Her name was Ji Yanli, CEO'S left-hand secretary and trusted personnel. She was well respected and liked by all in the company.

"Mr. Sheng, it's almost time for your another appointment." said the lady elegantly. She showed him a tab and said something in his ear. It looked very ambiguous to the others in the room.

"Hmm" He looked at his watch and put down the documents on the table from his hand.

He stood up and began to adjust his suit. All the other executives and department heads stood up as well. They were all ashamed of their earlier bickering.

"You all have three days to come up with a satisfactory result. Don't disappoint me." he said while adjusting his necktie. He shot a cold look at them. His day just wasted because of them. He waved his hand, signalling that the meeting had come to an end.

"Yes, CEO. Have a good day." said all the people while bowing respectfully towards him.

He stepped out from the room followed by his secretary and PA.

He looked towards the man following him and asked, "Why didn't you remind me of the time?"

"CEO, there are thirty minutes left before the scheduled time. I was going to remind you after some time but Yanli did it." he said while glancing at her.

"Even if it's not the time, you should say it is. It is a waste of one's time to put in a meeting with those executives. They don't have any decent proposals but come running to mess things up." Sheng Ruming said nonchalantly. 

Wang Haixiao's face cracked. Ji Yanli chuckled slightly when she heard it. Sheng Ruming looked at them but didn't say anything. He is a CEO, to run a company, he has to put up with them.

... ...

Sheng Ruming, the CEO of the "Sheng Industry and Corporation", is one of the top business leaders of the nation. He is 26 years old and has both the look and charm. He has his own goals and ambitions to achieve. 

Due to his extraordinary background, many women of the upper-class society want to marry him. He is a charismatic man who is a perfect husband material in their eyes. But he didn't even budge a little before their various approaches or antics.

... ...

While on the way towards his office, his co-workers greeted him. It was a regular scene here. Many people idolised him because he was a successful and decisive leader. 

In his leadership, they had become a leading company in the nation. 

He returned some of their greetings along the way. Ji Yanli was whispering to Wang Haixiao but he didn't pay attention to them. Sheng Ruming entered his office and went directly towards his seat and sat down. 

The office was spacious and there were paintings of various famous artists hanging on the white walls. An air purifier was turned on at a side. There was a light floral scent in the surroundings. The atmosphere here was serene and calm, unlike the previous meeting room.

He had one secretary and one private assistant. Both of them were his high school friends. He poached them when they just graduated from university with him. They were very capable in their own fields. 

One is Ji Yanli and another is Wang Haixiao. Before outside people, they called him CEO respectfully and in private called him boss. The three of them were very free in private.

"Boss, we will set out for the meeting fifteen minutes later." Wang Haixiao said.

"Hmm. Tell me about today's schedule."

"Yes. There are also two meetings after this appointment with Mr. Han." Ji Yanli cut in as Wang Haixiao was going to speak.

"Hey! Yanli. I was supposed to say that."

"So what! Whether you say or I,  it's the same. Ain't I right, boss?" Ji Yanli said mockingly to the fuming man. She liked to tease him very much.


"Boss, here are some documents which need your signature urgently." added Wang Haixiao and passed some papers to him.

Sheng Ruming gulped down some water from a glass and massaged his throbbing forehead. After a moment, he started to sign the documents.

"Well...boss, I have a matter to inform you but it's not quite urgent." Chirped in Ji Yanli from the side.

"What is it?" He didn't look up as he was signing the papers one by one.

"The lady whom you saved two months ago has gained consciousness today. Someone from the hospital called early." She studied his expression as she told him

His hand stopped for a second but became normal again. Ji Yanli caught the slight change and exchanged glances with Wang Haixiao. She could say this news had an impact on his mind.

"Hmm." he just hummed in response to her. 

Afterwards, the office became silent and peaceful. The other two people took their leave and  went to tidy up their works a bit in the meantime.

He was alone in the room. When he thought about her,  the corners of his lips slightly curled up but nobody was there to notice it. 

While he was signing the documents his thoughts unknowingly drifted towards that woman. 

... ... 

Two months ago, due to some consecutive incidents, Sheng Ruming coincidently found her. 

That night he had had an argument with his parents because they always wanted to matchmake him with various women. If he told he didn't like any one of them they would bring up another one. He didn't have a single good impression about those ladies let alone having one of them as his girlfriend. 

He had told his parents in the past if anyone caught his interest he would tell them first. But they didn't believe in him and did as they wished. Little did they know, there is a girl whose face would surface in his dream from time to time even if many years have passed. He yearned for her but lacked the courage to face her again after her refusal.

Actually, Sheng Ruming showed too much disinterest in women and his mother was afraid that he would remain single if she didn't do anything. 

Also, there were some rumours about her son her friends told her from time to time which wasn't any good for her one and only son. That's why she, along with her group of high society friends, began to plan many dates for him.

At first, he attended some to appease his mother. But as time went by, some women took this chance to start rumours of having a romantic relationship with him. His mother thought finally someone caught his sight but he denied it outright, which infuriated her. 

At last, his patience ran out that night and he had a big quarrel with her that day and his father also joined in. His father loved silence and the man couldn't tolerate it. And Sheng Ruming couldn't endure his harsh words thrown at himself even for a minute.

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