"Have you finally forgiven me?'' She implored with a soft blush but he stayed silent. The next moment Luo Lixi was kicked out of the car.

Sheng Ruming gave her his wallet which was filled with cash and said with contempt, "Take this money and go back to your home. You don't need to come to see me anymore."

"Ah?!" Luo Lixi was anxious because of his words. She wanted to clarify the reason for her long absence but then he rolled out the window glasses and the car drove away, giving her no time. 

Luo Lixi was stumped and was left behind on the busy road. Some curious passersby were looking at her while someone's eyes were locked on the fat wallet which was in her hand.

Even before she could wake up from her thoughts, a figure brushed past her and in the process, her hand became empty.

'What just happened?!' She was stunned and finally realised that she had been robbed on the street!

"Thief! You dare to steal from me?! Stop!" Luo Lixi shouted angrily and ran behind the thief who was running at full speed. 

Luo Lixi didn't care for her image as she was fully disguised and couldn't be recognised by others. She ran after the man without thinking another moment and began chasing the man.

The thief didn't think that he would be chased by her. Even after he had run to another lane, she didn't stop chasing. 

After the car left, Sheng Ruming didn't feel at ease. He began to regret his rush decision and glanced back. 

Therefore, he looked in the river view mirror only to find her running behind a man. When he put his whole concentration, he finally realised what was wrong.

'Dare to steal from my woman! You are courting death!' Sheng Ruming cried out in his mind and then jumped out from the running car. 

The driver was so shocked that he hurriedly stopped the car. Even the other two cars which were following the middle car had to brake in an emergency. The man didn't wait for his bodyguards and ran towards Luo Lixi.

'If I don't hurry, she will leave my sight. What if something happens to her?!' Sheng Ruming was very worried and then chased her fiercely.

The bodyguards had already walked out from the two cars and were chasing after him. Right then the scene looked like a thief was running away and guards were chasing after him. 

Some people even became so righteous that they wanted to stop Sheng Ruming to help the bodyguards but the man pushed them away and increased his speed.

"You shit! Stop right there! You will suffer if something happens to my hubby's wallet!" Luo Lixi was fuming in anger as she was running after the thief but as time went by, she was having difficulty breathing due to the lack of oxygen. 

Her whole body began to sweat a lot and she was feeling very tired but her mind didn't allow her to stop.

When she was thinking about what to do to catch that thief as soon as possible, a figure brushed past her and a light flashed in her eyes as she saw the familiar back of the man running head, leaving her behind completely.

Luo Lixi abruptly stopped sprinting in awe and nearly tripped on the ground. Xiao Huang came in time and caught her from behind.

She was very shocked by the events going on and didn't come back to her senses for a long time. Xiao Huang continued to hold her tightly as his eyes locked on the figure which was running ahead. 

The other bodyguards ran towards Sheng Ruming and in no time the thief was caught. The man was caught by Sheng Ruming and beaten badly by him.

The bodyguard arrived to control the situation. They took the thief away to hand him over to the police station and reminded Sheng Ruming of his face in public.

Sheng Ruming finally calmed down and the fire in his heart reduced a little. Then, he turned towards Luo Lixi and handed her the wallet. While doing so he became very aggressive and shoved the thing right into her hands. 

Xiao Huang had high EQ. He guessed that there was affection for the lady in his boss's heart. After helping Luo Lixi to stand straight, he moved aside, far from her before Sheng Ruming was done.

"Such a clumsy girl. You won't even know how you would die if you continue to act like this!" Even though he didn't give any thought and said that the line went straight into her heart and pierced it deeply. 

Luo Lixi's face became pale as she clenched the wallet tightly and refused to reply. Looking at the rebellious face, Sheng Ruming felt hidden anger.

He tried to suppress that odd feeling and then turned to the bodyguards. "Bring her to a doctor."

As soon as this word was mentioned Luo Lixi was startled and scared. All the memories of her both lives came into her mind. She retreated from him and stuttered, "I, I am alright. I don't need to see a doctor!"

Sheng Ruming glared at her angrily and grabbed her right arm as he raised his voice, "Do you think your words can still be believed?!"

Luo Lixi pursed her lips as she stared at the ground. While she was being dragged by Sheng Ruming, a car came and stopped right beside them. 

Pan Er Jiu stepped out of the car in fear as the bodyguards stared at her intensely and went to Luo Lixi. 

"Miss Xi, are you alright?!" Pan Er Jiu was very scared and felt her heart thumping madly when her eyes fell on the group of fierce-looking men. Her beautiful soul was scared shitless. 

"I am fine." Luo Lixi nodded her head gently and then gazed at the wallet.

Luo Lixi looked at the man in front of her and handed back that wallet. "Now that my assistant has come, I don't need your money anymore. Take it back."

Sheng Ruming didn't take it back but he began to examine her carefully. Only then he realised that all the things on her were branded things and only the rich people could afford them without any worry. Then his sight fell on the woman who had just come. 

She was also in the same outfit as Luo Lixi. Suddenly, looking at the same outfit which was worn by another woman he felt very irritated and uncomfortable.

"Come with me!" Sheng Ruming said gravely and dragged her with him. Pan Er Jiu was very worried about her boss. 

But when she wanted to grab Luo Lixi, someone shouted, "This lady!"

"Yes?" Pan Er Jiu subconsciously retracted her hand and turned to look at Xiao Huang. The man only smiled and didn't say anything. Then in stupefied eyes, she saw them leaving her behind, all alone.

"My boss... don't take my boss with you!" She cried out and hastily followed them but the three cars drove away and she, a lone woman, couldn't even compare with the speed. 

Luo Lixi saw the dejected look on the river view mirror and took out the phone.

[Don't worry. I will be fine. You take care and go to your mother's home.]

When Pan Er Jiu got the message she felt relieved. But then she got another incoming message. 

When she opened the messaging app she felt very lost and stifled. Afterwards, she called the other person and entered the car in which she came earlier.

"Hello, Young Master Luo… Can I help?" Pan Er Jiu asked anxiously. Because she knew she could not give a definite answer about the current situation.

"You all are in Ming city? When did you come back to the country? Where is sister Xi?" Luo Lixiang asked deeply as he glanced at the screenshot which Kong Pipi sent him earlier.

"The thing is… Boss has told me to leave and I am currently on the way to my home." She continued to rub the centre of the palm with her fingers and whispered in a low voice. Hearing her, the other person directly cut the call.

When the sound of the phone being cut was heard. Pan Er Jiu sighed in relief. But then her mood became both happy and anxious. 

Happy because she was going to meet her mother after a long time and sad because she was very anxious for her boss who could be very dense, childish and bold in dangerous times.

"Hubby, where are we going?" Luo Lixi asked as she saw the car driving nonstop. The man didn't answer her and the car continued to drive on the road. 

Luo Lixi was feeling very conflicted inside her.. The man she wanted to meet for a long time was finally beside her in his full form but right now it seemed as if a huge rift had formed between them and she hated it a lot.

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