

Even when Sheng Ruming shrugged his shoulders, she didn't let him go. He glared at her face yet Luo Lixi pressed her lips tightly and smiled like a fool.

'Fine, I let you touch me for now. Just wait for the week to pass!' Sheng Ruming moved his face away from her and took out his phone.. The next moment, he got busy.

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